Silly (but effective!) Rules



  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    My "rules" are mainly from work.

    1. Say no to the Starbucks runs, we have a kuerig and creamer in the breakroom. (I don't particularly enjoy Starbucks over the kuerig coffee anyway so this one's not too hard)

    2. Don't eat the free goodies unless they are actually delicious and/or something I can't get otherwise.

    I also try to get my steps in during my downtime but there's no real rule for that.

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    • I do NOT buy foods that I have no self-control over in multi-portions. (cheese, candy, snack cakes, etc). I will buy them in single portions if I have the calories (such as after a run) or eat them while out.
    • In the past, I've done the "no eating in front of the TV"... many of us are conditioned to snack endlessly while watching TV. However, I typically get home from dancing well after 10 pm, and want to both watch an episode of something and eat a bowl of soup, and get in a bath and get to bed at a reasonable time - (so I usually ignore that rule, though it is a good one...I do have the habit of wanting to snack if I'm watching TV).
  • CycleCoast42
    CycleCoast42 Posts: 20 Member
    Eliminate all tempting non-nutritional, empty calorie foods from your home.
  • CycleCoast42
    CycleCoast42 Posts: 20 Member
    Water, water, and more water.
  • CycleCoast42
    CycleCoast42 Posts: 20 Member
    Motion is lotion, move it or lose it.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Share the snacks and treats.
    Exercise everyday, even if it's only 15 minutes of hiit or a walk at lunch.
    Fruit and/ or veggie with every meal. Water too.
    Weigh every day.
    Portion control, even if its the rare guesstimate.
    When my current size is loose, get the next size down and chuck everything too big (finances allowing).

    I need to stop eating and walking or eating on the train. I eat fruit or have my protein shake on the train after the gym. Now I'll do it in the lobby if I have to. Why not, its Planet Fitness. They have pizza and bagels!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Sara1791 wrote: »
    cmtigger wrote: »
    1 Rule to rule them all. Don't eat more than I burn

    True, obviously. But it's certainly good to have guidelines in place that make THAT rule easier to abide by.

    I think it depends on the person. Not all of us use rules to get by. Some do, some don't.

    If I didn't eat in my car I'd be hangry. My job is an hour from home and at multiple sites. That doesn't work. I live alone, so what does "eating in secret" do for me?

    If they work for you, fine, but don't expect that everyone has extra rules.
    For clarification, eating alone is not the same as eating in secret.

    Exactly. If you have a problem with secret eating, you probably know about it. It refers to the motivation - not the fact you happen to be alone. For example, do you carefully hide the packaging of whatever you ate so that others won't find out? I consciously don't do that because I have those tendencies.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    If you cannot control your eating, do not bring it home from the grocery store.

    This too! There's a lot of foods I would love to have one of but can only buy in a 12 pack or whatever, so they just don't come home any more.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hard and fast rule:
    1. No drinking alone. (this has multiple and not just caloric reasons)
    2. Eat more to be more active to eat more! Positive spin. No guilt, no exercise as "punishment" for "bad" food.
    3. Look at weekly calories/macros rather than daily.
    4. BE FLEXIBLE! Move workouts around to accept new activities or social things.
    5. Don't eat out more than 1 meal a day (unless its a road trip and impossible not to)

    Usually rules:
    1. If I'm hungry, particularly for an unplanned snack (rather than a meal), wait at least half an hour and a cup of water. If still hungry: eat.
    2. If I start to get weird/OCD/disorder-ey about counting, I'll take a couple days off while still eating mindfully.
    3. Don't snack out of the container. Put what I'm going to have on a plate. Get more if I'm going to. This is obvious when you're counting, but its a general life rule.

    Should implement but haven't:
    1. Stop reading while I eat. Pay more attention to taste/flavour/enjoyment.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    1. At work, I only eat my food. This means, if it's in my lunch bag, it belongs to me and I eat it. If it's not in my lunch bag, it belongs to someone else and I don't eat it. (referring to all the high-calorie treats that are always abundant at work)
    2. Don't drink my calories.
    3. As much as possible, exercise early in the morning before work. It energizes me and sets my whole day up for optimism and successful choices.
    4. Try to hit my protein goal every day. Protein keeps me satiated.
  • itsfitnessnotrocketscience
    itsfitnessnotrocketscience Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 2017
    My "rules" are mainly from work.

    2. Don't eat the free goodies unless they are actually delicious and/or something I can't get otherwise.

    This is an awesome rule. I try to do the same for on cafeteria snacks. They are not great. Just because they're there, doesn't mean I should buy them.
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    Rule #1: leave room for beer. B)
    (or pizza, or whatever it is you really enjoy)
    The absolute best part about a calorie-centric diet is that you never have to deprive yourself of what you really crave. You just need portion control and proper planning. When I want a beer, I start planning for it at breakfast, and hopefully I've got room left for it on my log by dinner. Then it's not just a beer, it's a reward for a job well done!
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member
    edited March 2017
    Set meal times.
    Knowing its only x amount of time till the next meal has cut my snacking down to nothing.

    You cant outrun your mouth.
    No amount of the time on a treadmill can make up for just not eating the crap to start with.
  • stelly76
    stelly76 Posts: 120 Member
    Set meal times.
    Knowing its only x amount of time till the next meal has cut my snacking down to nothing.
    I do that for snacking at work. I won't let myself have my AM snack until 10am and my PM snack until 3pm. Sometimes I end up not snacking at all or at least sticking to only 1 snack. (It's 3:14pm right now and I haven't had my snack yet!)
  • dunlol
    dunlol Posts: 57 Member
    1. I'll probably screw up my diet at some time, don't hate myself
    2. Don't make more rules - they just provide extra stress
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Don't eat a piece of chocolate while walking - wait till you arrive at the destination - sit down and eat it slowly
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I am trying to lose weight so my rule is to make sure I don't go over calories but stay just under or close to goal