What's wrong with your cat?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    It's dead.

    Before he died he had diabetes and despite daily injections he would have hypos and sometimes end up falling in the fish pond.
    Holding an angry, wet and spaced out cat while you rub honey on his tongue is a challenge.

    RIP Thomas.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    All arms of chairs in the house belong to Spitzy, if you have laid anything over the arm of the chair that she currently wants to sleep on she will stare at it and at you until someone removes it so that she can reclaim her territory. She drinks water by dipping her paw into the bowl and then licking it off. She must sniff every can that you open to find out if what is inside is cat edible, and whenever she sits in front of a mirror she tries to go on rescue missions to dig the kitty that she sees out of the glass because she's convinced they are trapped.

    But BC is the truly weird one. She is incredibly affectionate, but only with me. Always comes to greet me at the door and must be acknowledged and picked up otherwise she will meow until I comply. In the mornings she insists that we take a trip down to the basement and that she be carried up the stairs afterward (fairly certain she thinks that every time I sleep that I am, in fact, dead and the effusive morning greeting is really just relief that I am alive). If I am standing and doing something and she decides that she needs attention she will put her front paws on my calf and stretch herself up until I pick her up. And, of course, there is no such thing as a solo trip to the bathroom, she also likes to sit on the edge of the bathtub and dip her tail in my bathwater whenever I take a bath.
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    I am a momma to three different cats.

    My oldest cat, Texas, is a 2 year old medium-hair tortie. She was my first cat & we got her last year at our local shelter.

    She is very loud, vocal & sassy when she wants fed (which is all the time). The cat eats & poops more than any cat I've had! We now have multiple litterboxes, and one day when cleaning them out, I noticed how HEAVY the bag was. I sadly weighed it, and it was 3 pounds...mostly from Texas. Oh, and I forgot. She pees on everything! Piles of clothes are her favorite. She never did it until we got more cats in the house >:(

    Then my second cat, Sapphire, turned a year old in May. She is a long-hair tabby point Siamese with gorgeous blue eyes. She looks like a mini lynx or mountain cat, which is why I love her! But anywho. So she also is a bit mouthy, now that she has broke out of her shell & isn't shy anymore. She likes to randomly howl at the door between 2 and 5 am whenever she notices that I'm not in a deep sleep. She is very, very needy. Pretty much her only fault is that she is too loving and wants attention all the time.

    My third cat, Jade, is a short-hairred tortie. She looks like the baby of our first cat. She is only 17 weeks old & she was rescued by my boyfriend after he almost ran her over. She, however, terrorizes my other two cats at all hours of the day. The kitten almost never sleeps. Baby tortie & the Siamese fight like dogs, goin' all W.W.E. in our living room every night, hahaha. Oh, and the kitten is more litter trained than our 2 year old...
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ours, he's 5 months old, and huge.. lol

    Same issue, LOVES the wet tub.. as soon as you get out of the shower, he's in the tub rolling around.

    When I go to pee, as soon as he knows I'm sitting, he comes and jumps in my pants that are down to my ankles and just lays in there.. hahaha

    If he's going to pounce on you, he gets ready and when he jumps, he's got his arms out, doing a flying leap at you!! hahah crazy *kitten*...
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    My male thinks he is a dog. He plays fetch, follows me everywhere and meets me at the door everyday when I get home. He also likes to open doors and drawers in the bathroom so he can get out the rubber bands he uses to play fetch.

    My female cat likes to lick the shower, either while Im in it or after I get out. The only time she licks me is if she wants me to pet her, she knows I will do it if she does.

    They both hate each other but love me, so they constantly vie for attention. If Im on the couch, one will sit next to me and as soon as he/she gets up for food the other takes their place.

