New to Ketogenic Diet! Please share your tips, advices and experiences with me!



  • anacrisg
    anacrisg Posts: 39 Member
    anacrisg wrote: »
    How do you all track your carbs?
    You log everything you eat on MFP, of course you have to read the labels of everything. The fiber doesn't count for you, so for example if a label says " Carbohydrates: 10 grams" and then you read "Fiber: 3 grams" "Sugars: 7 grams", your total carbs for that are 7 grams. BUT some labels say something like "Total Carbs: 10 from which Fiber: 2 g and Sugars 2 g" Your total carbs are 10 - 2 (the fiber) = 8 grams.
    To be in ketosis people recommend to consume less than 50g of total carbs (no fiber) during the day. I try to do under 20 grams, some people do 30... It really depends on your body.

    Do you guys recommend the keto strips?

    Yes I do, It's a good way to check if your body is getting energy from ketones, the urine sticks are not as accurate but you can get an idea if you are in deep ketosis, nutritional ketosis or not in ketosis at all. You have to do it often to have a better idea, it depends if you drink a lot of water or if you're dehydrated too...

    What happens when you have a off day and slip?

    Some people do cyclical ketosis which works out for them, but to get the real benefits of ketosis you have to make it a lifestyle. If you slip... Eat chips or cakes or a lot of fruit, your body will take the carbs as a primary source of energy again and you'll have to go to the process of "re-configuring" your body again. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks.
    Again, everybody's body is different so it could take more time or less time...

    just curious - how did your month of keto go? i surprisingly didn't have too bad a time with the "flu". i was uncomfortable for a handful of days if that; upping my sodium with bouillon seemed to fix it.

    Keto is awesome!!!! I lost 10 pounds (I guess mostly water but still), I feel more energy and I can focus more on my tasks, I wake up with energy and it lasts through the day! When I go to the gym I feel great and I don't get tired and I come home after and I don't eat whatever I see, I don't binge eating anymore... My cravings are way less, seriously, for me seems too good to be true! People started telling me that I looked great! And yes!! Bouillon is the way to go! I take one cube every day!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am a keto'er who has lost 101 lbs. in a little over 2 years ....As for recipes my favorite websites are

    I highly recommend the low carb group that has already been suggested...its an amazing group of people with lots of awesome info ..... I wish you nothing but the best :)