I want Ice Cream



  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.

    Looks real to me.. Not sure why you say it doesn't?

    Well, I might be wrong, of course, but the average (=mean) daily intake in the diary is 898 calories, over two weeks (there is only two weeks' of logging). I would say IIFYM is not the most pressing issue to address here.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.


    I struggle with an all or nothing mentality. I either want all the foods, or none of them. I tend to either eat whatever I want and gain weight, or work to lose and struggle with really disordered thinking. For me, eating my Ben and Jerry's Blueberry Vanilla Graham Frozen Yogurt (my absolute fave) but still sticking to a plan is a really big victory.

    I went to a water aerobics class this morning, then took the dog on a walk with me to get the ice cream (the store is about a mile away). I ate a nice healthy salad, and am now snacking on the froyo.

    I know it isn't the healthiest snack or treat, but I'm so happy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    This is what happens when people who don't understand calorie counting and IIFYM take it too far.

    NO. Eating a pint of icecream will not have a good effect on your body because of all the other nutrient dense things you could be eating. You will still lose weight if you are consuming less total calories than your body's maintenance level, but this is not a good practise for physical and psychological health.

    Calories are only the first step. What about macronutrients? (Proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Fibre? Micronutrients ("vitamins and minerals"). Water intake?

    There is no such thing as good food and bad food, but there is such a thing as having a healthy diet. You can easily fit icecream into a healthy diet but come on, a pint of icecream has to be at least half your daily intake if not a lot more. How are you going to take care of the other stuff?

    But I'm sure this is all a roll bread and I got caught again...

    Edit: Cause I was wrong. However if the ice cream makes the OP happy than good for her. She could use something calorie dense that makes her happy, as long as she can control it.

    On a lighter note I just bought these bad boys.



    I'm gonna put a scoop of the carrot cake on my pancakes.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.


    I struggle with an all or nothing mentality. I either want all the foods, or none of them. I tend to either eat whatever I want and gain weight, or work to lose and struggle with really disordered thinking. For me, eating my Ben and Jerry's Blueberry Vanilla Graham Frozen Yogurt (my absolute fave) but still sticking to a plan is a really big victory.

    I went to a water aerobics class this morning, then took the dog on a walk with me to get the ice cream (the store is about a mile away). I ate a nice healthy salad, and am now snacking on the froyo.

    I know it isn't the healthiest snack or treat, but I'm so happy.

    Okay, then, I am sorry for implying this wasn't serious. As I said in my post just a second ago, your intake is very low, or else you are not logging everything you eat. Either way, you need to address those issues before worrying about ice cream.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.


    I struggle with an all or nothing mentality. I either want all the foods, or none of them. I tend to either eat whatever I want and gain weight, or work to lose and struggle with really disordered thinking. For me, eating my Ben and Jerry's Blueberry Vanilla Graham Frozen Yogurt (my absolute fave) but still sticking to a plan is a really big victory.

    I went to a water aerobics class this morning, then took the dog on a walk with me to get the ice cream (the store is about a mile away). I ate a nice healthy salad, and am now snacking on the froyo.

    I know it isn't the healthiest snack or treat, but I'm so happy.

    Okay, then, I am sorry for implying this wasn't serious. As I said in my post just a second ago, your intake is very low, or else you are not logging everything you eat. Either way, you need to address those issues before worrying about ice cream.

    My intake is too low. I do log everything I eat, but I'm usually too busy to actually make a healthy meal in the evenings, and sometimes I get scared that if I eat anything after work, it will turn into a binge. Sometimes too, I'm just not hungry in the evenings. It's been around 100 degrees here, and if I spend too long in the heat I don't want anything and usually go to bed early (around 7 or 8) and am not hungry at all when I go to bed. I know this isn't the healthiest thing, and I'm trying to work on it. Creating something sustainable and long term is my ultimate goal, I'm just struggling with finding a balance that will do that.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.


    I struggle with an all or nothing mentality. I either want all the foods, or none of them. I tend to either eat whatever I want and gain weight, or work to lose and struggle with really disordered thinking. For me, eating my Ben and Jerry's Blueberry Vanilla Graham Frozen Yogurt (my absolute fave) but still sticking to a plan is a really big victory.

