February 2017 Running Challenge



  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    2/1 6.3r 4.4w
    2/2 5.2r 5.3w
    2/3 0.0r 7.25w
    2/4 7.0r 0.5w
    2/5 4.2r 0.0w
    2/6 5.1r 4.6w
    2/7 5.05r 4.4w
    2/8 10.0r 0.5w
    2/9 0.0r 7.3w
    2/10 5.2r 6.1w
    2/11 7.5r 0.5w
    2/12 4.65r 0.0w
    2/13 7.1r 4.0w
    2/14 6.3r 5.0w
    2/15 5.2r 3.2w
    2/16 7.6r 5.6w
    Total so far = 86.4r + 58.65w = 145.05 miles

    New record today - 29,977 steps. No, I don't think I will take those 23 additional steps. I'm toast. I definitely need that rest day tomorrow.

    Thinking it's time to order a new pair of shoes too. Looking at the New Balance 1080 v7. I've been doing well with New Balance, so why rock the boat.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    What the. I typed out a long post and it never showed up. Harumph.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    2/1 6.3r 4.4w
    2/2 5.2r 5.3w
    2/3 0.0r 7.25w
    2/4 7.0r 0.5w
    2/5 4.2r 0.0w
    2/6 5.1r 4.6w
    2/7 5.05r 4.4w
    2/8 10.0r 0.5w
    2/9 0.0r 7.3w
    2/10 5.2r 6.1w
    2/11 7.5r 0.5w
    2/12 4.65r 0.0w
    2/13 7.1r 4.0w
    2/14 6.3r 5.0w
    2/15 5.2r 3.2w
    2/16 7.6r 5.6w
    Total so far = 86.4r + 58.65w = 145.05 miles

    New record - 29,977 steps. No, I don't think I'll take those 23 more. I'm done. Definitely taking a rest day tomorrow.

    I picked up some Sport Beans to try on my next long run. Whenever the next time I have two hours of daylight is, I'm going to try to push past 10 miles. Not by much, but I feel the need to get myself to HM distance eventually so I gotta work on getting past 10.
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    2.13.17 - 9.9 m. 9:32 pace. Beautiful February Day.
    2.14.17 - 5 m 8:30 pace.
    2.16.17 - 11.2 m. TM. 8:25 pace.
  • cchen2015
    cchen2015 Posts: 33 Member


  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @RespectTheKitty Good luck on adding mileage. I like the sport beans. I've been using them a while and often alternate between caffeinated and decaf. ;) I do find its easier to put them in baggies. You can also adjust the quantity. Sometimes I'll just eat 7 to 10 at a time instead of a whole pack. I recently switched to gels heading into my race just because I have a hard time chewing and running. But if you aren't trying to go super fast, I like them and they taste a lot better than gels. I sometimes use them on 10 mile runs, but I definitely use them on 12+ mile runs. I take them around the 45 minute mark.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    February goal: Lose 3 pounds

    2/1: rest
    2/2 3.16
    2/3 3.60
    2/4 busy
    2/5 really busy
    2/6 exhausted from being busy
    2/7 4.02
    2/8 snorkel 3.5 hours
    2/9 4.10
    2/10 3.45
    2/11 rest
    2/12 2.10 + core/strength training
    2/13 3.45
    2/14 rest
    2/15 3.60
    2/16 3.26

    Total: 30.74

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and total to date:

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Missed meeting my goal for the last 3 months. So shooting for a conservative 30 miles and I hope that I smoke it!

    2/2....3.76 miles on the TM....sprints mixed with 4 minute recovery...average max heart rate at 88%. Attended Spinning class first...and then talked myself into running on the TM. I left work late and only got 5 hours of sleep, but still felt pretty good.

    2/11....6 miles on the trail.Average pace 12:30...75 minutes. 66 degrees...beautiful day...but it started getting dark..ended my run in darkness.I feel really out of shape...I am amazed how quickly one can get reconditioned.

    2/16....5.04 miles on the treadmill at 12 minute pace....average max heart rate at 88%.

    Originally going to run on the trail for 6 miles before my mandatory meeting,but had not completely recovered from working an overtime night this week. So decided to go to the gym afterward. I found out when I got to the meeting that it was postponed to Friday....grr. I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. I felt great after the first mile but my head wasn't in it.

    I was doing a similar thing to what @orphia described...only she really takes it a lot farther. Mainly just doing a check-down...started with head (do I really want to be running? Can I get to a point where I run relaxed? ), then lungs (how am a breathing? Am I having trouble catching my breath? Can I continue at this pace?), then finally legs (sometimes they feel like wooden posts, other times like bricks, sometimes hamstrings hurt, sometimes left or right hip, or heel or ankle?) . I can usually tough it out, but, sometimes I cut it short or walk for a few seconds to recover my heart rate. Great post, by the way....I need to re-read and try to implement those tactics.

