What's wrong with your cat?

Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
So there seem to be a lot of cat owners on here.

One of mine will wait until you get out of the shower, jump in and roll around in the water, and attack you if you try to remove her.

She also barges in while you're on the toilet and does somersaults over your feet by wedging her nose between your toes and snuffling and pushing her body over the top with her back legs.

She lies on her back on our stairs with all four paws dug into the stair above her and zooms up and down on her back while miowing to herself.

My other cat is rather boring except that she gets annoyed if I'm leaning over my computer and she cant get to my lap, so she sleeps draped over my shoulders. She's 5kg (11lbs). Ouch

What's wrong with your cat?


  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    My cat mainly lives in other peoples houses. After about 9 years of never straying too far he comes back every 3 days or so for some food and a meow.

    It's annoying!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Whenever my puppy is asleep in her bed, our cat gets in with her and pushes against the puppys back with her paws until the puppy gives up and lies down somewhere else.
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    Mine molests my feet every evening after my shower.
    She nuzzles my feet and rubs all over them.
    Then she'll roll all over them.
    Then sits on them and dares anyone to get near.
    If i let someone sit next to me she'll either turn her back and not look at me, or push her claws into my feet, or jump into my lap and start licking my chest while looking at whoever is next to me.

    It's extremely annoying at times.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My cat mainly lives in other peoples houses. After about 9 years of never straying too far he comes back every 3 days or so for some food and a meow.

    It's annoying!

    Oh yeah, we live in a block of 10 3 bedroom townhouses and my more boring cat is convinced she lives in a 30 bedroom, 20 person house, all of whom are at her beck and call. She's a tart.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Mine molests my feet every evening after my shower.
    She nuzzles my feet and rubs all over them.
    Then she'll roll all over them.
    Then sits on them and dares anyone to get near.
    If i let someone sit next to me she'll either turn her back and not look at me, or push her claws into my feet, or jump into my lap and start licking my chest while looking at whoever is next to me.

    It's extremely annoying at times.

    Haahaa she lurves you!!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    One of mine has mini strokes occasionally, he'll be fine one minute then suddenly his ears go back, his eye dilate and become unfocussed, he will attack a person unprovoked -literally will find someone, grab, bite hard and back up, give this heartwrenching meow and will run to his "safe" space and you can't touch him until it passes or he will attack again, Vet says first attack is his way of telling someone there's something wrong after that, he can't help himself and he will just stay in his safe spot til the stroke passes (he will stay in the spot with his ears back, his eyes dilated and unfocussed and occasionally meow that hearbreaking meow, so far the longest stroke has been about 20 mins)

    The other likes to sleep on the pillow next to mine and when I don't pay attention to her she'll either poke me or tap me on the head until I pay attention
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    My Burmese is very protective of me. My dog can't even come near me some days (now she is a 30kg big dog - dobe x) and my kitty is only 4kg. She also has "babies". They are stubby coolers (or can coolers wherever you are from). She steals them and stockpiles them. Then she carries around one at a time meowing and caring for them. She has been spayed since 4mths and never had kits (she is 9 next month)

    Our black cat he is the weird one. Has no medical issues whatsoever, but once being a stray he seems to think he needs to eat constantly, yet he's only just 3kg. If he thinks can't see him he will try to eat anything in sight (yep ANY type of food!). He also has a habit of licking your hair while sleeping. He has an obsession for chemical smells and will go hypo if you smell anything like it. In particular, he loves the smell of chlorine. If he smells it he will rub on you for a minute before going pyscho and attacking you.

    Oh and he loves to eat lorikeet food. We have to lock it in the cupboard and make sure its locked or he will get it. If he does get it, it gives him the squirts. Why he continues to try and steal it is anyone's guess.
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    My cat only likes me, and he's scared to death of my kids. He's 13 years old. He lives outside, because my middle son is highly allergic to cats. He has a huge mole over his eye, but my vet says it is ok and won't hurt him.

