1200 calories-no weight loss



  • valwalter
    valwalter Posts: 7 Member
    GM - isra2011 - did you ever think you are not eating enough? I recently had a body composition test done and indicated to the advisor that I eat roughly 1200 calories per day and without a beat he said you are not eating enough! You body needs those 1200 to function if you are doing absolutely nothing but breathing. He explained that I was putting my body in starvation mode - it's the same as if you didn't have your required water intake for the day how your body holds on the all the liquids. Currently, I work out 5 to 6 days a week for an hour, log absolutely everything (even on cheat days) and the scale wasn't moving for me either, the clothes fit better but the scale didn't move. I've changed up my eating being very mindful of my percentages and have lost 1lb over the past week. Hope this helps some.
  • isra2011
    isra2011 Posts: 14 Member
    clothes are fitting better. I don't have to wear layers to cover up anymore---maybe this is the beginning of all the efforts I am putting. I have put most of my weight during pregnancy and my baby is 6 months now. I was 160 before pregnancy.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    isra2011 wrote: »
    where I am now is because of the carbs. I used to eat less (portion wise) but always carbs and didn't realize they make you gain weight. now that I am logging everything I am realizing how much carbs and sugar I used to consume in those portions.

    kay but no. I eat all the pasta I legit get my hands on and I am down 65lbs in 3 years. Granted it's not a HUGE weight loss, but I've maintained it which is more important to me.

    Carbs have nothing to do with it. Over eating - calorie wise - will get you overweight. Carb rich foods can be calorie dense so you need to watch how much you eat . . . so it wasn't carbs it was eating too much, period.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Would you be willing to open your diary so we can get a better idea of what might be happening? If you're confident in your logging and your thyroid levels are in check, then time or a doctor are the only suggestions I can give if you won't answer the questions being asked.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    Instead of tracking weight loss, track inches lost. Hang in there! And remember, it took your body 9 months to gain the baby weight - give yourself at least 9 months to lose it. If you are breastfeeding, you may need extra calories. Like valwalter stated, you may not being eating enough calories each day. Keep up the great work!
  • isra2011
    isra2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support and great advises.... i'll be back in a month to update you all. I feel much better now. !!! <3
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    edited February 2017
    Weight is a terrible feedback indicator of progress made. Typically, it lags behind actual progress and if you really think about it you don't care about the number (IE I would love to be 250lbs and ripped) - you really care about the appearance and fitting into perhaps slimmer clothing.

    I would instead focus in on your macro composition and have a good balance of Protein/Carbs/Fat and don't always "under eat" (if you are doing that-- no idea as I don't know what % you are eating or how long you been doing this).

    Stay committed to your nutritional logging and exercise and enjoy the occasional treat (read flexible diet).

    The rewards of your hard work will follow!
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    When my thyroid is under treated I can easily gain 10 lbs without any changes to my diet or lifestyle and it also makes me very tired. Since you are in the midst of having your dose adjusted I would say to continue what you are doing. You are developing good habits with meal planning, weighing and measuring your food. I am currently eating 1200 cals a day as I am pretty sedentary. I am not suffering with hunger and have good results. I also take measurements and photos once a month. Try this because the number on the scale may not move but the inches can.
  • valwalter
    valwalter Posts: 7 Member
    dodea48 wrote: »
    valwalter - stick with your advisor, A man cannot work out 5 days a week on 1200/day. If you log less than 1200 even MYFITNESS PAL tells me, a man, that I did not eat enough. I think the number might be slightly lower for a woman. The body needs protein to build muscle. Remember Biggest LOSER contestants mostly gained it back--- they has SLOWER metabolisms after the show

    dodea48 - I plan on sticking with my advisor - thanks! I lift weights 2 to 3 times a week and I need the fuel.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Take pictures and measurements. These show more than a scale. I am 5'1", 164lbs and have a desk job with working out 60mins a day (strength and cardio split). I eat 1400cals per day and average 2lbs/week at the moment for loss(obviously this is NOT what everyone will experience and mine will slow within the next few weeks guaranteed). You can definitely up your intake of food. And as _Bro said: Focus on your macros. These will help you feel full once you find the right balance for YOU!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    isra2011 wrote: »
    clothes are fitting better. I don't have to wear layers to cover up anymore---maybe this is the beginning of all the efforts I am putting. I have put most of my weight during pregnancy and my baby is 6 months now. I was 160 before pregnancy.

    Are you currently breastfeeding?
  • isra2011
    isra2011 Posts: 14 Member
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    isra2011 wrote: »
    well all I can say after your comments is that I wasn't realizing my calorie intake. I was eating more and not calculating at all before Jan 8. I am 180 because I wasn't eating right but not losing anything in 4 weeks is also discouraging... no? when should I start seeing difference? another month maybe?

    I have heard people say that they don't lose as much if they are exercising and maybe building muscle. Alcohol can also cause water retention. It is frustrating. I have read that if you cut down on carbs and sugar a lot you can eat more maybe 300 calories a day and still lose weight. I know if I cut out sugar a lot and carbs and stick to it I can almost feel my body burning the fat even though I'm not hungry. So for instance if I ate a tin of tuna (about 100 calories) I would not be hungry because it is very filling but would after a while feel weird (a carb or sugar craving) but I think that's the body burning fat. Eating fish and prawns for instance are very filling and low calorie.

    I really hope you have some luck soon.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Tum22 wrote: »
    I have heard people say that they don't lose as much if they are exercising and maybe building muscle. Alcohol can also cause water retention. It is frustrating. I have read that if you cut down on carbs and sugar a lot you can eat more maybe 300 calories a day and still lose weight. I know if I cut out sugar a lot and carbs and stick to it I can almost feel my body burning the fat even though I'm not hungry. So for instance if I ate a tin of tuna (about 100 calories) I would not be hungry because it is very filling but would after a while feel weird (a carb or sugar craving) but I think that's the body burning fat. Eating fish and prawns for instance are very filling and low calorie.

    I really hope you have some luck soon.

    No. 300calories is 300calories. It does not matter where it comes from. If you are 300 over you maintenance you will gain. If you are 300 under you will lose. That is it.

    Finding the foods that make you feel satisfied and a calorie intake that allows weight loss and not feeling hungry 24/7 is the goal for a healthy weight loss and to be successful once you are on maintenance.