Reducing carbs!?!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    WeirdoTwo wrote: »
    I definitely recommend doing some research on the ketogenic lifestyle. Great for diabetics too. Anybody on a high carb diet may find it difficult to lose the belly because carbs have an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on fat storage (diabetic or not). If you change your diet to make your body generate energy from fats instead of carbs, it should help with the excess stored fat. I'm not diabetic, but I've only been doing it for 6 weeks or so and I've lost 3-4 inches from around my hips/belly, and 7 from my waist. I do 20g of carbs a day. It's an adjustment. But you add more healthy fats and you stay healthy. Check it out. There are some people on YouTube that talk about it. Healthy Pursuits is one.

    That is not how it works
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    WeirdoTwo wrote: »
    I definitely recommend doing some research on the ketogenic lifestyle. Great for diabetics too. Anybody on a high carb diet may find it difficult to lose the belly because carbs have an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on fat storage (diabetic or not). If you change your diet to make your body generate energy from fats instead of carbs, it should help with the excess stored fat. I'm not diabetic, but I've only been doing it for 6 weeks or so and I've lost 3-4 inches from around my hips/belly, and 7 from my waist. I do 20g of carbs a day. It's an adjustment. But you add more healthy fats and you stay healthy. Check it out. There are some people on YouTube that talk about it. Healthy Pursuits is one.

    .Im on a high carb low fat diet due to a health condition, and Im losing fat as well as belly fat,Im not diabetic either,Im in a caloric deficit which is what is causing the fat loss. I was losing fat before I had to eat this way as well.fat is stored if you eat more than you burn or if you have a health issue like I do where your liver doesnt process fats and cholesterol normally.
  • radioactivegirl76
    radioactivegirl76 Posts: 31 Member
    At the end of the day it's BASICLY calories in/calories out. Just like everyone says. I, personally, cut carbs down to keep from binging. For me it was a better solution. It's like asking a junkie to just do drugs in moderation.
    If this is what you need to do to get on track, then do it. We'll back you. We just want you to know there are lots of ways to do this. What works well for some, might not work (with the same effort level) as others.
    I've lost 50lbs on a LCD. But now food and I are in a better place, emotionally. I've increased the carbs to a more moderate amount and I'm still losing weight.
    To answer the question about recipes... Pinterest, girl!!
    Pinterest... is there anything you can't do???
  • radioactivegirl76
    radioactivegirl76 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh, and good luck!! You can do this!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    WeirdoTwo wrote: »
    I definitely recommend doing some research on the ketogenic lifestyle. Great for diabetics too. Anybody on a high carb diet may find it difficult to lose the belly because carbs have an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on fat storage (diabetic or not). If you change your diet to make your body generate energy from fats instead of carbs, it should help with the excess stored fat. I'm not diabetic, but I've only been doing it for 6 weeks or so and I've lost 3-4 inches from around my hips/belly, and 7 from my waist. I do 20g of carbs a day. It's an adjustment. But you add more healthy fats and you stay healthy. Check it out. There are some people on YouTube that talk about it. Healthy Pursuits is one.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    WeirdoTwo wrote: »
    I definitely recommend doing some research on the ketogenic lifestyle. Great for diabetics too. Anybody on a high carb diet may find it difficult to lose the belly because carbs have an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on fat storage (diabetic or not). If you change your diet to make your body generate energy from fats instead of carbs, it should help with the excess stored fat. I'm not diabetic, but I've only been doing it for 6 weeks or so and I've lost 3-4 inches from around my hips/belly, and 7 from my waist. I do 20g of carbs a day. It's an adjustment. But you add more healthy fats and you stay healthy. Check it out. There are some people on YouTube that talk about it. Healthy Pursuits is one.


    I've missed that.
  • Natso29
    Natso29 Posts: 28 Member
    dray351 wrote: »
    You will feel like complete crap the first 10 days. Then you will never be hungry.
    this is gold lol i wish someone had told me this ages ago! My trick for low carb cooking is pick your favorite recipes and just out less grains/ skip the carbs OR double the meat and veggies so the carbs are "diluted" so that you have less per serving (also helps with meal preps cause then you end up with more food). I eat a ton of Mexican/tex mex type food lots of meat, veggies with salsa and beans and greek yogurt (Fake sour cream)

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    WeirdoTwo wrote: »
    I definitely recommend doing some research on the ketogenic lifestyle. Great for diabetics too. Anybody on a high carb diet may find it difficult to lose the belly because carbs have an effect on insulin, and insulin has an effect on fat storage (diabetic or not). If you change your diet to make your body generate energy from fats instead of carbs, it should help with the excess stored fat. I'm not diabetic, but I've only been doing it for 6 weeks or so and I've lost 3-4 inches from around my hips/belly, and 7 from my waist. I do 20g of carbs a day. It's an adjustment. But you add more healthy fats and you stay healthy. Check it out. There are some people on YouTube that talk about it. Healthy Pursuits is one.

