Frusturated beyond belief



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited March 2017
    STLBADGIRL wrote: »
    I read through the whole thing and maybe I missed it? Are you eating back exercise calories?

    Nope sorry I forgot to add this. I do NOT eat back exercise calories.

    If everything stated is true, and you are accurately weighing and logging everything, it may be time to see a doctor. Maybe get your thyroid function checked.


    Please read the whole post, I am in the medical field. I do not have signs, symptoms or lab work that is consistent with hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing's disease, etc.
    Also this is the third time I have posted to this forum in the last 2 years. I have seen this algorithim multiple times.

    I see this algorithim multiple times as well. The answer to everything I guess.

    Pretty much, yes, it's the answer to 95% of the questions posted about weight loss.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    You know, the only thing I would think about changing if I were you is your choice of food. Your meal plan looks pretty boring and tasteless. For dinner you have plain meat, plain sweet potato, plain veggies? It sounds like you believe that "diet food" is the only way to go and that may have a huge impact on why you keep going off plan.

    Check out some Skinnytaste recipes (they are SO good and calorie deficit friendly). There is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be enjoying everything you are eating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    edited March 2017
    I see very few entries in your diary that look like system entries. It seems like you usually use the user-created entries, which are prone to error.

    Unfortunately, the green check marks are used for both user-created entries and system entries. To find system entries for whole foods, I get the syntax from the USDA database and plug that into MFP.

    For packaged foods, I verify the label on my package against what I find in MFP.

    Entries for whole foods that came from the USDA database generally include information on whether the food is raw or cooked:


    Your dinner on the 28th used user-created entries:


  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Update after Week 3:

    So it's been 3 weeks of starting more intense exercise regimen and my diet as outlined above. Over the last weekend (Friday, Sat, Sun) I have completely fallen off all diet/exercise plan as I had family in town. I tried to record what I can, some of things I just don't even know the ingredients and I missed two gym days (Sunday is rest day). I probably ate upwards of 2500 calories on Friday & Saturday, maybe 1500 Sunday (burger + fries + dessert only meal that day). In addition to not losing any weight in the past 3 weeks, the scale has read 3 pounds since Friday morning.

    Fri - 160.8 lbs
    Sat - 163.2 lbs
    Sun - 165.0 lbs
    Mon - 163.4 lbs

    We shall see how much of this is due to water retention over the next day or so. But part of me was hoping I was one of those people who paradoxically increase their calories and see weight loss. It looks like this is not the case. I'm now even more at a loss. I've been entertaining what additional changes I need to make. Tracking water intake? Changing to a ketogenic diet? Separating cardio and strength training (I'm not sure I can find time to this)? Drop my calories to 1200 seeing as maybe 1500-1600 is maintenance for me? Screw weight loss and just try to increase fitness?

    I'm tired, mentally exhausted. I feel like I'm just stuck with this body. 30+% body fat. I just wanted to get to a normal size by summer time (June) so I'm not running away from the beach and vacations. Is this really supposed to be so hard at my age?

    I will continue to exercise and just go back to my meal plan mostly because all the food is already prepared anyways but I just have no more expectations anymore.

    I have no doubt you'll get to the body you deserve. All the hard work you're doing is paying off, just realize that this is a marathon, not a sprint. For you to make the realizations you have so far are great. Just keep this up and realize that you and only you are in control.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    You sound, as you say, totally exhausted with the effort you are putting into your weight loss/ health and fitness goals.

    Take a step back and look at what will work for you. Long term.

    Your stress levels at the moment are probably raising your cortisol levels something wicked, and this will hinder scale movement.

    You go off your calorie goal often, you said this in your first post, and it has happened again because of visitors in your most recent post.
    I think you have to accept that this happens and work it into your goal. This can be done by working with a weekly deficit and knowledge of what your maintenance is.

    Aim to not go over your maintenance each week and staying as close to your deficit as you can depending on what is happening that particular week.

    No visitors, no meals out- you should hit your deficit that week.

    A planned meal out at the weekend- shave 50-100 cals a day for the meal- you should hit your deficit or pretty close.

    An unexpected meal out at the end of the week and no chance to adjust your goal- eat it, enjoy it, log it, then compare what the cal difference that has made to your weekly loss. Accept it and move on.

    Your exercise.
    Take a step back here too, look at how much you want to do long term, and what is sustainable without stress or impinging on your NEAT.

    Over exercising and under eating, as well as raising stress levels, can cause lethargy and a decrease in your daily activity.
    This in turn lowers the NEAT component of your daily calorie burn so throws off the calorie goal MFP has set for you- lowering it.

    That is also why it is important to eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories.

    Sit back, think of what is working for you, reduce the stress in it by making it as simple as possible, and look at it as long term, not short.

    Oh as far as the bikini goes, I have the jiggly tummy, do I care? Not a bit.
    Do I care what others think? Not really.
    I do me.

    It may help you to wear it around the house so you get comfortable seeing yourself in it. Choosing a bikini/swimsuit that suits your body type and wearing it with confidence is the trick to overcoming perceived body flaws. If you are wearing it looking furtive and hiding people notice, wear it with panach and no one does.

    Cheers, h.