    I went to a water aerobics class this morning, then took the dog on a walk with me to get the ice cream (the store is about a mile away). I ate a nice healthy salad, and am now snacking on the froyo.

    I know it isn't the healthiest snack or treat, but I'm so happy.

    Okay, then, I am sorry for implying this wasn't serious. As I said in my post just a second ago, your intake is very low, or else you are not logging everything you eat. Either way, you need to address those issues before worrying about ice cream.

    My intake is too low. I do log everything I eat, but I'm usually too busy to actually make a healthy meal in the evenings, and sometimes I get scared that if I eat anything after work, it will turn into a binge. Sometimes too, I'm just not hungry in the evenings. It's been around 100 degrees here, and if I spend too long in the heat I don't want anything and usually go to bed early (around 7 or 8) and am not hungry at all when I go to bed. I know this isn't the healthiest thing, and I'm trying to work on it. Creating something sustainable and long term is my ultimate goal, I'm just struggling with finding a balance that will do that.

    Keeping your intake so low is likely making your binging issue worse, not better.
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Slice up a banana and freeze. Blend for 3 mins in a food processor ... Wallah ice cream ....really try it
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    This is what happens when people who don't understand calorie counting and IIFYM take it too far.

    NO. Eating a pint of icecream will not have a good effect on your body because of all the other nutrient dense things you could be eating. You will still lose weight if you are consuming less total calories than your body's maintenance level, but this is not a good practise for physical and psychological health.

    Calories are only the first step. What about macronutrients? (Proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Fibre? Micronutrients ("vitamins and minerals"). Water intake?

    There is no such thing as good food and bad food, but there is such a thing as having a healthy diet. You can easily fit icecream into a healthy diet but come on, a pint of icecream has to be at least half your daily intake if not a lot more. How are you going to take care of the other stuff?

    But I'm sure this is all a roll bread and I got caught again...

    Edit: Cause I was wrong. However if the ice cream makes the OP happy than good for her. She could use something calorie dense that makes her happy, as long as she can control it.

    On a lighter note I just bought these bad boys.



    I'm gonna put a scoop of the carrot cake on my pancakes.

    I have not had the carrot cake but thought the red velvet one was VILE> Its the ONLY ice cream I actually could not eat and usually I will eat ice cream I do not even like
  • I have eaten frozen bananas put through a food processor. You can put vanilla flavoring if you'd like... I LOVE ice cream too! The frozen bananas actually taste like vanilla ice cream to me, plus you don't get the artificial sweetener added to your diet. I just thought I'd put this on here for "food for thought" ... lol
  • ange140986
    ange140986 Posts: 8 Member
    Try fat free Muller mint and chocolate yogurt. Freeze it and give it a stir every few hours... absolutely amazing!
  • dj0jazzy
    dj0jazzy Posts: 56 Member
    Sometimes you have to spoil yourself go for it
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I think I am the only person who looked in OP's diary so far and clicked back a couple of weeks...

    I do not think this is a serious question or a real account.


    I struggle with an all or nothing mentality. I either want all the foods, or none of them. I tend to either eat whatever I want and gain weight, or work to lose and struggle with really disordered thinking. For me, eating my Ben and Jerry's Blueberry Vanilla Graham Frozen Yogurt (my absolute fave) but still sticking to a plan is a really big victory.

    I went to a water aerobics class this morning, then took the dog on a walk with me to get the ice cream (the store is about a mile away). I ate a nice healthy salad, and am now snacking on the froyo.

    I know it isn't the healthiest snack or treat, but I'm so happy.

    Okay, then, I am sorry for implying this wasn't serious. As I said in my post just a second ago, your intake is very low, or else you are not logging everything you eat. Either way, you need to address those issues before worrying about ice cream.

    My intake is too low. I do log everything I eat, but I'm usually too busy to actually make a healthy meal in the evenings, and sometimes I get scared that if I eat anything after work, it will turn into a binge. Sometimes too, I'm just not hungry in the evenings. It's been around 100 degrees here, and if I spend too long in the heat I don't want anything and usually go to bed early (around 7 or 8) and am not hungry at all when I go to bed. I know this isn't the healthiest thing, and I'm trying to work on it. Creating something sustainable and long term is my ultimate goal, I'm just struggling with finding a balance that will do that.

