Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    This is normally how I enter my exercise - in the gym parking lot! LOL
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited April 2017
    @happysherri - Love it! Lol. Get that exercise recorded as soon as you know it happens. I like the way you jump on opportunities as soon as possible.

    @wellthenwhat - I want to borrow a cup of great attitude. Keep posting.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @aleahurst - Flowers!!! I am a plant murderer, I just can't keep them alive. However my yard has dandelions - I know they're considered a weed but I think the yellow color is pretty. Exercise - yes, start small and add a little when you feel stronger. I am getting back into more cardio and I am not where I need to be. I'm adding a little more each time after lifting. You can do it - just don't over do it LOL
    @ParanormaLauren - Wonderful Work! Way to get in that gym! You know I don't pamper myself like I should. My nails are never done and I have lots of cute colors of nail polish at home. I also have a hair mask that I've only used once. You are so Right! Post a picture when you get that done.
    @wellthenwhat - I will be eating a bunch of junk and Easter candy this weekend, my sis is coming into town (I haven't seen her since my mom's funeral). I like that you have a plan :smile: Love the 'new day' attitude, warrior
    @susanrobison32 - Softball! I use to play softball when I was young. I'm glad you have something active that you enjoy. Yes, it was sunshiny yesterday and rolling down the windows while driving was glorious.
    @dlm4mom - Welcome back! Life does happen... A Lot! You will back at it in no time and those pounds will drop.

    Update: Yesterday I completed 60 minutes of shoulders and stair intervals. I was Super Sweaty after the stairs! Whew. Trying to build up my cardio after my weight sessions. This weeks goal is that I'm trying to get in 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This will be a challenge but I can do it.

    Thought for the day: I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. **I don't always have things figured out, who does. However, I know I'm moving forward and improving daily. I work on myself a little more each day, trying to stay positive in this society (this one is hard for me), trying to let go of the past and forgive, trying to be kinder, trying to not judge so much (yes, I judge, I'm human), trying to not allow this world to harden my heart, trying to figure out my happiness and what's best for me... etc Love to ya
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    @nickiphillips1 and @happysherri I hear ya...thanks for the support.

    Sorry to hear about your marriages. I can relate. Hubby is husband #2. I got married out of college and that was a really bad choice. Everything....lying, cheating, hiding finances, disrespect....all rolled up into one narcissistic package. I was divorced at 29.

    My present husband is the total opposite. Good good man. Just clueless when it comes to being thoughtful...and forget romance! He gets lost in himself with work...I think he borders on being a workaholic...and doesn't realize that the two of us need to have a relationship. There's more to being a couple than who is going to pack the lunches for tomorrow or pick up the dry cleaning.

    We did sit down and have a long talk this weekend. He says he knows he has to make some changes. We booked a long weekend cruise for the end of June and are making more plans to have "date nights" which are NON EXISTENT. If we go out on a date 5 times a year it's a lot.

    I love him it's worth the work, but it gets lonely when he retreats into one of his "work around the clock" modes. Disagreeing on how the extra money gets spent is another bone of contention.

    Ahhhhh what can you do?

    Talk soon,

  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a little late to this party but I just wanted to thank everyone for this wonderful thread. So many kind words of support for people going through tough times, and so many inspirational ideas.

    April is definitely a good month to add some beautiful behaviours to my life. Today I was feeling "hungry" but had just had a snack so I knew I wasn't really hungry, just bored. I took 10 minute break and walked briskly around the building a few times, then came back and had a cup of tea. I figured if I was still hungry then it would mean I actually was and I could eat an apple or one of my protein bars. But, turns out, I was right, not really hungry. I've found a new beautiful behaviour and I'm going to keep it in my arsenal.
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @wellthenwhat I really like your idea of lowering calories during the week, so you have more room on the weekends. I think I'm going to adopt it! Thanks for sharing :smile:

    @happysherri Sounds like a killer workout! Great job getting building up the cardio. Thanks for sharing the positive thoughts for the day.

    @aleahurst I love your list of beautiful behaviors. Thanks for the inspiration!

    @fitzmonkey13 I'm proud of you for being able to recognize what you actually need! Great job.

    I went out with some friends Saturday night. It reminded me of how much I love to dance. I'm going to try to work that into my calendar more often!
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    Well, the weather finally is getting better in these parts (outside Philadelphia), which always lifts my mood a bit. I feel more motivated to get moving and eat more fruits and veggies. I don't need the comfort foods as much. I enjoy all of your posts -- very motivating!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    The next time I step on a scale, someone smack me. Gently.

    Dieting is not about numbers on an uncaring machine. It's about getting healthy.

    Raspberries to the scale
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @aleahurst I agree! It can be so defeating. The number on the scale isn't what makes me look better or have more energy, or feel better about myself. It's getting healthy that really makes the difference!
    Keep an eye out for those non-scale victories!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I did not do well on portion control today so I am way over on calories---although it was all delicious healthy food and I believe my eating was mindful. My goal for tomorrow-- keep working on the eating ,spend an hour working in the yard and prepare food to pack in my lunch for the rest of the week.
    Seems like everyone on this site has much better motivation than I do. Hope I can absorb some of it.
  • ParanormaLauren
    ParanormaLauren Posts: 69 Member
    Hear, hear @aleahurst and @mbam89

    Was in therapy today - a very important part of this whole process for me - and I had the realization that I've tried to lose weight lots of times, but I've never actually tried to be healthy before. It's a completely different approach for me and I see it paying off in big ways.