    He still purrs like a kitten whenever I pick him up, and he rubs his little head all over me. Sweet guy!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Mine sits on the chair arm of where I sit and if I don't give her a fuss she will proceed to prod me with her paw. It's kinda cute but she forgets toput her claws in!
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    Our cat Harry licks everyone he sees. If you pick him up he will grab your arm with both paws and pull it towards him, then lick lick lick XD He's 13 and has always done it. We don't see him as much as normal at the moment, he's kind of unimpressed with the 2 kittens we got a few months ago so spends most the time outside.

    The 2 kitties also do a few odd things. Leo likes me best, and every morning (plus random times throughout the day) he will come and suckle my arm. He does that padding thing they do with their feet, which hurts cause he has really sharp claws.
    The other one, Oscar, will nuzzle my mum's neck, do the padding thing too but just meows really loudly in her ear.
    They aren't going outside yet, but if we sit in the garden they will sit in the kitchen and meow really loudly, and they sound really sad and pitiful lol, trying to make us feel bad.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Lol, love this thread, it almost makes my cat Dave look normal....

    Dave insists on having a conversation with you as soon as you get home - he won't let up until you've at least greeted him.

    He'll sleep in any walkway, spread eagle.

    He has a "pet" bottle cap that he basically takes everywhere with him. When he can't have the bottle cap with him (for example he may be exploring the territory on the top of the wardrobe) the cap gets left in his food dish so he doesn't lose it.

    Dave will also play "fetch" with said bottle cap.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Mine runs thru the house making this gods-awful meowing sound, bouncing off walls or you if you happen to be walking. Considering she's 14 and needs a stool to jump on the bed or chair, I'm shocked she still does this weird run of hers.

    She also enjoys a good ruffling - I mean, dig into the fur and ruffle everything, belly included until she is surrounded by a halo of loose fur, purring so hard she often drools on herself.

    Cats... are... odd :3
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    My cat has his tongue out all the time (from a car accident in his youth), he has massive fangs that stick out like a vampire cat. He likes to hump pillows then lick his private parts afterwards. He also likes to give 'love' bites.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    LOVE THIS!!!!,, well my cat really is SPECIAL,,,
    yeah, yeah, aren't they all??!!!ha ha.
    His name is SNICKERS,,,,, he walks around the block on a leash, and hes pretty dam fast,
    people stop and stare, then ask how can they get theirs to do it?
    simple, you can't!,, SNICKS IS SPECIAL, and yours is not..
    if you throw a ball, he will bring it back,,,,,,
    cats hate water,,, not snicks,,,, he loves the hot tub, pool and after a long day,
    he sleeps in the sauna,,,,
    trying to teach him to poop on the toilet now....

    now on a bad, end note,,,, he did put me in the hospital twice..
    he bit me,,, got infected.....
    I love him,,,
    he is my world.
    I walk, talk, my SNICKERS.
  • kwol18
    kwol18 Posts: 25 Member
    Everything. They are cats. it's their nature to just be odd
  • gowrirao81
    gowrirao81 Posts: 139 Member
    Mine insists on sleeping on my face at night damn near suffocating me on a few occasions. Mine also does like if I face too much ... he attacks my calves. .. ouch!
  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    My cat acts like a dog 24/7

    Rolls on his back for belly scratches, plays fetch... oh and when i take the dogs for a walk he tags along and follows us the whole way there and back...
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I wouldn't say anything is wrong with any of my cats, however....

    Macs chirps more like a bird than a cat and likes to sing at 2 something in the morning in the hallway where it echoes. I would say the whole sitting up like an otter thing is weird, but it's a breed trait.

    Both of my kittens are presenting trying to suffocate me in the night. They are also fascinated watching me play on the computer. Spot has an obession with Ryvitas and Veggie Stix. One believes that people need to be licked, preferably their noses but any other part will do.

    Side note... never name your cat One if you have more than one cat. It makes for some confusing conversations.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    I throw stuff away and he brings it all back puts it on the floor ifront of me and is like "one more time??!!" ...
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    My cat knows my son is allergic to cats... so she sleeps on his chest while he's sleeping. He wakes up with eyes swollen and sneezing. Evil kitty!