Needing more protein

I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds while working out (cardio and weights) and a much better diet. I'm having a really hard time reaching my protein amounts, which I know is needed to build muscle. Should I be getting all of my protein through foods or is a protein powder ok to boost my amounts?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    MFP's default protein goal is easy to reach through normal food. Have you tinkered with the settings?
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Protein powder is a great way to meet your protein goals...without it, I would never reach mine. I love Isopure Whey Isolate.
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    edited March 2017
    Its better to get your protein from food as opposed to powder if possible. Protein shakes have good amounts of protein. Premier makes shakes with 30g of protein per shake and muscle milk has 32g. I like the atkins ones the best, they have 15g. Also, greek yougurt for breakfast is a good source of protein. Oikos triple zero is fat free and has 15g a cup. light and fit also makes fat free greek yogurt with 12 grams per cup. For my lunch at work, I usually bring either a sandwich with turkey/roast beef or a salad with chicken, but I eat shrimp cocktail on the side which adds an extra 8 grams. Then lean protein for dinner. Hope this helps
  • mrvikingman
    mrvikingman Posts: 83 Member
    It'd probably be best, and overall easier, to first lose the weight you want then work on building muscle.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    I'd much rather eat food to get protein. Meat, eggs, and greek yogurt are my main sources. Protein powder is expensive and I don't like to drink my calories.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yes, protein powder is a great way to add extra protein in your day. Also you can look up foods that have higher protein and buy those foods (not just meat). keep it up
  • Ciera247Zumba
    Ciera247Zumba Posts: 22 Member
    Protein supplements can help certainly. Non-meat protein sources include: beans/legumes, eggs, hummus, mushrooms/ mycoprotein, nut butters, nuts/seeds, soy, tofu, tempeh, quinoa (awesome to add to rice recipes 50/50), yogurt :)
  • mrschwarten
    mrschwarten Posts: 194 Member
    I struggle to get mine in too, and without the powder I rarely would hit my mark. Something that helps me also is finding a protein snack bar that's higher grams -- Clif bars have ones that are 30g! And they're so tasty, it's like eating a candy bar! It's important to me that I find powders that are tasty to me and that I use them as a tool. I think a lot of people overlook that aspect. I treat my "chocolate milkshake" as a "reward" for my workouts...thinking of them that way helps deter cravings and helps motivate me to do my workouts! Good luck!!
  • tina62172
    tina62172 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and eat 1% cottage cheese for protein. I add either cracked black pepper or paprika for added taste and no additional calories.
  • Thanks everyone for all of your feedback! One of my problems that doesn't help me reaching my protein goal is that I'm a super picky eater. I can't stand yogurt, cottage cheese, regular cheeses (unless they're on a burger or pizza). I'm definitely going to check on the Clif bars and the Muscle Milk as well as the other foods you've suggested. Thanks for all of your help!
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    Another thing you may want to consider is adding a little bit more protein to your meals. If you added an ounce at breakfast, lunch, and dinner that is about 20 grams of protein.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds while working out (cardio and weights) and a much better diet. I'm having a really hard time reaching my protein amounts, which I know is needed to build muscle. Should I be getting all of my protein through foods or is a protein powder ok to boost my amounts?

    So how much protein are you looking to get here?

    The rule of thumb is about 1g per lb of body weight, a bit more than that for weight loss.

    Low fat cottage cheese.
    Dry curd cottage cheese is incredibly high protein and low fat/cals.
    Edamame beans (baby soy beans)
    Carton egg whites.
    Lean chicken
    White navy beans
    Greek yogurt

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Read this thread (below). Look at the spreadsheet it links to, eat more of the foods from it that you enjoy, and less of the foods that aren't adding enough nutrition to your day for their calorie "cost":

    Carbs and Fats are cheap. Here's a Guide to getting your PROTEIN's worth. Fiber also...

    There's nothing wrong with protein powder, but personally I find food more tasty and satisfying.
  • WafaeGettingFit
    WafaeGettingFit Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2017
    I easily reach my protein goals with just the food I eat (120-130 grams). Tuna, Greek Yogurt, and Chicken breast all have very high ratio of protein/calories. Sometimes I eat protein bars as a snack, but never protein powder (I hate it lol). I just make sure to include a source of protein with every meal.
  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    I can't stand yogurt, cottage cheese, regular cheeses

    Get out.

    J/k. ;)
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Rusty740 wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds while working out (cardio and weights) and a much better diet. I'm having a really hard time reaching my protein amounts, which I know is needed to build muscle. Should I be getting all of my protein through foods or is a protein powder ok to boost my amounts?

