Keto? Paleo? Low carb? IF?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I have been doing IF for 14 days now, and am down 13 pounds - I have been doing the 16:8 or 18:6 fast, and then watching what I eat during my eating window. If you skip breakfast normally, I would recommend it! I feel better, more clear headed and I can see the weight starting to come off my mid-section!

    fasting is nothing special for losing belly fat, fat comes off where it wants when it wants. if you are losing from your belly first then congrats as you have the genetics that make you lose from that area first. most women thats the last place for it to come off. But you must have a really big deficit to lose that much aside from water weight which is not a good thing to lose that quickly.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,569 Member
    I like my calories later vs earlier. I guess I practice unintentional intermittent fasting,

    I usually have my dinner at around 18:00 and my breakfast at around 09:00. So I guess I do some kind of IF.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited January 2019
    I have been doing IF for 14 days now, and am down 13 pounds - I have been doing the 16:8 or 18:6 fast, and then watching what I eat during my eating window. If you skip breakfast normally, I would recommend it! I feel better, more clear headed and I can see the weight starting to come off my mid-section!

    fasting is nothing special for losing belly fat, fat comes off where it wants when it wants. if you are losing from your belly first then congrats as you have the genetics that make you lose from that area first. most women thats the last place for it to come off. But you must have a really big deficit to lose that much aside from water weight which is not a good thing to lose that quickly.

    I'm pear shaped and my stomach is completely flat in the morning, even being out of my maintenance range a few pounds currently. However, my jeans are uncomfortably tight right now (the reason why I got my act together and started a short weight loss phase again last week).

    My mom, maternal grandma and sisters are all apple shaped, I'm the odd one out.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    zeejane03 wrote: »
    I have been doing IF for 14 days now, and am down 13 pounds - I have been doing the 16:8 or 18:6 fast, and then watching what I eat during my eating window. If you skip breakfast normally, I would recommend it! I feel better, more clear headed and I can see the weight starting to come off my mid-section!

    fasting is nothing special for losing belly fat, fat comes off where it wants when it wants. if you are losing from your belly first then congrats as you have the genetics that make you lose from that area first. most women thats the last place for it to come off. But you must have a really big deficit to lose that much aside from water weight which is not a good thing to lose that quickly.

    I'm pear shaped and my stomach is completely flat in the morning, even being out of my maintenance range a few pounds currently. However, my jeans are uncomfortably tight right now (the reason why I got my act together and started a short weight loss phase again last week).

    My mom, maternal grandma and sisters are all apple shaped, I'm the odd one out.

    could have gotten those genes from your dads side though.
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    zeejane03 wrote: »
    I have been doing IF for 14 days now, and am down 13 pounds - I have been doing the 16:8 or 18:6 fast, and then watching what I eat during my eating window. If you skip breakfast normally, I would recommend it! I feel better, more clear headed and I can see the weight starting to come off my mid-section!

    fasting is nothing special for losing belly fat, fat comes off where it wants when it wants. if you are losing from your belly first then congrats as you have the genetics that make you lose from that area first. most women thats the last place for it to come off. But you must have a really big deficit to lose that much aside from water weight which is not a good thing to lose that quickly.

    I'm pear shaped and my stomach is completely flat in the morning, even being out of my maintenance range a few pounds currently. However, my jeans are uncomfortably tight right now (the reason why I got my act together and started a short weight loss phase again last week).

    My mom, maternal grandma and sisters are all apple shaped, I'm the odd one out.

    could have gotten those genes from your dads side though.

    True, I don't know any of them so that could definitely be the case!