    That being said, I weighed in for the Biggest Loser challenge at work today and I've lost a good 20 lbs. I think winners are announced tomorrow, so I'm hoping for victory. What can I say? I'm competitive!

    But I still want to throw my scale into the ocean.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, all! I took yesterday off from work and went up to NJ to have the first Seder with my family. the food was delicious, and I didn't overdo, although I may have had a lot of red wine :).

    @ParanormaLauren congrats on all your progress to date! 20 lbs is amazing.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    edited April 2017

    Here is one of the machines I use, it's pretty easy. Pick the appropriate weight by removing the pin and replacing it at the number, then sit as shown (back to the weight), then pull down slowly behind your head (up and down slowly). Maybe for those wanting to venture to that side of the gym this will help. *****I'm not a pro, but I have been performing this exercise on back and shoulder day for some time. (Trial and error for the weight, if you can perform more than 10 with perfect form then you can try and go up on weight a bit and try that)

    Hope this helps someone. :smiley:
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 Great job with your beautiful behavior!
    I was happy that I managed to make chocolate chip cookies without tasting the dough or eating any. I froze them in silicone ice cube trays, and will bake myself one at a time when I want one. Yesterday was a great food day. I spent all day with a local farrier trimming hooves. (I am hoping to make that my side job eventually) So outside all day, constantly moving, some strength work (It's hard holding up a horse's leg that doesn't want it held, lol). We went to a restaurant for lunch. I ordered their smallest hamburger with sweet tea no side and no dessert. It filled me up well. Got home to late to eat, so I'm sure I made up for my horrible eating Sunday. Now I feel like I can really start fresh, because I don't feel guilty about the weekend, lol.
    My next challenge will be to teach myself to eat a healthy portion at family barbeques and get togethers.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @wellthenwhat Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I need that from time to time. Also - that's a great idea about the cookies!!!
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @ParanormaLauren Great job on the Biggest Loser Challenge! Did you find out who the winner was?

    @jessiquoi Great job on not overdoing it! I always seem to struggle with overeating around my family. I think it's just familiar surroundings make it easy to fall back into old habits. Here's to building new habits around our families!

    @HappySheri Thank you for sharing that info! You're killin it! #beastmode :wink: Also, I love your tank! That phrase is so true.

    @wellthenwhat I like the cookie idea, too. Great job not tasting the dough! That is so hard!!

    Thank you for all the positivity and great ideas here! I really like this group. You guys are awesome :smile:
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @KimF0715 - Yes, marriage is a rollercoaster and definitely takes work. I'm glad that you had a heartfelt discussion with your hubby and you both are working forward and upward :smiley: Love it
    @fitzmonkey13 - That is awesome. Mostly when I'm sitting on my couch and 'think' I'm hungry, I say 'ya know there's fruit in there' - and then I realize I just had a craving. So happy you shared
    @mbam89 - Dancing! Woot, I use to dance every weekend, sounds fun. Keep it up
    @aleahurst - Pfsht, the scale and that number is so all over the place. Yes, we have tools to help us with our fit journey however I go by how I feel and the progress I'm making. I could show you pictures at the same weights where I look unhealthy and others (same weight) where I look healthy. The scale is "stupid"
    @dlm4mom - One day at a time, one meal at a time, one movement at a time. Keep going
    @ParanormaLauren - WOWZERS - Happy 20 loss! ha Same here, I've lost weight in the past but am still learning the best ways and healthiest ways to treat my body.
    @jessiquoi - WIN! Eating delicious food, yet not overdoing it is Victory! Glad you got to spend time with your family.
    @wellthenwhat - That's interesting, I think horses are beautiful. That is a Wonderful idea - freezing the cookie dough for when I need it, and in servings.

    Update: Completed 60 minutes of Von Moger Quads and Abs. My bf had to work so I worked out solo and switched a leg day (he hates to work legs) for chest. He can make it to the gym with me tonight so the goal is to work chest or back. *You know I love you when I switch around my workouts for you LOL. My "STRIVE FOR FIVE" challenge is going well. Yesterday I ate 2 servings of grapefruit, 1 serving banana, 1 serving of roasted veggies, and 1 serving of mixed greens including spinach. BOOM, that equals my 5 servings of fruits and veggies!!! Pretty sure I am liking fruits more than the veggies, but that's okay - I'm getting them in.

    Thought for the day: Fall in love with taking care of your body. ***Also your mind, I feel that's what this thread is about. There are times when we need to be harsh with ourselves and hold ourselves accountable. There are also times when we need to give ourselves a rest and remember to ease our minds.

    I need a new challenge for next week. This week is to get in 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Not sure what's next. @jessiquoi - Maybe to add a little Yoga each day before or after my workouts. @aleahurst - Or maybe to acquaint myself more with the outdoors. @wellthenwhat - To freeze some cookies and eat 1 day LOL - maybe not 1 a day @ParanormaLauren - Maybe to meditate a little everyday. (I use to go to therapy.)
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    @mbam89 It would have ruined my fast day, so it was a tiny bit easier not to taste, but still hard, lol
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @wellthenwhat Ah! Sometimes all or nothing is easier than moderation. I'm still proud of you :wink:

    @jessiquoi Great strategy! I like it.