A few questions for all of you



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    I don't get how people can forgive the sibling. It takes two to tango and both betrayed the person's trust...not just the husband. *kitten* that *kitten*.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    The TV Show Snapped. I would be on it. :s
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    I only have a brother, neither he nor my husband are interested in men, so I guess I'm safe.

    I had an acquaintance "steal" my boyfriend in college. He broke up with me and ended up with her less than a week later (they were "best friends"). It hurt, I was pissed, but I came to understand that we obviously weren't meant to be together and wished them happy times. When they broke up, I was there for both of them.

    Married or dating, doesn't matter to me...when I'm with someone, I'm committed. That said, I'm always a bit cautious because I know feelings can change.

    As for the follow up, I dated a guy I knew cheated on his girlfriend before. Eventually, I discovered he had been cheating on me with her...glad I didn't put out. I give people the benefit of the doubt, trust until I'm given a reason not to. People can change, but not everyone will. If they were remorseful for how they went about things and communication continued, I'd trust them. Once communication broke down and they showed signs of being unhappy, that's when concern of them straying would set in.
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    It is very egotistical to think that a cheating man would be faithful to me, but not my sister. Takes the sibling rivalry thing to a whole nother level. I would totally cut ties with both of them, they probably deserve each other.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    My wife may like the ladies but my sister doesn't, so I'm safe.
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 262 Member
    My brother is my best friend. I cant even imagine him betraying me.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    This is honestly my worst nightmare. I would kill both of them at the time of learning they had slept together during the marriage. There would be no time for them to get married point blank. I would never date/marry/sleep with a sibling's spouse or ex spouse or someone they had been seriously involved with.
    ( I have two stories though)
    But something like this has come up with me and my sister. It's only assumptions and probably just my paranoia but I was sick with the thought that my sister had hooked up with a guy I was infatuated with and was involved with first. If I ever found out that they had hooked up even though he wasn't with me at the time and even now years later...I would disown her. I wouldn't care if she hooked up with the same guy I did IF it wasn't someone I was serious about. I just had real feelings for him and she was well aware of that. I don't run around a claim every guy in sight but he's literally the only one I would be deeply hurt about.
    But get this, and this sounds hypocritical but bear with me. I ended up with involved with a girl my brother had previously dated or maybe made out with I'm not even sure to what extent. This chick and I are at a bar with our friends and I'm letting her use my phone and such. Time passes and someone walks into the bar and I go to look but she grabs my face and starts making out with me and I'm fine with that obviously. Come to find out she had texted my brother to show up there and this was a ploy to start drama bc she's that kind of a person. He was like F U Kyle! and I had to run after him and explain that she was trifling and he got over it right away bc he knows that chick is trifling.
    The difference in these situations was that my brother was never in love with that girl and whatever thing they had was maybe like....a week. Additionally I forgot they had ever had a thing to begin with. Also me and the girl never technically hooked up just 2nd base. I'm not even sure if she hooked up with my brother that's how not serious they were. ( I didn't ask be I don't want to throw up) ALSO... I never witnessed them together in the same room so I didn't associate her with him at allllllll bc it's disturbing when I think of that connection now.

    Point: Don't screw your family member's wife/husband? It just seems like the polite thing to do.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    I think these sorts of things happen more than we want to admit. I would go through all the painful stages of grief. Then I would try to get to know both people as who they are now and not who I thought they used to be. I would hate to think that my own hurt could cause a divide between people I loved and hope that I could get over it and grow emotionally as an adult.
  • Momtafo
    Momtafo Posts: 48 Member
    Snipping a few limbs off the family tree. Buh-bye!!!!
  • PhillyBlazen76
    PhillyBlazen76 Posts: 16 Member
    Omg! That's crazy! Hellllll No! That trust is gone and the relationship with the Fam is over. True indeed their still Fam but that's still no excuse!!!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    How would you react to...

    I've been cheated on. I will always have trust issues, it sucks. If it was a sibling it would be worse.

    Neither of them would matter in my life ever again though.
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    I still see the two sisters at the same events sometimes.They don't talk to each other tho. If it was me, I wouldn't even want to see my sister anymore.