    @skippygirlsmom So sorry to hear about your hip impingement....just awful esp. when you love to run so much. One of my mfp friends has the same problem...and he is trying therapy first....he is one of my most active friends...he hikes, swims, does Spinning, lifts weights....everything but run.

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,109 Member
    01/02 3.06 miles
    08/02 3.16 miles
    09/02 3.51 miles
    17/02 3.55 miles - done my old hilly route again, uphill was a struggle and had to keep stopping and starting. But past experience tells me if I keep doing it, it will get easier.

    @skippygirlsmom - sorry to read about your hip diagnosis. You will get loads of support from this group.

    @MobyCarp @Orphia - very motivating posts! I have a tendency to be over critical of myself and compare my lack of progress to others even though I know its ridiculous.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @girlinahat - some of the triathletes at the place where I do my training take salt. They carry this little salt tube and just put it on their tongue. I could not do that myself - (bleh!) - although I haven't tried. But if I am doing my lifting or indoor trainer I have seen them use the salt tube while doing an intense two hour indoor training. When I did the 100 mile bike ride and it was over 95 degrees I did decide to eat peanuts and cashews that they had at the stop. No idea if it made any difference as I was dying either way!

    @mobycarp - I had to laugh at your statement that you ran in the heat of the day. In Florida we NEVER say that.

    Today I am going to strength training after work. Last Friday I was going to go and hubby called while I was on the way and said he left work early so let's go have a drink... so I did. (So it's all his fault, of course). I won't answer the phone this afternoon, lol. That's the thing about not having the personal trainer I am finding - no one is there waiting for me. :neutral: But I am happy with my progress so can't complain.

    2/2 - 4.30 miles
    2/3 - rest day(5)
    2/4 - cycling 34 miles
    2/5 - Daytona HM - 2:22.01
    2/6 - Strength training
    2/7 - 3.5 miles
    2/8 - Strength training + 3.1 miles with running group
    2/9 - rest day (6)
    2/10 - 4.1 miles
    2/11 - 44 miles biking
    2/12 - 53 miles biking
    2/13 - 3.2 miles + strength training
    2/14 - rest day (7)
    2/15 - 5 miles + strength training
    2/16 - 4 miles
    2/17 - strength training


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited February 2017
    I just found a blog post which discusses various scenarios (drinking water/sports drink/nothing) and the impact on sodium levels. I like that they have actual calculations with numbers:
    ETA: There's also a part 2:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @girlinahat @ddmom0811 Diet has a big impact on electrolyte needs as well. Those of us who eat very low carb sometimes encounter something called "keto flu" - which is an electrolyte imbalance. I've never had issues with electrolytes until I changed to this way of eating (WOE), though I feel significantly better and can perform much better otherwise. I just need to take in a ton of sodium, particularly in warmer conditions.

    Example: Last May, I was hiking in Zion National Park. After going up to Angel's Landing (see profile photo), I started feeling extremely worn out, lethargic, and just generally not well on the way down. It was an extreme form of "bonking." I recognized that I had been sweating between the exercise (and it was 93 F / sunny) and had been drinking sufficient water but not replacing sodium loss. When I got back to my car, I ate some pepperoni sticks. This is cured meat not normally refrigerated and has very high sodium content. After eating several of those and letting about 30-40 min. pass, I felt a whole lot better.

    The lessons I've learned since are that it is best to load up on sodium before a major endurance activity rather than afterwards. I used to laugh at the idea of those electrolyte tablets (like Nuun), but now they are a true life saver.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    2/1- 8.1
    2/2- REST
    2/3- 4.23
    2/4- 14.11
    2/5- 3.16
    2/6- 6.16
    2/7- REST
    2/8- 8.09
    2/9- REST
    2/10- 4.04
    2.11- 14.01
    2/12- 3.04
    2/13- 6.06
    2/14- 3.16
    2/15- 8.15
    2/16- REST
    2/17- 4.66

    Total: 86.97

    Monthly goals:
    Mileage goal: 150
    Real Goal: Stay healthy enough to get into the swing of real marathon training.

    Today's notes: Assignment was to run 4 miles at Easy pace and then run 4 strides. The 4 miles were easy, on a route I know well that's pretty darn flat, with only like 30 feet of elevation for the whole thing,

    For the strides, I did something a little different. Rather than accelerating to 95% of max and then slowing down, within the ~160m, I stayed at what felt like 95% max for the whole distance, and focused on maintaining good posture. Since I tend to look down, like 20 feet ahead of me, I focused on looking straight ahead and staying fully upright. It felt really good.

