Well this is a wake up call



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    See how you feel as you go and don't get stuck on a particular number. You may find your loss slows as you get closer to a healthy weight and that you don't need to be exactly at 135 lbs to feel good. You can lift heavy while you lose weight.

    For me, I was about 100 lbs at 18 years. I was my ideal weight of 125 at 25 years. I got up to 180 lbs. I'd like to go back to 125 lbs but I haven't weighed that for 17 years though. My goal is to be between 125-145 lbs. I feel that anywhere in that range will probably be comfortable and healthy for me.

  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Go by clothes size bmi and scales are really out dated
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    Maybe not focus on a number? Just focus on losing and when you get to a spot that feels good to you then stop losing. That's what I did about 6 years back. I actually got to my goal but decided to lose a few pounds more. 5 less than goal felt right even though I could have lost an additional 10 and still be healthy. It's not always about a number on the scale and the weight that feels good in your 30's may or may not be the same as what felt good in your teens. How much you exercise and how much muscle you have/but LS can also play a part in what that end weight ends up being. A fit, toned 150 might wear the same size less toned 135. It's always good to have a plan when starting a weight loss journey, but more often than not I've found that the end goal will evolve along the way and being flexible helps me get the results I want.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    "May or may not" LITERALLY says it might be ok and it might not.

    I doubt she'll want to get that low once she gets to a healthy BMI, but that is a far future problem.
    I'm not saying it might or might not be ok. I'm saying I may not reach my goal. And I DO want to get that low. I was there before. Can I ask why it seems everyone is nitpicking? Sorry to sound mean but I did not ask for advice. Everyone is different. Only I know my body. And it is not a "far future problem". It's my problem now and it will not take me more than 18 months.

    125 lbs in 18 months would be pretty speedy. It's important to be aware that weight loss slows significantly as you get lighter. It's not uncommon to lose just a couple of pounds a month for the last 10 or so pounds, for example. I'd plan on 2.5-3 years, including maintenance breaks. Regardless, best of luck to you.
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    Good luck! I went from 250 to 130 in about a year and a half, it's doable.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yeah, at 18, many women aren't fully mature, and the last phase of late puberty often involves a growth spurt with hips widening and more body fat being tucked away in breasts and hips. All part of the "ready to reproduce now!" thing.

    Yes, it's not accurate to say you "can't" get to your high school weight. If you were an overweight adolescent, you probably can get to it and below it. But 135 at 5'10" is low end of normal, and may be aspirational.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    170 would be a realistic goal, or ask your doctor. I had to get away from the 'diet' mindset. I love my Mediterranean way if eating and I can do it for life, although eventually I won't count calories. Having 'kid food' around is a temptation to eat it with them. The whole family dynamic has to change from quick filling food to quick healthy filling food. Family exercise has to become a fun habit. Water is the best thirst quenched for everyone. Make a plan and include the kids.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    I weigh less now than I did when I was 14 so is it doable? yes, but, I had more muscle then than I do now as I was swimming competitively 5-7 times a week so size wise I was smaller then than I am now. Must look at doing a recomp soon....
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Pregnancy and the stress of caring for little monkeys always makes me feel ok about making excuses for eating all the food and drinking all the drinks. A year after #2 was born I realized I weighed 230 and was 5'3"...and I didn't even weight that much when I was pregnant. I got down to 185 lbs on here before I got pregnant with #3 who is 11 weeks old. This time, I'm being mindful that I like to make excuses.

    I'm not saying you did the same, but a lot of days I just felt like "I survived work and 2 kids and I DESERVE to eat and drink whatever makes me happy." But, it only made me happy temporarily. I'm about 9lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight and then I'd like to lose another 30lbs and see how I feel.

    You can do this. It's important I think to figure out why you are eating. For me, it was a reward, stress relief kinda thing.