Anyone tried the fat burners and greens from ItWorks?



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    bagge72 wrote: »
    AFGP11 wrote: »
    No. What workse is CICO. Sorry. You'll notice that It Works salespeople are almost always overweight. If it worked, that would not be the case.

    I mean I agree with the cico part, but actually there is a gang of girls that I grew up with that all do It Works, and are very successful and have done it for a long time now. None of them are fat, but none of them have ever been fat. I think this is a main selling point for them. People look at them, and are like wow you look great and take these products, not realizing that they have never looked out of shape. But I agree it is all bull crap, I see them posting a piece of cake on social media with the headline "it's ok because I took my fat burning pills! To get more information no how you can eat like this without a problem message me" and it makes me want to punch somebody through my computer screen.

    A friend of our family was very obese and lost a lot of weight via calorie restriction and exercise. About the time she reached a healthy/proportionate weight, she started selling ItWorks and acting as if their scam products were responsible for her weight loss. It was very disingenuous of her to use her before and after pictures in her sales pitch, as she wasn't even using any of those products throughout the majority of her weight loss.

    I've seen people do the same thing with Beachbody products. Sure, the workout videos may have been part of their weight loss program, but then they start peddling Snakeoilogy and claiming that it was the miracle product that took them from fat to fit.
  • Kimmie54
    Kimmie54 Posts: 23 Member
    The greens are great for boosting immunity and giving you some extra energy... the fat burners not so much... I used to sell it, but they didn't work for me lol... I do love the greens though...
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I haven't tried the products, because honestly, I've tried so many of these different types of things and KNOW they don't work as promised or there would not be any more overweight people. And you know what irks me the most is when a friend or family member starts selling them and they contact you out of the blue "just to say hello and they miss you" only to launch into a sales pitch shortly after catching up. Like wow, you "miss" me so much I haven't heard from you in months and now you're only contacting me to sell me your stuffs???? NO!
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    smahy0504 wrote: »
    1) supplements can help "supplement" a healthy lifestyle - they are not intended to replace healthy eating i.e eating a dozen donuts then drinking a greens supplement does not make you a healthy eater
    2) MLM companies are not scams.. are there products that MLM sell that one person may not need? Of course! Do you walk into any store and buy everything? No.. but someone does, and that's why it is on their shelf. If someone wants to say that they are a scam because they are a "pyramid scheme".. educate yourself. Look at the structure of the company you work for and tell me if the CEO makes the same as the entry-level position that busts their *kitten* for minimum wage. Is it for everyone? No, but that doesn't make it a scam.

    As for the products themselves, do you're own research and look at the ingredients to decide whether this is something that would work FOR YOU. You don't like veggies raw or cooked, then yea - a supplement containing veggie nutrients would probably be a great addition to your nutritional routine. Noone says you have to cut out your favourite foods! Work them into your meal plan, and try to keep them earlier in the day :smile:

    Also, V8 drinks are full of sodium & sugars - I personally would not consider them an healthy addition to a healthy lifestyle

    MLM companies are generally scams. It Works! is definitely a scam.

    "But the truth is that the vast majority of salespeople earn nowhere near enough to live on.

    Indeed, the average salesperson earned only $937 in 2013 — and that's before subtracting the costs of joining and staying in the company, which can be around $1,000 yearly, much of which goes to buying It Works! product.

    In fact, it seems that many distributors are spending more to be a part of the program than they are earning."

  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    I wish I could have seen the meeting where they pitched the name of the company.