Love or Hate foods?

cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
This seems to be a topic of interest on MFP.

Do you love or hate water chestnuts, cilantro, and/or black licorice?

There seems to be no middle ground. Also please explain why.



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    You know my thoughts on water chestnuts.

    Cilantro, you mean coriander? Good stuff, great for jazzing up fish.

    I'm not a fan of liquorice but I do like it when I dip it in sherbet.


    I don't understand what I'm looking at. Since it's British, do I have to boil it. :)
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    I dislike pungent, tasting foods which; includes cilantro , cantaloupe & chocolate (milk chocolate) but I've found cilantro to, be tolerable with; lime! Oddly most foods that, I dislike begin with; the letter "C": cucumbers (unless pickled), carrots (unless it's carrot cake), most cakes, cauliflower, etc.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    I don't mind cilantro if it's used sparingly.

    Definitely a hard no to licorice of any kind. The texture, the smell, all of it is just gross to me.

    Have never had a water chestnut.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Water chestnuts are digusting

    I love black licorice, especially salty (zout drop <3 )

    LOOOVE cilantro.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    This seems to be a topic of interest on MFP.

    Do you love or hate water chestnuts, cilantro, and/or black licorice?

    There seems to be no middle ground. Also please explain why.

    Water chestnuts- okay in a stir fry, never alone. I don't feel it has much of a taste. I'm not bothered by the texture.
    Cilantro tastes really bad to me... like soap. Because that is the way I am wired to perceive it? Go dump dish washing soap on your food to understand the experience.
    Black licorice also tastes really bad to me.

    My dh also tastes cilantro as soapy and dislikes the flavor of black licorice. We also both dislike the flavors of cucumber and cantaloupe as well so maybe they all have some relationship in their chemical compounds although they do not taste exactly the same.

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Love water chestnuts.

    Cilantro, very sparingly.

    Black licorice and even black jelly beans, these are big no.. taste remind me of Jägermeister, words cannot describe how I feel about Jäger.
  • Sukisumi
    Sukisumi Posts: 96 Member
    I'm fine with water chestnuts if it's mixed in with other veg and a sauce (Chinese takeaway). I'll happily eat them but wouldn't necessarily buy them and cook with them myself.

    I actually quite like black liquorice. Also sherbert fountains = YUM!

    I'm mad about coriander (cilantro)! I think it's delicious and will put loads in and on and many curries I make. Nom!
  • Reinvented46
    Reinvented46 Posts: 301 Member
    Hate black licorice. The Dutch love it! Nicht lekker!!!!
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    You know my thoughts on water chestnuts.

    Cilantro, you mean coriander? Good stuff, great for jazzing up fish.

    I'm not a fan of liquorice but I do like it when I dip it in sherbet.


    Coriander and Cilantro are different. Cilantro is the leaf before it flowers and goes to seed, and coriander the seed it produces once it flower.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Water chestnut and cilantro are good. Black licorice is disgusting.
  • Sukisumi
    Sukisumi Posts: 96 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    You know my thoughts on water chestnuts.

    Cilantro, you mean coriander? Good stuff, great for jazzing up fish.

    I'm not a fan of liquorice but I do like it when I dip it in sherbet.


    Coriander and Cilantro are different. Cilantro is the leaf before it flowers and goes to seed, and coriander the seed it produces once it flower.

    In the UK we call the leaf coriander as well. :smile:
  • shirleycatt
    shirleycatt Posts: 37 Member
    Water Chestnuts; indifferent.. Cilantro; I actually really like.. Black licorice is yukk! I have celiacs so licorice is a no go. I do miss good ole fashioned red vines :neutral:
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    Love black licorice but hate both water chestnuts and cilantro. Cilantro just tastes like soap to me.
  • meredithkav
    meredithkav Posts: 8 Member
    I love water chestnuts, love cilantro and absolutely LOVE black licorice. I think black licorice tastes like an old tire and I simply can't get enough of it. It's so gross in a good way,
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member

    Hate black licorice.

    Love cilantro, or coriander. It goes with so many styles of cooking: Latin, Chinese and Indian. My dad doesn't like it, so thank God I missed that genetic curse.

    I don't mind water chestnuts, but I just hate having an odd crunch in something that I want to be smooth or soft the whole way through. Chestnuts are always so out of place, and places that add them put SO MANY in. Like I have for my burritos to have anything crunchy in them. It's all about the silky smooth beans and rice. Cheesecake is another example. It's ok if the nuts are in the crust, but in the center where they are not expected? Gross.

    Another thing people seem to hate or love is Matcha (so grassy!), truffle oil (smells like a musty man, but I like it sparingly), raisins (really like) and coconut. I like coconut ok, but the flavoring can be buried somewhere far in the depths of the ocean.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I *kitten* love black licorice even the salted kind

    I'm Danish that's why
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Love: black licorice, water chestnuts, beets, brussels sprouts, certain nuts whole
    Hate: cilantro, cantaloupe, green bell peppers, celery, coconut, nuts crushed or diced and put in/on food