    Oh, side note, running strides at near max pace ( ~6:10 pace) I got a real appreciation for folks who run sub 3:00 marathons. I was totally booking it for like 0.1 miles, and they can maintain that pace for 26.2! Totally blows my mind!
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Today's assignment was 50mins steady - perfect for lunch time. As I had done best part of 2 hours walking this morning before that, (and spent rest of morning on feet), my legs were a little tired. I had one slow kilometre in the middle (had to stop to tie laces) and I was carrying a rucksack (not too heavy) but my average pace over the 9.2k was still within my target range so that was good. Had a stumble/trip about 2k from the finish. Didn't hit the ground but right foot landed awkwardly and it made rest of run very uncomfortable - suspect may have bruised middle toe of right foot but we'll see as the afternoon goes on. Luckily tomorrow is a rest day on the plan anyway. Feeling a little tired so looking forward to that, although I am very pleased with my weeks efforts so far.

    01-Feb: 1.7km treadmill intervals [TM]
    02-Feb: 3.4k treadmill [TM]
    05-Feb: 6.6k + 5.5k easy
    06-Feb: 7.5k tempo
    07-Feb: 4.1k easy
    10-Feb: 10k easy
    13-Feb: 16k MP
    14-Feb: 6.4k steady
    15-Feb: 7.9k as 10min hard/3min recovery intervals
    16-Feb: 6k easy
    17-Feb: 9.2k steady

    2017 Confirmed Races:
    19-Mar: Richmond Half Marathon
    14-May: Bexhill Starfish Marathon
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    2/1: 2.2 miles walk, 6.3 miles bike
    2/2: Rest/PT
    2/3: 45 mins elliptical
    2/4: 10 miles bike
    2/5: 67 mins elliptical
    2/6: 9 miles bike
    2/7: 40 mins elliptical
    2/8: Rest
    2/9: 1.4 miles walk, 30 mins elliptical
    2/10: PT, 9.8 miles bike
    2/11: 1.9 miles walk/jog
    2/12: Rest
    2/13: 5.5 miles bike, 1.4 miles walk/jog
    2/14: 60 mins elliptical
    2/15: PT, 10 miles bike
    2/16: Rest
    2/17: 2.6 miles walk/run

    TOTAL: 13/22 workout days

    Just have time for a quck recap from today. I'll try to get caught up on comments this weekend. Today was a 2.6 mile run/walk in 31:26. First run in the cold before work in over a month! Plan was for 5 mins walk warm up, 4 x 3 mins running with 2 mins rest walk between, 5 mins cool down walk. Had to add some distance with a mixture of running and walking because I was about a 1/4 mile further from home than I wanted when I started the cool down. Also unintentionally added a minute or two of running in the beginning when I accidentally hit pause instead of the lap button at the end of the warm up. Calf on injured leg felt a little tight afterward but feels a lot better after some stretching and foam rolling. Also was surprised at how high my HR was getting at what used to be an easy pace for me but I guess that's what happens with some time off running. I'm sure I'll get back there with time but for right now I'm just focusing on getting back to running uninjured.
  • ko4q
    ko4q Posts: 46 Member
    2/1 7.5
    2/2 athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/3 8.0
    2/4 11.0
    2/5 1.5 warm up + athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/6 7.2 with 3' pickups
    2/7 4.5 (hard) with 6x strength circuits
    2/8 7.25
    2/9 athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/10 3.75 + 30' stair climber
    2/11 3.6 + athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/12 7.2
    2/13 7.25
    2/14 3.5 + 40' tabata class
    2/15 6.0 (hard, with 6 X 3' pickups)
    2/16 5.0 EZ run + 30' with trainer for strength


    Feel pretty good after the trainer yesterday. I'm committed to getting stronger this spring and maybe tackle an adventure/obstacle course race this summer/fall. Tonight I'm going to go for my "long" run of 10 miles. You all are keeping me inspired, happy Friday!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    2/1 - 3.4 'mill miles and a quick weight session. The scale was ugly today.
    2/2 - 4.1 treadmill miles.
    2/3 - Rest day.
    2/4 - 2.3 'mill miles and then Bodypump class
    2/5 - Super Bowl = no run AND way overeating.
    2/6 - 4.01 miles.
    2/7 - 4.25 miles.
    2/8 - Shoveled in lieu of running. I hate snow.
    2/9 - 5.3 treadmill miles. Trek class with a lot of "tempo".
    2/10 - 3.4 treadmill miles, then upper body weights.
    2/11 - 4.33 miles. Red Flannel Run. Was supposed to be a 5 mile course! Someone sure missed on that. I was very happy with my pace and would have finished the 5 in under 40:00, so I was a little disappointed with that.
    2/12 - 2.3 treadmill miles and Bodypump class.
    2/13 - 4.1 miles.
    2/14 - Impromptu rest day. Woke up with significant pain in both feet and some discomfort in my right hip. Not sure what's going on, but thought it best to rest a bit.
    2/15 - 4.47 miles. (I think it was more like 4.62...GPS waited a block or so to start, weird).
    2/16 - 5.17 treadmill miles. Trek class.
    2/17 - 4.25 miles.


    Planned Races
    4/8 - Beer and Bagel "Off Road"
    5/13 - Market to Market Relay
    6/3 - Dam to Dam HM
    10/15 - IMT Des Moines HM