Preparing for a vacation



  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    What do you do to prepare for a vacation? We are heading to my inlaws' house soon. My mother in law loves to cook and is amazing at it. Big, elaborate meals with decadent side dishes and a different dessert (or two) every night. Of course she also has lots of homemade zucchini bread and giant peanut butter/chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies for "snacking" (along with a fully stocked fridge and pantry). It's just how she loves on her family.

    Even if I don't go nuts, I still like to enjoy myself and try some of everything. How would you handle it? Would you eat at a deficit for like two weeks prior? Still try to log calories while there?

    (Just some background on me- I'm currently pregnant w/ my last and trying to maintain my current weight (I've gained about the recommended amount and I need to stay as fit as possible to help my circulation). Over the years I have learned calorie counting is the best approach for me to stay in shape but I get burnt out on it, often because of situations like these that I feel like I can't control.)

    Portion. Control.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I would definitely keep logging. If you can see what will be on the table in advance, pre-logging would be ideal. It will help you stay honest with yourself. I know everyone will understand if you don't chose to eat everything. In fact, staying away from the sweets, for the most part, will probably help with appetite control.

    When you begin the meal, chose to eat veggies and salad first and lean protein if it's there. That will help fill you up before you begin to sample other things. Sip water throughout the meal to keep busy and slow yourself down.

    I find my biggest challenge at my mother-in-law's is that the time spent at the table is sooo long and all that good food keeps staring at me! I've excused myself from the table on a number of occasions when the anxiety of resisting temptation starts to rise. I do some deep breathing in the restroom, then return to the table asking if I can get anything for anyone. There's something about moving away from the table that helps to reset my resolve. Once I return, I'm happier to just sip my water. My family might be getting the impression that I have a problem, lol, but I don't care! I'm going to do whatever it takes.
  • IrisFlute
    IrisFlute Posts: 88 Member
    In general, I handle people's hospitality by taking very small servings of everything, praising the food, and not mentioning anything about my eating habits. You'd be surprised at what people don't notice, if you don't call attention to what you're doing. If someone asks: "Don't you want a bigger piece than that?" you can just say, "Oh, it's delicious but I'm actually feeling too full to eat more." And then change the subject.

    The pregnancy can be your free ticket out of the current dilemma. "My doctor (or midwife) says I should eat a certain amount of calories for my circulation, so I'm just following his / her advice."

    Personally, I wouldn't worry about logging while at someone's house, unless it's easy. (Family trips can be so hectic, it can sometimes be hard to get a minute to yourself.) Maybe you can just wake up each morning with a fresh resolution to eat modest-sized portions that day.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    As a "non-pregnant" person, I would simply eat at maintenance and be active. You don't need to eat at a deficit, since you aren't trying to lose weight. You're just trying to maintain, right? Like others have said, watch your portions. Eat the good stuff, just don't eat a ton of it.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    I would say taste what you like, but you don't need to "shovel" it in - small portions in moderation, a little of everything as @IrisFlute says - that way you get all the flavour, but don't overeat several times a day! Sadly willpower is a big part of it, but you can do it! Also drink loads of water, that way you won't get raging hungry and lost control ;-)

    When I'm on holiday I make a point to taste local specialties, but I walk a LOT, so it balances out.