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Is weighing/logging everything necessary?



  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    I use to be a person that did not weigh food, and lost some weight due to being more cautious of what I ate. Then I stalled. I was doing the same thing, so I could not understand why. Then I stated weighing my food. Long story short- I was soooo shocked on how much I underestimated. I.e my 60ml of syrup using my estimation was really 90. 60= 210 cal. Vs 90 =315. One hell of a difference once it started to add up with my guessstamits :( . So guessing works, until it doesn't. In my opinion/ experience.
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    Do you have to have to have a budget to save money? No but for some people it's a useful tool. Some people are strict with a budget while they are clearing debt and some just reduce spending and get a second or higher paying job. That's how I see weight loss for the most part... trying to find what works for you.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I see so many posts where people complain they haven't lost weight and then everybody comes in saying that EVERYTHING HAS TO BE WEIGHED AND LOGGED.

    I know that CICO is typically the key to weight loss, but can you be successful without all of this? Who wants to have to weigh and log or even just log everything they put in their mouths for the rest of their life?

    I recently started a new diet plan aimed at runners. The idea is to eat enough carbs to fuel workouts, but to lose or maintain at a good weight for you to run without extra pounds weighing you down. The diet is based on 10 categories of foods that are supposed to balance in ratios at the end of the week. So assume you eat 55 servings in a week (obviously you're going to eat more but just assume), 10 should be vegetables, 9 should be fruit, 8 should be seeds and nuts, 7 should be lean meats and eggs, and 6 should be whole grains. Then if you want you can have 5 servings of dairy, 4 servings of refined grains, 3 servings of unhealthy meats, 2 of sweets, and 1 fried food.

    I feel like, yeah logging and weighing would be important if I was planning on doing some kind of figure competition or even a weightlifting competition, but if I'm following this type of diet, not eating when I'm not hungry, and developing a positive relationship with food, isn't this better than weighing everything the rest of my life? Weighing and logging can really get you bogged down with numbers or exercising extra just so that you can eat extra pizza that day.

    Is there anyone here who has not logged/weighed everything, but seen success?

    This reminds me of the USDA's plate method food plan. But now you need to know what a serving of each of those different foods is. Typically, as an example, it is 1 ounce of protein equals 1 serving ... so you are weighing anyway.