Easter & diet



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't like Easter egg chocolate? I'd rather a piece of normal chocolate... Cheaper and tastes better. And available any day of the year!

    I actually forgot about Easter chocolate until I read this!

    Yeah, I won't buy any of the eggs or bunnies or anything ... just not my thing. Except for one type of Easter chocolate which I will have to see if I can find ... Cadbury Easter Eggs. I usually have one of those at Easter. However, I went looking for them several weeks ago and couldn't find any so I might not even have one of those.

    I also don't do the whole ham meal thing (ick!).

    Aren't you in Australia? Cadbury eggs are everywhere! (coles and woolies definitely)

    I didn't even know ham was an Easter "thing". The only traditional thing we ever had growing up, on the very few years we weren't camping somewhere, was have amazing hot cross buns made by a family friend on good Fridays!

    I didn't know ham was an Easter thing either until just recently. I don't recall my family ever having a special Easter meal of any sort. But ham is one of my least favourite meats (and there are a lot of meats I don't like, so it's near the bottom of a long list) ... so I definitely wouldn't be going out of my way to eat it just because it's supposed to be an Easter "thing".

    And I've never liked hot cross buns either. I tried them once in my early 20s and really did not like them. Didn't touch them again for 25-ish years. I've worked in my current position for the last 3 years, and they have toasted hot cross buns every Easter for a morning tea. I thought I'd give one a try, and I do have to say that toasted they're a little bit better. But I'm happy with about half of a bun.

    And as for the eggs, I've been looking at Coles and Woolies, and they've got every other egg and bunny under the sun, but not the Cadbury Creme Eggs. I've also checked the Reject Shop and Target. No luck.

    Our friends hot cross buns were so good - baked in an outdoor oven, perhaps light rye flour? filled with apricots, dates, fat sultanas, spices... Hot, glazed, and slathered in butter.

    And boo on the creme eggs... I've seen heaps, shall I send some? :p

    Now those hot cross buns sound good! The ones I've had tasted like dry stale buns with maybe a raisin or two sitting in the middle somewhere and a bit of ... something, not sure what, stuck on top to make the cross.

    Tempting to have you send some. :) I'm thinking I have seen a few somewhere, but I can't remember where. I know it wasn't the local Woolies because I combed the aisles there for them. But I'll have a wander tomorrow at lunch and see what I can come up with.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'll take all your delicious ham in exchange for all the nasty gross Cadbury eggs we have in spades here. Deal?