Funny, but not-so funny question....



  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    ok, I am lucky enough to be attractive already (toots horn). I was single and dating for 3.5 years. The majority of the men I dated loved bigger women, their thoughts were the same you can be heavy and beautiful and lose weight, if your unattractive you are unattractive. I embraced my weight issues along time ago, only because I am beautiful and that helped me mask the weight. Now that I found the love of my life, who is fricken HOT I might add, being beautiful and over weight is not an option. I want to spend every waking moment that I can be with him as long as I can............not skinny not fat, just healthy.........cause he thinks I am beautiful anyway I am...............

    Inside counts more really.

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    a person who has more body fat than is optimally healthy. weight is not the only factor without considering height, body type, and relative amount of muscle mass, such as BMI statisical measurements. use the BMI calculator under TOOLS on MFP that will tell you what your Ideal weight is and I beleive it to be accurate with my opion on an overweight individual.

    So if I am in the ideal weight on that calculator and I am attractive I will instantly become unattractive if I gain that magically 1 or 2 lbs that might push me into the "overweight" category? That is quite possible the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Reading through this thread it was very saddening to read all of your comments. I think that since we are all hear for support then maybe if you don't have anything nice to say you should just shut your freaking "mouth" and not say anything at all. IMHO anyhow.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    well some men out there do have those lovely sayings like, "well her face was ugly but she had an amazing bod" so.... its kind of hard to say if you'd rather be skinny or not.

    Some people will like others for exactly who they are and some people won't. I guess you just have to be happy as you are too.

    At this point....I'd rather be thinner. my face isn't getting the attention I would like anyways :laugh:
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    It is a hard question. I always joke with my sister- about how some skinny girls can't change their looks- but i know all i need to do is loose weight to look good! haha. Anyways, it's a toss-up because what i think is beautiful- others don't. Su want to be "beautiful" but if being overweight meant medical conditions and problems etc... no way would I do it. I'd rather be healthy and ugly. I have a beautiful personality- I mean heck i've had to deal with teasing all my life for my looks-
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member

    There is no such thing as actual UGLINESS... unless it is exuded from a repulsive personality.

    In Love,

    I couldn't have said it better myself!
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member

    (Intimate personal details incoming!) My ex-wife was 5'4" tall and weighed 108 pounds. She looked like Kate Beckinsale in the face, and had the cutest butt ever (yeah, I said it), but she CONSTANTLY doubted her attractiveness. She always complained about how ugly she was, and how she was 'too fat'. There was NOTHING I could say that could change how she saw herself, and it crushed me. In the end she ended up being a very different person than who I fell in love with (a story for another day) and was just as ugly inside, as she was pretty on the outside. That's what people mean when they talk about inner beauty.

    I would 10000000 times rather have someone who is heavy and pretty, that has confidence in herself, and a good 'beautiful soul' than someone who was pretty, hot, and thin (or however you want to say it) physically and was an awful person inside. I know from experience. Looks do not a person make. (Yoda talk ftw!)

    That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God. :smile:

    An ex of mine made comments similar to that. He was a skinny guy-- and i mean he was skinny. But a geek and what-not so of course I found him attractive. Anyways after we had been dating awhile we were talking one day and he made a comment about how he loved the fact that I never once complained to him about my looks or talked negatively about it. (unless i was having a bad day and we were 'talking/talking'... anyways, i didn't really understand why he would care- and then he went on to explain how his ex (now mind you she was thin, blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful- although not as beautiful as I.. haha) would complain every day about how "fat" she was and how she was sooo ugly etc. etc.. It's amazing how instantly unattractive somoene becomes when all they speak are negative comments about others or about themselves.

    just my .02 for the moment. :happy:
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Oh and one more thing: I took the question to mean if you were overweight and beautiful that you wouldn't be able to just "loose the weight".. that you would just have to be overweight your entire life.