Cedes12 Posts: 16 Member
Please join me in my journey to a healthier lifestyle one step at a time...

I am trying to lose some weight for a long time but I can't seem to keep myself motivated about exercise and healthy eating. With this forum we can support each other as we each go through our journeys. This challenge will run from April 3rd-Jun 3rd. Feel free to share your daily struggles, your motivations, and any words of encouragement. We all need a little encouragement from time to time.

The goal for this challenge is simple: at least 6,000 steps or 45 mins cardio exercise (walking, jogging, running ect) per day.

To join please add the following info:
Target weight at end of challenge
Your weekly step count

I will gather all info and give props to our weekly leaders (those with most steps in a week) for their bragging rights :)

We can all do this together!!


  • cheygirl_17
    cheygirl_17 Posts: 3 Member
    I think I could be interested in joining!
  • Cedes12
    Cedes12 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! So far is just us two lol... don't forget to post your stats monday :)
  • sndk1976
    sndk1976 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join my first mfp challenge.
    My current weight is 135.5lbs
    Target weight is 126lbs
  • ineedachange185
    ineedachange185 Posts: 30 Member
    I would like to join.
    Starting weight - 187
    Goal weight - 175
  • Cedes12
    Cedes12 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome everyone thanks for joining... I am Sadie.. We are going to do great together.

    My starting weight -199.8
    My goal weight - 185
  • Lori105305
    Lori105305 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2017
    Starting weight 270
    Short term goal weight 240
  • Cedes12
    Cedes12 Posts: 16 Member
    I am facing a challenge already - trying to resist the urge to go out and get something for lunch.. usually when I make unhealthy dietary choices i find it hard stick to my exercise schedule in the evening
  • ajf729
    ajf729 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd like to join.
    Current weight 219.2
    End of challenge goal weight 190
    Weekly step count averages 35000.
  • Candyb38
    Candyb38 Posts: 44 Member
    I would love to join if I could.
    Starting weight: 153
    Goal weight by June: 141
    Steps today: 5000
  • teelatesluk
    teelatesluk Posts: 59 Member
    Interested in joining
    Starting weight 220
    Goal weight by June 1st 205
    I'll have to plug in my Fitbit for my steps.
  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Getting in just under the wire!! Sounds like a great challenge...
    Overall Start Weight in January: 171 lbs
    Challenge Start Weight April 3: 161.4 lbs
    Goal Weight June 3rd: 150 lbs
    Goal steps per day: 11,000
    April 3: 11,801
  • JaymeHayes14
    JaymeHayes14 Posts: 15 Member
    Start weight: 156.9
    Goal weight: 140
    Average steps for the week: 53,000

    Would like to join the challenge!!! Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Candyb38
    Candyb38 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh sorry it was weekly step count I average around 35,000. Trying to get better:)
  • Lindsay34Hermanson
    Lindsay34Hermanson Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to join too.
    Start weight 185.2
    Goal weight by June 175
    Weekly step goal 60 000
  • hball0423
    hball0423 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join
    Start Weight: 195
    Goal Weight by June: 160
    Weekly Step Goal: 23,000

    ( I am a agent for Medicare so I have a desk job)
  • laurenbarnett692
    laurenbarnett692 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to join!

    Sorry I don't work in pounds but...
    Starting weight 78kg
    Goal weight 65kg
    Daily step target is 8000
    Weekly average is about 38000

  • crazymotivated
    crazymotivated Posts: 1 Member
    I'm excited for my first MFP challenge!

    Challenge Starting weight: 254.2
    Challenge Goal weight: 234
    Weekly Step Count: 40,000
  • jknla2005
    jknla2005 Posts: 3 Member
    Excited to begin my first MFP and hopefully the start to better health!

    Challenge Stsrting Weight: 245
    Challenge Goal Weight: 235
    Weekly Step Count: 60,000
  • Cedes12
    Cedes12 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome everyone else who joined.. Would it be more beneficial to report steps daily or weekly? Let me know your thoughts
  • cherylmccarty
    cherylmccarty Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. Need some motivation.
    Challenge start weight: 154
    Challenge goal weight: 134

    I don't have a step count. Time to dig out that Fitbit!