Yogurt for the first time



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I don't think you can beat Fage whole milk plain greek yogurt. I can eat it right out of the container - or add some fresh berries. Oh. Yum.
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    I dislike yogurt as well. Tho see it has a terrible taste and the texture is icky. But then again....I'm
    weird and only eat blah and plain foods.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Bitter? Check the expiry date. Natural yogurt will have an acidic taste. Most people don't eat it without any addons, though. I just had Turkish yoghurt with pecans and dates, and that was heaven!

    I eat plain greek yogurt without add-ons (OK, mostly just the occasional extra spoonful while I have the carton open for whatever other purpose, not actually a whole bowl by itself, but I wouldn't do that if I didn't think it was yummy.)

    ETA: totally with you on the acidic, not bitter, issue. I'm wondering if some of the people on this thread know what bitter means, when it comes to taste. Coffee is bitter (more or less so, depending on roast, preparation, etc., but if it's supposed to be bitter). Plain (unsweetened) chocolate is bitter. Yogurt is sour/tart/acidic.

    I had the same thought, and also quite like plain yogurt, although I normally add some berries.

    I wonder if it was off (although bitter still seems odd) and would recommend trying another brand. I didn't care for greek yogurt when I first tried it (I was used to plain regular and still get that sometimes from the farmer's market) and it just tasted too thick, but the flavor itself didn't seem different, just the texture.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    IMO, life is too short to eat things one doesn't like. Maybe yogurt isn't for you.

    If you're determined to add it to your way of eating for some reason, you might try some other brands or flavors before rejecting the whole category, as others have suggested.

    Another option is to mix it with something. I love plain yogurt, and one way I eat it is mixed in my oatmeal. It can be used as the base for a "creamy" salad dressing - just add salt and seasonings to taste. Salted/peppered plain yogurt mixed with sliced cucumbers and thinly sliced sweet onions is excellent.

    It makes a decent sour cream substitute on a baked potato, or on top of enchiladas or somesuch thing. Mix half a cup or so with a tablespoon of honey and some lemon juice, maybe a little cinnamon or nutmeg, and put it on fruit salad. There are lots of options.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I can't eat plain Greek yogurt , the tartness makes my face contort!
    I buy these 0 calorie flavour drops and mix some into a 1kg tub of yogurt. This way I get the flavour i want, minus the extra sugar and calories that regular flavoured yogurts contain.
  • dominette3168
    dominette3168 Posts: 36 Member
    Tart is definitely a better description, it's plain Oikyos. I added 1/2 serving of chocolate whey powder, 1 tbsp of dark chocolate shavings, and about 1/2 a banana. I'm just hoping it's something I can get used to because it's a great healthy/filling breakfast.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Try some flavored varieties as a sort of gateway yogurt. Plain Greek yogurt can be pretty tart! Yes, they are higher in sugar but many varieties really aren't that bad and you can get artificially sweetened ones if you'd rather.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you thought it would taste like cottage cheese, you might as well have cottage cheese -- there's no particular need to eat yogurt. (I eat both, as I like both.)
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    I have tried so many brands, flavors, mix ins, etc for yogurt and I can never get past the taste. The ONLY one I found that was even remotely edible was Yoplait Whips Chocolate, Key Lime or Orange. But, for the calories, I could not justify it.

    I have learned that I am not, and never will be, a yogurt eater. :D
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I stew rhubarb or plums in a little sugar and make a compote, very easy to do in a glass container in the microwave. I then add it to 2% Greek yoghurt. Works for me !
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Banana greek yogurt mmmmm
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I actually like all kinds of yogurt, but some is pretty sour. The sweetened fruit stuff can taste like a dessert, but it's got a lot of sugar. The plain stuff I use like sour cream or mix in fruit or jam, I've even mixed in powdered peanut butter.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Oh my gosh, it's disgusting! It's so insanely bitter. I thought it would have more of a cottage cheese taste. HOW do you get passed the bitterness?!?

    What type of yogurt? I enjoyed this since I was a child, and back then there were no flavored ones. Mine are never bitter, and I can easily eat it alone, or sometimes I'd mix it with my breakfast cereal.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    TonyB0588 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh, it's disgusting! It's so insanely bitter. I thought it would have more of a cottage cheese taste. HOW do you get passed the bitterness?!?

    What type of yogurt? I enjoyed this since I was a child, and back then there were no flavored ones. Mine are never bitter, and I can easily eat it alone, or sometimes I'd mix it with my breakfast cereal.

    I think she's confusing bitter with tartness. Plain yogurt is definitely Tart.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I eat plain yogurt all the time, and it's never been bitter. Sour or tangy maybe, but if it's bitter then something has gone badly wrong.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Tart is definitely a better description, it's plain Oikyos. I added 1/2 serving of chocolate whey powder, 1 tbsp of dark chocolate shavings, and about 1/2 a banana. I'm just hoping it's something I can get used to because it's a great healthy/filling breakfast.

    yeah, yogurt is tangy. i've been making my own since xmas and it doesn't have to be like that . . . some of mine has been downright whats-the-point, it was so mild. but i i've gotten to where i like the sharpness.

    even so, i'd never make smoothies of it without a sweetened whey powder. takes a while to find the right balance for your own mouth, so if you're really determined to keep your mind open, you could play with the quantities. i think i started out using the yogurt to drown the 'awful' taste of the whey, and then things kind of evolved and developed from there.

  • dominette3168
    dominette3168 Posts: 36 Member
    Tart is definitely a better description, it's plain Oikyos. I added 1/2 serving of chocolate whey powder, 1 tbsp of dark chocolate shavings, and about 1/2 a banana. I'm just hoping it's something I can get used to because it's a great healthy/filling breakfast.

    yeah, yogurt is tangy. i've been making my own since xmas and it doesn't have to be like that . . . some of mine has been downright whats-the-point, it was so mild. but i i've gotten to where i like the sharpness.

    even so, i'd never make smoothies of it without a sweetened whey powder. takes a while to find the right balance for your own mouth, so if you're really determined to keep your mind open, you could play with the quantities. i think i started out using the yogurt to drown the 'awful' taste of the whey, and then things kind of evolved and developed from there.

    I gave it another try today (had bought the 4 serving tub of it and pre-mixed all 4 servings on day one with the whey and dark chocolate), after all the flavors had a chance to meld with each other, it's not too shabby. Definitely something I can keep eating. Now I just have to remember to pre-mix everything a day or two before eating it ;)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I can't get into yogurt as a sweet thing, only as a savoury. The exception being a lemon cheesecake flavoured yogurt I used to get when yogurt bars were trendy and everywhere. Now that its gone, I've given up again.