lunchtable for the Interesting



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I know I'm going to get a caning but this seems to be interesting.


    I like this joke because it builds on the conception that pop culture is lead by figures known for their promiscuity and lack a values, rather than principled heroes of years past, such as Einstein, Tesla, and 80s Billy Joel. The second layer of the joke replaces that principled figure with a schoolboy who found more candy than usual in a packaged lunch. Implying values stem in finding candy and luck.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    I'm definately Josh. And he has less followers. And it really doesn't matter to Josh. He's just himself. And hes funny and dances well. Has a great table to sit, with nice people, who joke with him at lunchtime. If he gets a extra pb cup in the lunchable, hes going to share it. They share all the foodz. :)
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    can I get in on this..... I used to be cool but then I got old.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    Grab a seat :)
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    We ate tomato sandwiches. We were poor
    I love tomato sandwiches! Now I want one.

    We should all try it and pretend to be poor.

    UMMM....some of us don't have to pretend.

    Amen sister! Couponing isn't a hobby, it's a way of life :D
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    What is the purpose of this thread?

    It's about fashion, finance, and the appreciation of quality. Quality, for example like the excellent sound quality for Star Wars. There are dozens of different sound effects that make this movie a classic. The most commonly overlooked piece of audio in a movie is the character’s voices. The voices in Star Wars play a large part of the movie. Each character has a distinct voice and a distinct way that they speak. Darth Vader has an extremely deep voice and speakes in long draw out words, to help show how evil he is. Han Solo has a rugged sounding voice and is very direct when he talks. Han is considered to be a tough guy who likes to be a loner, yet he has a sidekick. Luke Skywalker has a soft, young sounding voice to show how inexperienced he is. CP-30 is a robot who has human qualities and has a crackly voice that shows how nervous he is and how much of a wimp he is. Other aliens in the movie in the movie make weird noices that have to be translated at the bottom of the screen.

    Another common sound effect used in the movie is lasers. Lasers are used in the fight scenes that take place with the space ships. The sound effects of the ships themselves are incredible and the sound when they get hit get hit by a laser really grabs the attention of the viewer. Other sound effects include the sound of the light sabers that Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader use. They make a vibrating sound, which is supposed to help its glowing visual effect. They also make a sound that is similar to the sound a bug zapper makes when a bug hits it. The light saber also makes a nosies when specific noise when it is swung and misses its target

    The score to the movie is also very important. The entire score is instrumental. It is all orchestral music. The music helps to intensify certain sences with loud interludes and then can be very soft in other parts to create a calm environment. Overall this is movie has excellent sound quality.