Why do people choose to do LCHF?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I was a keto-er. But for ME, personally, for some reason it turned me into a hostile, angry b-word. No joke. I lost weight but apparently am not an abstained, because I fell off and massively binged and regained all. Then after jerking myself around for about six months, starting and stopping, I finally gave up for a few months and ate whatever I wanted but maintained mostly.

    Then I started counting calories and getting more activity. I’m losing steadily and may sometimes still get hostile (hormonal) but nothing like the inner rage and jagged irritation I felt doing keto.

    Most of my friends here are low carbers. Several have been for years. I don’t knock lchf. I don’t care for zealots so much. I lost a few when I tried to clarify what was happening to me. It’s absolutely not one size fits all.

    It did kill hunger. But it made me hangry. Which allegedly isn’t supposed to happen. It did.

    Now I eat what I want within my reasonable deficit and I’m losing approximately 1% of my weight per week, average.

    If it’s sustainable then do that. If it’s not, don’t give up and keep trying different methods. It’s taken me years and two accounts and tons of reading, tears and failures. It takes time.

    There are studies regarding mood and low carbing supporting what happened to you. It does happen to a subset of people. It's not a universal phenomenon, for sure, but it does happen to some.

    So don't listen to the naysayers who say it doesn't happen. I don't have the time to look them up right now, but I have read them before.
  • Good_Morning_Glory
    Good_Morning_Glory Posts: 226 Member
    I was a keto-er. But for ME, personally, for some reason it turned me into a hostile, angry b-word. No joke. I lost weight but apparently am not an abstained, because I fell off and massively binged and regained all. Then after jerking myself around for about six months, starting and stopping, I finally gave up for a few months and ate whatever I wanted but maintained mostly.

    Then I started counting calories and getting more activity. I’m losing steadily and may sometimes still get hostile (hormonal) but nothing like the inner rage and jagged irritation I felt doing keto.

    Most of my friends here are low carbers. Several have been for years. I don’t knock lchf. I don’t care for zealots so much. I lost a few when I tried to clarify what was happening to me. It’s absolutely not one size fits all.

    It did kill hunger. But it made me hangry. Which allegedly isn’t supposed to happen. It did.

    Now I eat what I want within my reasonable deficit and I’m losing approximately 1% of my weight per week, average.

    If it’s sustainable then do that. If it’s not, don’t give up and keep trying different methods. It’s taken me years and two accounts and tons of reading, tears and failures. It takes time.

    There are studies regarding mood and low carbing supporting what happened to you. It does happen to a subset of people. It's not a universal phenomenon, for sure, but it does happen to some.

    So don't listen to the naysayers who say it doesn't happen. I don't have the time to look them up right now, but I have read them before.

    Thank you!!!!

    I read a bunch of scenarios regarding it as well, which confused me as to WHY I was being lambasted!!