    Oh, and THEY BOTH STEAL MY PILLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KristysLosing
    Snickers likes to like water off of my skin after I shower. Thor likes to race me to my bedroom at bedtime and roll around on the bed, hoping he'll get to stay there. He also likes to knock things down, just for the sake of doing it.
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Even though my cat died it was a few years ago now but he had this really load purr and when he wanted a pat or a cuddle he would wrap your hand in his paws.
    He died protecting the family there was a brown snake near the house my cat got bit and he wouldn't let any one near him not even his brother. R.I.P Ratbag
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Mine loves to "head-butt" me to show me his affection. When he's happy, his tail will go straight up in the air and then vibrate. He also likes to wrestle with my dog (which is 3x his size) especially when I play with her (the dog).
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    My cat acts like a dog 24/7

    Rolls on his back for belly scratches, plays fetch... oh and when i take the dogs for a walk he tags along and follows us the whole way there and back...

    Same here... :smokin:

  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I know, I'm going to be called a crazy cat lady. I have tried to deny it since I'm married, but there's not use.

    I have 7 cats (down from 14 since I've lived in this blasted apartment. I managed to give away 5, 2 got hit by cars. :( )

    3 from my first litter, 3 years old:
    Scruffy - long haired white w/ calico patches.
    Hittles - Short haired white w/ calico patches.
    Punkin - short haired white w/ orange patches.
    All females.

    3 from my 3rd litter, all 1 year old:
    Ash- Grey/black tabby striped patches and white.
    Goblin- White with grey patches.
    Lito- White with black patches.
    All males, the second litter of a pure black stray who has since vanished.

    1 Stray who decided she we belonged to her, I'd say about 7 or 8 month:
    Clara- all gray. (I named her after Clara Oswin Oswald, because they have the same big cute eyes.)

    They all have quirks. Hittles likes to steal straws and obsesses over treats. Scruffy is very prissy about how she places her tail and paws, but she's a klutz and attention hungry. Punkin is moody and doesn't like other cats, hasn't met a box she didn't like or that she didn't immediately claim. Ash only likes my husband, he just puts up with me as a consolation if my husband ignores him. Gobby (Goblin) is ugly, but cute. He gets very cuddly when he comes in from outside and presses himself up against you and climbs all over you. He's a gentle giant. He never fights back when the others attack him. He goes limp when you pick him up, too. Lito is my baby, he comes as soon as I call and lays on my chest and purrs while I pet him. He's annoying though, sometimes he bites my face. And Clara showed up on our back porch shortly after my Gus died, and meowed until we noticed her. She was shy, wouldn't let me touch her. Then I fed her a little and she walked right into our house and hasn't left. We're her's now. And she's playful and lays on anything and she's so mellow, she puts up with anything.

    There. That's my story.
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    Well, the obvious answer is that she barfs all the time...
    But she is crazy, ever since she went through the window screen to get away from my parents cat.. She only likes me which is fine cause the husband hates her. She constantly meows which sounds more like a duck and likes to go out in the rain. Dumb cat, but I love her!
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    My new kitten (ok, we've had him a year now and he was a few months old when we adopted him) is insane. This cat will go flying through my home, leaping up/on/over anything & everyone in his path. He literally climbs up the windows. I woke up 1 morning and he was hanging off of a mirror that he climbed up (yea picture that) and the whole mirror was about to come crashing down. When you are watching tv, he'll just sit behind the couch and meow his little head off.

    But then other times, he's the cuddliest little cat you ever saw. He curls up on anyone and everyone's laps and goes to sleep. He curls up on top of my other cat and goes the sleep.

    He's a licker. We had guests over the other day and they were quite intriqued that the cat was licking their toes. (no manners in this one, I swear!)

    He's also obsessed with the bathroom. Loves hopping in the tub, climbing the shower curtain, and "guarding" the shower while you're in it (then again, tries to lick your legs when you get out!)

    He's so weird!!!!!! (for the record, my other cat and my previous cat were perfectly normal lol)
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    Oh, I forgot to mention. My cats like to play fetch with cough drops.

