Anyone else caffeine free?



  • madthetrainer
    madthetrainer Posts: 2 Member
    I only drink coffee if I feel I need a boost at work. Or if I want to see what wacky stuff my brain produces when it's basically on speed lol. I end up texting people all sorts of weird ideas. I don't do it often, cuz too much brings on anxiety, irritability, the shakes and a caffeine hangover.
  • staff052509
    staff052509 Posts: 8 Member

    do you not like chocolate very much or do you think your benefits from this choice are greater than the pleasure of chocolate?
    I am asking because I am curious, I love chocolate very much and I don't deprive myself from it (in small amounts) even in the periods where I cut calories, so I couldn't imagine giving it up!

    I'm not a huge chocolate fan. I like it but I don't love it to the point where I was devastated losing it. Does having a small amount here or there ruin your diet? Nah. Moderation is key, as you know. I'd rather spend those calories on bread! Hehe.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I do not drink coffee or tea. When I do have some, on a rare occasion, is it decaf.

    I do get some caffeine from chocolate.
  • Wild_Daisies
    Wild_Daisies Posts: 318 Member
    Omg! I just switched to decaf everything and it's not pretty around here right now! lol
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm mostly caffeine-free.

    I stopped drinking soda 2 years ago after consuming 3 - 4 cans a day when I was overweight/obese.

    Never drank coffee. When I was young I recall seeing so many adults not being able to function without it. I didn't want to be dependent on coffee so I never started. I function great just with water in the morning.

    I drink unsweetened herbal tea daily. However, I will occasionally make a weak unsweetened green or oolong tea with ginger because I enjoy the taste.

    Most days I do have a 1 square of rich dark chocolate.
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 269 Member
    I have 1-2 diet pepsi's a week and that's my only caffeine. I despise coffee!