    If evolution has done anything, it's given our body the ability to store all things foods. In fact, dietary fat is the easiest nutrient to store as fat; followed by carbs and then protein. Even more so, our bodies have multiple hormones that drive nutrient storage; Acylation Stimulating Protein, Glucose-Dependent Insulintropic Peptide, and Insulin are just a few. But they don't really drive fat storage... it inhibit lipolysis (breakdown of nutrients). This literally occurs every single time you eat. Fat storage, and I am talking about a net fat storage because your body constantly stores and breaks down fat, only occurs in a energy surplus.

    What I also find interesting, is how little people talk about the benefits of hormones like insulin. First, insulin is a hormone that is released by the pancreas that acts a key to your cells to shuttle nutrients in them. Since it is anticatabolic in nature, it also prevents protein degradation and can maximize muscle protein synthesis when combined with adequate training and luecine. So those of us on a higher carb diet, have a greater ability to gain some muscle vs sustain or even lose (depending on your training and protein content).
  • radioactivegirl76
    radioactivegirl76 Posts: 31 Member
    Here are a few tricks I've been using for 6 solid months. [Keep in mind I did a Low carb (50-25-25.) diet. I needed to control my binging on both carbs and fats. So my carbs and fat were low.
    With keto diets youll get much more fat.]
    You'll want to have lean healthy proteins handy at all times. It's easier to grab a high carb food like a banana or crackers then bake a piece of chicken for an hour. So I seasoned and baked 5lbs of chicken breasts at a time. I diced it up and put it in a ziplock bag in the frig. This way when I needed a quick snack I would pull out a few oz and dip them in low sugar BBQ sauce or mustard. Keep the foods you like in stock and handy.
    Another trick I found was the veritility of ground chicken!! I buy chicken breast at the store, then hand trim it to remove all fat. Then I run it thru my meat grinder attachment for my stand mixer. (Best $ I ever spent). That makes a 99% lean chicken slurry that is ready to be flavored a million ways. Pinterest can help with that. I put it in a ziplock bag in the frig till I'm hungry. When it's time to eat, I measure out 8 oz (measure everything) and toss in a skillet. It crumbles up like ground beef. When it's almost done add anything...taco seasoning, curry sauce, bacon, diced peppers, BBQ sauce, wing sauce, Sarahi sauce... you getting my point? Delicious!
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I have had the most success with minimal effort on a low carb/keto diet. There are naysayers but I tell you it works for me and I have tried all types of diets for 20 years (calorie counting, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins (worked but had to stop because I got pregnant), Weight Watchers again, and again). I've been following LCD for 3 months and I have never been happier with a lifestyle change. Once you get the hang of it, it is effortless, the first week is hard as your body adjusts to the change but there are so many people on this site and other sites that can offer suggestions to combat the side effects. Good luck and I second anglyn1's suggestions.

    Only a naysayer because most people I know who have tried it can't stick with it longer than a month.. or once they hit their goal and start eating carbs again, they don't make room in their calorie budget by cutting some of the meat/cheese/etc they got used to eating and just gained it all back. But if you like it and want to keep it up forever it will keep working.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    You might do a search for the low carb group here. There is a ton of helpful information there. You'll have to ask to join but you'll get a lot more helpful suggestions without the ones telling you not to do it.
  • ksz1104
    ksz1104 Posts: 260 Member
    I was diagnosed with diabetes last July and had to cut the carbs bc of that. I went kind of drastic in the beginning, and since July I have lost 30 lbs just by changing my diest. However it has been difficult and even my diabetes nutritionist said to not kill myself trying to resist every carb on the planet but to eat smart and in moderation. I just make sure to eat smaller portions of carbs, or if I know I am going to be somewhere that I want to indulge (like a wedding with wedding cake) I just cut carbs at the other meals.
    I am eating a lot of greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast. If I get a breakfast sandwich I automatically throw away the top bun. I get carrot sticks with chicken wings instead of fries. I have nuts and cheese for snacks. I honestly dont really pay attention to my calories, but I'm going to start tracking just to see what I'm eating.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »

    Most low-carb people on MFP hang out in this group! Request to join and you'll find lots of help there!

    I've been very low carb for a year and half and absolutely love it.

    Same here! For me it works well. I have PCOS and insulin resistance so my body may not handle carbs as well as most people's. But I overall feel better when I eat lower carb, and I find it much easier to stick to my calorie goal.