    Legit, I had a cold last year and accidently dropped a Halls and my tubby cat, Tex, went berserk. It's kitty crack, almost worse than catnip. Before she got fat, she used to play with 'em all the time for a solid 30 minutes up to an hour.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Pearl is too smart to watch the birds through the actual window, so she watches the shadows on the wall

  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    My cat will sit on the bathtub ledge while I am showering. She will stick her paw in under the shower stream, get it wet and then wash her face with the water.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    My cat TwoSocks loves to play fetch, he loves these little stuffed lambs that I got at bath and body works last year around the holidays.
    He loves to be chased and to the the chaser, he will run at you full blast and leap into the air and use your body as a bouncer and launches himself all four feet off of you.
    He loves to lay upside down , and he loves to carpet surf. He is very talky and will argue with you.
    He always greets us at the door and then runs to the tile to do his "squirms" until you pet his belly.

    I love this cat
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I was given Sophie by a couple kids one evening while I was throwing trash in the dumpster. They had her in a box--she couldn't have been more than 6 weeks old--and told me their mother said they couldn't keep her and had to "throw it away". I'm a sucker for big, blue eyes, so she went home with me.

    My boyfriend claimed to hate cats. So Sophie decided she was his cat. When he comes home from work, she HAS TO CUDDLE HIM right away. She can hear his Civic from 8 blocks away. If he doesn't pick her up the minute he steps in the door, she yowls this gawdawful scream of a yowl until he does.

    Then she makes this face the entire time he holds her


    As a kitten, she broke into my craft supplies and opened a bag of 144 sparkly pom-poms. She's been obsessed with "sparkle balls" ever since (she's 4 years old now). She isn't interested in other cat toys, even ones with catnip. Every time the furniture gets rearranged, a cloud of hidden/lost sparkle balls is released, and Sophie spends days violently attacking them, carrying them around, throwing them down the stairs, until they all disappear again.

    Sophie gets mad if the children aren't in bed by 9pm. She will meow louder and louder, eventually escalating into attacking their legs, until they're in bed. She then must tuck them each in by climbing on them, and paw kneading them thoroughly. She sleeps with them throughout the night, switching kids about every 3 hours. Then, at 7am, she wakes them up. If they want to sleep in on weekends, they actually have to lock her in the bathroom, or she will howl and scratch at the doors until they get up otherwise.

    No one can use a bathroom without Sophie. She will cry and scratch at the door if you try. When she hides wherever she hides when she cannot be found, the only way to get her to come out is to go in the bathroom and close the door. She'll be at that door, crying, in seconds.

    Sophie has pretended our dog, a 150lb Saint Bernard, doesn't exist since she got tired of attacking him as a kitten. He always ignored her when she was attacking him. We suspect she snubs him now to get him back. The definition of "catty".

    Sophie loves our rabbit, however, and chases, is chased by, wrestles, cuddles, and cleans him whenever she can. The rabbit feels the same way about Sophie, but when she wants to play and he doesn't, he barks at her like a dog.

    Sophie used to drink out of the fish tank, until the Oscar got big enough to bite her nose. Now she just throws objects into the fish tank. Any object small enough to carry is fair game for fish tank toss.

    Except sparkle balls. Those never go in the fish tank.
  • The_Outlaw_Torn
    The_Outlaw_Torn Posts: 67 Member
    When Lucy was a kitten, every time I would go poop, she had to go in there with me and then would fall asleep in my pants....not sure if she was asleep or passed out....

    Lucy also loves sweet tea. I would get a huge 32 ounce glass of Southern Sugar Tea and should drink it...if it got too low for her to dunk her head in it, she would move to using her paws.
  • gogo99999
    gogo99999 Posts: 23 Member
    My two cats love bringing home rodents and a bird now and then.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    ahhh where to start!! She scales the doors and would claw you to bits when you try and take her down(sometimes takes swipes at your head as you walk past), randomly tries to run up walls and the glass front door, she bullies my 5 1/2 stone black lab ! Sometimes when she meows it sound like she is saying my partners name "alan" sooo creepy! No matter how much or little food is in her bowl she will only eat half and will refuse to eat anything else out of the bowl until the other food has been cleaned out, she will only eat dry cat food - have tried her with fresh fish, tuna, wet cat food all sort but nope but plain dry cat food! She climbs on top of the shower rail while your in and gives you evils, she will huff if you dont give her treats and walk about the shelves knocking stuff down ... the list could keep going lol