March 2017 Running Challenge



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    I noticed that my lower back muscles tightened at the end of the run. Has that happened to any of you? It stayed tight for another day.

    Yup! Mine can feel weak as well. Weak core and weak or tight hips is a common symptom. Also, running while hunching over (curved back) can cause this which is another symptom of a weak core and hips. If you can get someone to take a video of you running, see if you run hunched over. You are going to want a straight back when you run, with a slight lean forward from the ankles (not the hips). Research core exercises and hip strengthening. Also look up yoga for runners that concentrate on the hips. You may also have unengaged glutes. Look up the clam exercise.

    See the picture in this link:

    Thanks so much....this helps more than you know and may solve a lot of my problems. I never thought about my core being weak..but no doubt that's true. I am definitely going to check out the yoga for runners.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @7lenny7 Sorry to hear about the calf pain. Mine were really tight when I did 4 days in a row of trail running. Took a few days off by running flat, yoga, and foam rolling, and they were better pretty quick.

    @NikolaosKey Hope your quads feel better soon.

    @lporter229 Glad your hamstrings are doing better. Sorry they won't get you to another BQ this time around, but I remember you saying how you just wanted to enjoy the experience, and I think you'll get that!! :smiley:

    @KatieJane83 So glad you're feeling better...yay! I've had to go back to morning runs. Our highs have been in the 90s the past few days so it's too hot to go at lunch. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have 8 to 10 mile runs on Wednesdays in August /September. I'm not a morning person...ugh!

    @Marissaxzxzxz Hope your calves feel better soon too.

    @ereck44 Glad you'll make your goal...yay!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ok, so we have fairly severe t-storms out. 6x800 on the schedule. Did them on the conveyor belt.

    Inquiry for the group:
    On the 'dreadmill', anyone also feel like your first rep goes by like 'that' and each successive one just drags on longer and longer to the point were it doesn't seem like it's moving at all?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    1/3/17 3.4m - faceplant!!!!
    2/3/17 2.7m
    4/3/14 9.8m
    5/3/17 2.9m
    8/3/17 3.8m
    9/3/17 4m
    11/3/17 10.5m
    15/3/17 3.5m
    16/3/17 5.1m
    20/3/17 1.7m
    21/3/17 3.3m and 3.1,m

    Totals: 53.8/70

    Target 70 miles

    Planned races -

    29.4.17 HM Coastal Trail Series Pembrokeshire FULL!!!
    7.5.17 HM-ish The Ox Wiltshire.
    8.7.17 Cider Frolic?
    30.7.17 HM-ish Dorset Invader
    27.8.17 East Farm Frolic

    Well after the talk about percentages for long runs, I've drastically upped my planned mileage, and will be running more days.

    Today was a double. I wanted a 72 minute run, but there's no way I can fit that in before work, so I split it. The run in the evening was one of those Zen moments where it was all working out. (until about five minutes from home when my calf muscle started playing up). I've also realised I'm heavy legged when I run. In that I don't really pick up my legs, I'm more falling forwards than lifting the legs. So I've been practising lifting legs to share the burden between my quads and my calf muscles. We'll see.

    Got a long driving day Thursday, 8 hour round trip. I'll try and fit in a run when I get home, even if it's just to stretch my legs, but then I've got a few days leave to take.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    By the way does anyone run who has Raynaud's?

    I sometimes feel the circulation go in my right foot while I'm running. I worry about damaging something, but I want to keep going! I know my shoes aren't too tight and was told some years ago by the doctor that I had Raynaud's. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions or experience please?


    Yes, on my hands in particular. I just suck it up but it's not pleasant. I don't think you'll damage anything. Maybe try to use some feet warmers, even if they last 20 minutes it's still 20 minutes less of pain.