Advice with low carb / keto diet please

jennjensp25 Posts: 29 Member
edited January 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 5ft 5 aged 31 and currently 95kg and need to lose 10kg as a 1st goal and want to do this in 10 - 12 weeks or get as close to 10kg as possible in that time.
I'm interested in the keto diet but I would like some advice from people who have done it and know what they are talking about, also the low carb diet. Any info would be appreciated and will help me on what's been a struggle as I have remained this weight give or take 9 months despite doing slimmingworld and ww and going the gym 3 times a week.
I do have heart issues which I think play a part in my weight. I'm currently advised by doctor I'm not fit health wise to use the gym for next 2 months after my cardiovascular appointment.