    Keeping your intake so low is likely making your binging issue worse, not better.

    Yes, I agree.

    If I were you, I would make a commitment to planning your meals for the day--possibly a few days in advance. According to your ticker, you have a fair bit of weight to lose, so you should be able to tolerate a larger deficit than a lean person. You can set your MFP weight loss goal to 2 lb a week, and then try to hit the intake goal within +/- 100 calories or so. People seem to think that more is better as far as deficit goes, but it doesn't work that way in reality, if you actually log accurately and consistently eat way below your target. The reason is adherence--you simply cannot sustain a very large deficit over a long period of time. It's psychologically and physically taxing. So set a sustainable deficit, plan your day, and allow yourself a treat now and then--but please don't make it a whole pint of ice cream. I am the last person to try to talk someone out of eating ice cream, but considering the context here, it seems like a bad idea. Good luck!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Eat it!!!!!

    Mmmmmm ice cream
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    This is what happens when people who don't understand calorie counting and IIFYM take it too far.

    NO. Eating a pint of icecream will not have a good effect on your body because of all the other nutrient dense things you could be eating. You will still lose weight if you are consuming less total calories than your body's maintenance level, but this is not a good practise for physical and psychological health.

    Calories are only the first step. What about macronutrients? (Proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Fibre? Micronutrients ("vitamins and minerals"). Water intake?

    There is no such thing as good food and bad food, but there is such a thing as having a healthy diet. You can easily fit icecream into a healthy diet but come on, a pint of icecream has to be at least half your daily intake if not a lot more. How are you going to take care of the other stuff?

    But I'm sure this is all a roll bread and I got caught again...

    Edit: Cause I was wrong. However if the ice cream makes the OP happy than good for her. She could use something calorie dense that makes her happy, as long as she can control it.

    On a lighter note I just bought these bad boys.



    I'm gonna put a scoop of the carrot cake on my pancakes.

    I have not had the carrot cake but thought the red velvet one was VILE> Its the ONLY ice cream I actually could not eat and usually I will eat ice cream I do not even like

    And now I'm gonna have to go try it for science.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member

    Edit: Cause I was wrong. However if the ice cream makes the OP happy than good for her. She could use something calorie dense that makes her happy, as long as she can control it.

    On a lighter note I just bought these bad boys.



    I'm gonna put a scoop of the carrot cake on my pancakes.

    I have not had the carrot cake but thought the red velvet one was VILE> Its the ONLY ice cream I actually could not eat and usually I will eat ice cream I do not even like

    That sucks!

    I hate buying a food that looks amazing, but is actually disgusting.

    For me, the Ben and Jerry's Frozen Greek Yogurts are my favorite. Just flavor and texture wise, ignoring any health aspect, I like them better than regular ice cream. Especially the Blueberry Vanilla Graham and the Liz Lemon (it's lemon froyo with a blueberry lavender swirl) flavors.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    This is what happens when people who don't understand calorie counting and IIFYM take it too far.

    NO. Eating a pint of icecream will not have a good effect on your body because of all the other nutrient dense things you could be eating. You will still lose weight if you are consuming less total calories than your body's maintenance level, but this is not a good practise for physical and psychological health.

    Calories are only the first step. What about macronutrients? (Proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Fibre? Micronutrients ("vitamins and minerals"). Water intake?

    There is no such thing as good food and bad food, but there is such a thing as having a healthy diet. You can easily fit icecream into a healthy diet but come on, a pint of icecream has to be at least half your daily intake if not a lot more. How are you going to take care of the other stuff?

    But I'm sure this is all a roll bread and I got caught again...

    Edit: Cause I was wrong. However if the ice cream makes the OP happy than good for her. She could use something calorie dense that makes her happy, as long as she can control it.

    On a lighter note I just bought these bad boys.



    I'm gonna put a scoop of the carrot cake on my pancakes.
    I think I love you.:laugh:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I eat ice cream a lot... Frozen yogurt or Breyer's ice cream as it's lower in carbs/fat. But maybe 120 calories worth... not a whole pint.

    I'm totally a IIFYM person (although I'm often a bit over on carbs lately, oh well), but I think there are limits... but if it's a one in a blue moon thing, sure...