What's your career and do you love it?



  • CanIGetAn3ncor3
    CanIGetAn3ncor3 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2017
    Train conductor
    Hate it. Lifestyle sucks, but good money.

    Degree in Electronics Engineering
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    Train conductor
    Hate it. Lifestyle sucks, but good money.

    Degree in Electronics Engineering

    My best friends husband would be so jelly of you!! He is obsessed with trains. LOL
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    Supply Chain / Production Control Manager.

    Don't particularly care for it. Left a company I loved working at for double the pay about 9 years ago. This newer job is very stressful. However, the extra money has made life outside of work easier and allowed my family many things we would never have had if I had stayed at my old job. My new company also offered a College Scholarship that my youngest daughter won. That helped her out as well. Plus, I'll be able to retire earlier. In 2019.

    So, to sum it up. Hate the job; love the financial rewards.
  • ironmangomez
    ironmangomez Posts: 17 Member
    Professional Boxer
  • _SamIAm_
    _SamIAm_ Posts: 20 Member
    corrosion specialist for a utility company. It's interesting and challenging.