Please help me....In desperate need of expert advice

I'm a woman who is always happy to help and give support but very rarely ask for help myself, we are all busy people with busy days and sometimes it can be a struggle just to keep ourselves going never mind picking someone like me up , but......
I'm struggling to keep my chin up today and to keep going. The saying hitting my head off a brick wall and going round in circles and getting nowhere fast springs to mind.
I've gave 100% for some time now (more than I ever have in the past) and worked bloody hard at this .
I took over my kids paper rounds, which is very long and very hard, I also walk every single day no matter what the weather, I do it even tho I'm in a great deal of constant pain, and I even done it when I was in agony with toothache (proud of myself for that).
My calories I've kept a close watch on and are good, apart from the very occasional day, and I do mean very occasional.
My weight isn't's actually going up


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I'm a woman who is always happy to help and give support but very rarely ask for help myself, we are all busy people with busy days and sometimes it can be a struggle just to keep ourselves going never mind picking someone like me up , but......
    I'm struggling to keep my chin up today and to keep going. The saying hitting my head off a brick wall and going round in circles and getting nowhere fast springs to mind.
    I've gave 100% for some time now (more than I ever have in the past) and worked bloody hard at this .
    I took over my kids paper rounds, which is very long and very hard, I also walk every single day no matter what the weather, I do it even tho I'm in a great deal of constant pain, and I even done it when I was in agony with toothache (proud of myself for that).
    My calories I've kept a close watch on and are good, apart from the very occasional day, and I do mean very occasional.
    My weight isn't's actually going up
    • Are you logging all of your food and logging it accurately?
    • Is it possible you're over-estimating what you're burning from exercise?
    • Have you filled in your MFP profile accurately?
    • Have you been logging consistently for over a month?
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Well I'm no expert but from what I've read you should be weighing and measuring whatever you eat or drink including any condiments. Perhaps you are eating more than you actually think. I know from that is easy to do. Now that I am getting closer to my goal weight I am finding it more difficult. There have been times I've eaten the same thing over and over and I say well thats one cup, I know it, but guess what if I measure it I'm always over. So I know I have to be an accurate weigher of foods. Maybe try changing your diet some by that I mean changing what you eat. I tend to eat the same things so when I have a week of not losing I change my plan for a few days and that seems to help. You are doing this so don't give up on yourself it sounds like you are working very hard.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Yes log all my food every single thing that passes my lips, everything is counted measured weighed etc on food scales to exact gram etc. Can't be over estimating what I'm burning in a day as I go from my FitBit which tells me exactly what I have at end of each day. Profile is accurate and logged everything consistently for over 5 months now.
    The thing is not knowing if I'm taking in the correct amount of it to little...too much. So frustrated right now
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    You sound very stressed :frowning: No one here would advise struggling through constant pain and a toothache (ouch!) That's not really doing your long term health any favors. Do you know the cause of your chronic pain? My advice would be to give the paper route back to the kids and visit with your doctor. You should be able to come up with an activity plan that suits your individual needs and won't leave you in constant pain.

    I'm not usually stressed but this has clearly got to me this time.
    The pain is a mixture....partly foot pain...had 7 surgeries on my left foot few years back to try and correct some bone issues and to relieve me of pain when walking, sadly surgery failed and has caused me more pain, so can't stand or walk without pain now, but just have to get on with it as nothing else can be done, so I have no choice but to struggle through the pain as sitting doing nothing is not an option.
    The other....comes from a severe B12 deficiency and D deficiency which has quite a lot of effects on the body some of which are lethargy, aches, pains, weakness in bones/joints etc, can be a real struggle at times.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Make your diary public so we can take a look and see if we can find any problems there. Have you lost weight already since you started? Have you readjusted your calorie goal as you have lost weight? It is recommended to readjust your calories every 5-10kgs , as your caloric needs are lower at a lower weight.
    Don't exercise if you can't.All you need is to watch your intake.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    My fitbit actually overestimates by TDEE by roughly 300-400 calories/day (from what I gathered from my collected weight loss data) and I haven't figured out how to tweak it to make it more accurate. That's quite a bit over half my deficit wiped out through the calories adjustment. If on top of that I was sloppy with logging, it means no weight lost or even a weight gain.

    I actually disconnected my FitBit (even though I love it and its reminders to get off my lazy *kitten*) and went back to manually logging the exercise calories using extremely conservatives values and I'm losing weight again. The HR reading don't correlate to calories burn very well for me. I'd probably need to do a stress-test to get better data, but those are bloody expensive around here.

    I'm not saying this is what's causing you problems, but I would take those values with a grain of salt. Maybe start leaving some of the adjustment calories each day (100-200 for starters) and then readjust in a few weeks if it still doesn't give you the results you want.

    I second this. In my case, my Fitbit underestimates my TDEE which causes me to have a couple of 4000 calorie days per month due to insatiable hunger. Fitbits can be accurate but can also be inaccurate for many people.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Yes it could be that fitbit is over estimating. Which is why I don't eat back the calories burnt. I'm not all that active so whatever I can manage to burn off can just go toward my weight loss.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think the first thing to do is to try and ease off on that stress. It doesn't need to be this hard. You need to work out an eating and exercise schedule that actually fits your lifestyle and doesn't make you feel like you're killing yourself. So sit down and work out when you could exercise that you would actually enjoy it, and adjust your calories to match the amount of exercise you are actually comfortable doing. I'd give your kids their paper rounds back for a start.

    Then maybe try a different method of counting your calories burned in case the fitbit is at fault. If you've been careful about measuring your food intake then an error in estimating the calories burned does seem like quite a likely answer.

    Breathe! By sticking to a plan for 5 months you have shown you are really committed to this, so all that's needed is to make some adjustments and you'll be up and running.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    I dont see your stats listed and how much your eating ,, just that your counting . That would be a good starting point . Im No pro ,, but if you have stayed the same for 5 months it kind of tells us ..

    good luck
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    you still havent listed stats - weight, height, how many calories are you eating?
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    you still havent listed stats - weight, height, how many calories are you eating?

    Sorry I should have put that in first post

    I'm now ....
    17 st 2lbs
    5ft 4in
    Was on 1200 calories

    After being told that wasn't enough for someone my size I tried 1300, then 1400
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I've also just made my diary public now. Look quite far back as last 2 days aren't the normal for me that was me edging my calories up to see if I could do around 1500 to 1600 a day as it seemed a lot. Not sure I want to now and thinking about going back down to 1200
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Also forgot to add..I am intending at beginning of March to start swimming, and I'm going to take the plunge and join a gym.
    Start weight training mixed with cardio which means I can use things like the bikes (since I don't have one) the elliptical and the rower, which all takes pressure/impact off my foot. I'm willing to do anything I need to before this weight end up giving me even more health issues.