
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last Week:
    Sunday- 45 min of Cardio Party Mix 2 & 20 min of Ab Jam
    Monday- 45 min of Cardio Party Mix 1 & 26 min Burn It Off, & 20 min of Recharge
    Tuesday- Off (which was wierd, trying to follow routine and take off the days that are outlined off )
    Wednesday- 35 min of Push Circuit 1
    Thursday- 30 min of Fat Blaster & 20 min of Ab Jam
    Friday- 35 min of Push Circuit 2
    Saturday- 46 min of Burn Interval & 16 min of Extreme Abs & 80 min of Hiking

    Total: 418 min

    This week so far:
    Sunday- 36 min of Push Circuit 3
    Monday- 26 min of Burn It Off & 20 min of Recharge

    Total so far- 82 min

    Remaining- 278 min! That seems like so much! Better kick it in gear and get some extra workouts done this week! I'm gonna try to start working out in the mornings again doing my Chalean Routine, and then in the afternoons when I get home from work try adding some more cardio in, if I have time. We'll see how it works out (so far this week, nada lol).
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 35 minute run
    tuesday: 45 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes weights...hopefully a walk later :)
    so far: 100 minutes...260 more to go :)
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm back in it also, I was still in it last week but forgot to finish posting.

    Monday 57 minutes
    Tuesday 63 minutes

    Total 120 / 240 to go

    Good luck everyone!!! We can do this!!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    Monday - nothing
    Tuesday - 65 zumba, 14 dusting... very rare occurance.. if ya dance a little ya burn more! I burned 56 I think it was and 77 min at a local beach making sure my daughter didn't drown! I sware the girl has no fears!

    Total - 156 Remaining - 204
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 30 minutes kettleballs, 37 minutes trail hiking around farm
    Tuesday, 69 minutes trail walking around lake (92 degrees, thought I was gonna die when I got home)

    136 down, 224 to go (seems like a million)...tomorrow, kettleballs 45 minutes
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 35 minute run
    tuesday: 45 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes weights, 70 minute walk:)
    so far: 170 minutes...190 more to go :)
  • Monday kickboxing 60min and 20min shred
    Tuesday Zumba 60min and 20 min shred

    160 down 200 to go!!
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    i've deffinetly been getting my 360 in....and then some...go check out my diary :)
  • aklindsay
    aklindsay Posts: 27 Member
    monday: biggest loser boot camp for 70 minutes

    tuesday: don't know what to call it but it was kind of a tae bo from memory, up and moving, cardio workout for 40 minutes

    250 minutes to go!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    How do we make our food and excercise journals public? I think that instead of posting on here every little thing if we make our journals public then we are still accountable and all can see. And I average about 60 a day when I don't work out. On the days that I do I get at least 180 minutes so I know we can all do this thing!
  • As far as making your journal public go to settings and then hit diary settings scroll down and make it public and save the changes.Or are you talking bout to places like FB and stuff?

    My week so far:

    Monday kickboxing 60min and 20min shred
    Tuesday Zumba 60min and 20 min shred
    Wed Boot camp 45min

    205 down 155 remaining!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Quite honestly, I am not going to check everyones' diaries because that would be a lot of work. As it is, I spend too much time on this dang computer. But, if it's easier for some people to do that, I say do what works for you. I will post daily because that keeps me more accountable.

    Monday, 30 minutes kettleballs, 37 minutes trail hiking around farm
    Tuesday, 69 minutes trail walking around lake (92 degrees, thought I was gonna die when I got home)
    Wedsnesday, 35 minutes kettleballs

    171 down, 189 to go
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week so far:
    Sunday- 36 min of Push Circuit 3
    Monday- 26 min of Burn It Off & 20 min of Recharge
    Tuesday- 46 min of Cardio Party 1
    Wednesday- 32 min of Push Circuit 1

    Total- 160 min

    Remaining- 200 min
  • that scripture really motivated me. Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 35 minute run
    tuesday: 45 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes weights, 70 minute walk:)
    wednesday: 30 minute run, 50 minute walk
    thursday: 50 minute run
    so far: 300 done...60 to go :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Mon - 100 mins of walking.
    Tues - nada
    Wed - 40 mins. elliptical

    Total 140 Remaining 220
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Monday 57 minutes
    Tuesday 63 minutes
    Wednesday - nada
    Thursday - 60 minutes

    Total 180 minutes / 180 to go
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    Monday - nothing
    Tuesday - 65 zumba, 14 dusting, 77 min at the beach
    Wed- nothing (baby girls getting a molar and was up every 2 hours ALL night)
    Thurs- nothing.. just worked 6 hours. Forgot the watch part to the HRM so tomorrow fo sho!

    Total - 156 Remaining - 204

    Gonna get it all this weekend, county fair and beach involved!
  • Monday kickboxing 60min and 20min shred
    Tuesday Zumba 60min and 20 min shred
    Wed Boot camp 45min
    Thurs. 50min Zumba class was full had to wait for someone to say naw this not for me and she did yay!!! plus 20min shred

    275min down 85min to go!!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    today I did 150 minutes mowing the yard. and 30 minutes of the 30 Day Shred.
    So, there are half of my minutes for the week just today alone! Yeah me! And tomorrow I know I will have at least 150. I have about 2 hours of mowing left on our other property and then my 30 day shred. So there is 330 minutes just in two days. WOOHOO:sick: :smooched:
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