    So how much protein are you looking to get here?

    The rule of thumb is about 1g per lb of body weight, a bit more than that for weight loss.

    Low fat cottage cheese.
    Dry curd cottage cheese is incredibly high protein and low fat/cals.
    Edamame beans (baby soy beans)
    Carton egg whites.
    Lean chicken
    White navy beans
    Greek yogurt

    More than 1 gram per pound of body weight is overkill if over weight.
    A better rule of thumb would be .6-.8 grams per pound. Or 1 gram per pound of LEAN mass.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of your feedback! One of my problems that doesn't help me reaching my protein goal is that I'm a super picky eater. I can't stand yogurt, cottage cheese, regular cheeses (unless they're on a burger or pizza). I'm definitely going to check on the Clif bars and the Muscle Milk as well as the other foods you've suggested. Thanks for all of your help!

    I'm with you, except on the cheese part. I will have a couple of babybells at lunch.

    I am working my way through a box of Cliff bars from Costco. 20g per bar and they are not too bad tasting. I like the chocolate mint. I need something mid-morning anyway (I eat @ 5 am and noon), so these fit the bill fine.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Rusty740 wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds while working out (cardio and weights) and a much better diet. I'm having a really hard time reaching my protein amounts, which I know is needed to build muscle. Should I be getting all of my protein through foods or is a protein powder ok to boost my amounts?

    So how much protein are you looking to get here?

    The rule of thumb is about 1g per lb of body weight, a bit more than that for weight loss.

    Low fat cottage cheese.
    Dry curd cottage cheese is incredibly high protein and low fat/cals.
    Edamame beans (baby soy beans)
    Carton egg whites.
    Lean chicken
    White navy beans
    Greek yogurt

    More than 1 gram per pound of body weight is overkill if over weight.
    A better rule of thumb would be .6-.8 grams per pound. Or 1 gram per pound of LEAN mass.

    I'd say 0.6-0.8g per pound of healthy goal weight (yes, pound, not kilogram - my opinion, not USDA's).

    We don't need protein to maintain our fat mass; we need it to maintain our lean mass. The per-body-weight recommendations are just making a rough estimated adjustment to the per-lean-mass levels, for those of us who don't have a solid estimate of lean mass/body fat percent. It's close enough for gub'mint work. ;)

    Lots of people argue for different protein levels, though. It's one of those religious wars. ;)
  • fretsnsoccer
    fretsnsoccer Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there Christine,

    so here is the reality to this question..there is in fact only one way to drop that many lbs, less calories sunday through sunday. Depending on your current weight you have to calculate and measure your daily macros or weekly macro goals in order to accommodate losing 1-2lbs per week. This in fact doesn't consider every other nuance in a diet such as the temptations of food, your well being, what types of food, etc. We as normal people are all dealing with stress and daily life that adds to weight loss or weight gain depending on which way you are aiming. And it is not at all a straightforward playing field when trying to lose weight for sure.

    What I mean by that is you can't just drop 20 lbs and expect to only retain pure muscle and expect to be healthy and fit in any's a constant homeostasis battle keeping your body in check. The best way to go about this end goal is constant monitoring of your daily input and output of energy food and workout programs.

    for example if someone wanted to lose 4 lbs , they literally could do this by staying on a consistent caloric deficit without working out or eating marginally healthy just LESS calories based on their weight for 14 days. however that's not the best approach if you are going for fitness and longevity or even an athletic approach I see you are looking to build muscle as well...Yes, protein is a building block but it helps build lean muscle like what AnnPT77 wrote. It's counterintuitive from your body's perspective to drop 20lbs and then only retain muscle. if you drop that much weight you will be losing just as much muscle as you are fat, but if you approach the weight loss as an 'up and down' process like stay consistent low calories for 14 days then switch to eating in access good healthy foods to build the muscle then switch back over again and I promise you, you will see much quicker gains in muscle and loss in fat then from some drastic approach of losing general weight.

    Another truth is your body composition does not need as much protein as the media pushes and says you need in order to build muscle its all about the combination of 1. training programs and then 2. what 'grows' muscle is a healthy combo of both protein AND carbohydrates as well as eating in an excess. if you are eating in a caloric deficit to lose pounds your body wont pack on muscle it'll only lean out the muscle you already have, which has its own benefits of thinning out your body if that is your goal.

    I can write many more paragraphs on all these factors, but if you had a goal in mind and wanted to reach out directly I can help build you a weight loss and workout program that fits your goals and your body personally.

    Talk soon and hope this helps point you in the right direction!