


  • Jayfeather15
    Jayfeather15 Posts: 107 Member
    If people are saying your eyes are pretty it probably has a lot more to do with shape and size and eyelash length. Unless your eyes are light brown so they look very different. Brown eyes are the most common eye color. Find out what about your eyes is intriguing. Maybe you have many things, maybe they are big, almond shaped, long lashes AND light brown, basically you would just need to be natural, that would show off how amazing they are without anything added. If you wanna wear something black smokey eyes make any eye stand out like no tomorrow :)
    Well they're sort of obscure but not obscure at the same time.

    That clears it up
    Haha I'm sorry what I meant was like you know how some eyes have a dark black ring around the iris? I have medium dark brown eyes but that ring around them makes them less obscure. Like you can see the definition and the difference between pupil and iris. It's hard to explain. Like if you stand a few feet away from me they'll look dark but you can still make out the pupil from the color from the ring? Catch my drift?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Go with subtle purples
    This will brighten up Brown Eyes, especially if you have some Hazel yellows mixed in :)
  • Jayfeather15
    Jayfeather15 Posts: 107 Member
    If people are saying your eyes are pretty it probably has a lot more to do with shape and size and eyelash length. Unless your eyes are light brown so they look very different. Brown eyes are the most common eye color. Find out what about your eyes is intriguing. Maybe you have many things, maybe they are big, almond shaped, long lashes AND light brown, basically you would just need to be natural, that would show off how amazing they are without anything added. If you wanna wear something black smokey eyes make any eye stand out like no tomorrow :)

    I found out why people like them. I know this thread is semi old but apparently the ring around your iris is called a limbic ring and we unconsciously use it to measure attractiveness. Huh, no wonder.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    It depends on your eye color, there are so many variations of brown, from dark almost black to light brown.
    Also the shape of your eye and skin tone is very important.

    I have almost black almond shaped big eyes and it's my best face feature. I used to be a performer and a model, so ive Had my make up done professionally for years but rarely was pleased with their work, not everyone could make the best of my eye shape or color. It's really hard to find a good make up artist and now especially because everyone considered themselves a makeup guru.

    I have dozens of eye shadow palettes but my most favorite is Two Faced Glamour eye palette. It's pretty neutral closer to cool shades and I tend to use it every time I need the best result.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Sorry, I meant Two faced Boudoir eyes palette.
  • Jayfeather15
    Jayfeather15 Posts: 107 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Go with a creme liner pencil in a neutral color with a touch of frost, minimally applied at the lash line on top (full length of the eye) and minimally applied at the lash line on the bottom (at the outside corners only), and light mascara. Minimalism. It's the way to go.

    And whatever you do:

    1) No Cleopatra wings. Please.
    2) Only Marcia Brady looked good in sparkly blue eyeshadow. Just don't.
    3) Multicolored full lid eye shadows with complex contouring are for 17 year old runway models doing fashion shows in Milan and Paris. Only.
    4) Jet black eyeliner pencil thickly applied on the upper and lower lid is only for those who are making fashion statements. Loudly.
    Don't worry I need natural makeup. I've always believed that make up was to enhance features, not cover them up. I'm not into all this blue and green eyeliner and cat eye and stuff anyway. Although I have been told blue really makes brown eyes pop.