


  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    So the belly button thing is not weird or embarrassing. I get that too sometimes. You just have to make sure you clean it out good in the shower. I mostly have this happen when I sweat a lot. Make sure to dry it good after and I've found that sometimes I will put my body oil there to help with the smell. It's not all the time this happens to me but it can do it for weeks at a time and then stop. I don't know what causes it because I've been bigger most of my life. In fact I weigh more now then when it started doing the smell thing last year. It is not doing it right now but I will put soap in there and use a Q-Tip to clean it out. The diet is what really makes it stink. I hope this helps you feel less embarrassed and I also hope it helps you with your question.

    Thanks for your advice and reply i will start to clean it out more regular i get showers so maybe theres just not enough water getting in to clean it out and also my belly button is covered by fat on my belly roll most of the time so i thought maybe its that thanks

    You are very welcome. It's just something I'm glad I could help with. Even if you feel to clean it out without showering you can use a Q-tip and do it with the sink. Like I said for me it comes in spurts. Sometimes it does the smell thing and sometimes it doesn't. I really hope it helps and at least eases your mind to know you are not alone
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I get infections in my belly button whether thin or overweight. That's some prime dark, damp microbe breeding ground there.

    I occasionally put antibiotic cream in it, and have been known to clean it with hydrogen peroxide. The antifungal cream is also a likely great idea
  • spiritlevel9
    spiritlevel9 Posts: 48 Member
    Mine is very deep and occasionally sweat and dirt can become a bit infected and it gets smelly. I wash well with a cotton bud and mild soap and apply some germolene. That normally sorts it fast.
  • jfweisgerber
    jfweisgerber Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! Oh can I relate. I have finally diagnosed with Candida Overgrowth. Candida is yeast but mine was not your typical yeast infection that females get. For over a year I was itchy. Under my boob's, inner thighs, and torso. Thank GOD I finally found a doctor that was able to help. I started the Ultimate Candida Diet Program by Lisa Richards. Candida is fed by sugar, or anything that turns into sugar. I am much better but still get itchy if I eat too much sugar. Let me know if anyone else has had success from Candida?