Fitness Trackers worth it or waste of money?



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited April 2017
    I like to count steps & floors to help me keep active. I've never thought that a HRM is worth it to me. I scale back the mfp calorie burns and it's close enough. I don't depend hours on cardio machines or doing intense activities, so it might be different for someone who does.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I adore my fitbit. I am a really visual data junkie so this motivates me to do random things like walk the work parking lot on my break or walk to McDonald's to get my coffee in the morning. Things that while I COULD do without it are so much more enjoyable with the reminders and app lol Totally worth it for me, I'm more active when I know it's tracking heheh.
  • HermanLily
    HermanLily Posts: 217 Member
    I wouldn't be where I am at without being motivated, based on the information they provide.
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    I had one but no longer use it. Since my phone is always with me, I put a step app on it. Accuracy wise, the app and the Fitbit were usually within 200 steps over the course of an average day(9000). The count is a nice barometer of how much you move, but calories are still king.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I had the FitBit flex before any of the heart rate monitor trackers came out. It was fun to see my sleep percentage and how many steps and calories burned. However, I am not a big "step" person. Meaning I eat 80/20 healthy and go to the gym with a combo of strength training and some cardio. I have not worn it for almost a year because I don't care about steps and it truly didn't motivate me.

    I would rather spend the money on something else. :smiley:

    *Oh, and obviously - the calories burned were not accurate, because it's hard to gage strength training and it wouldn't always register my jump training properly. (again no heart rate monitor in mine)

  • wendypark811
    wendypark811 Posts: 65 Member
    Cals burnt is the main reason he has suggested I purchase one. I have managed to lose over 1 1/2 st without it. That why I was unsure and still am.
  • hacked0ff
    hacked0ff Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2017
    Some people love them and some don't. I started out with a fitbit flex and now use a garmin sports watch. Why? Because I like keeping track of my activities. I like being reminded to get up and move. I work from home sitting behind a computer all day. My gadget takes care of things so I don't have to think about them. I could do a lot of that with my phone, but I would have to keep my phone close to me all day. And if I'm out riding my bike, I'd rather not run down my battery running some app.

    My gadget works for me because:
    I like being able to compare a bike ride I did two months ago to one from yesterday.
    How does my heart rate and time for a certain run compare now to one from last month.
    It reminds me to move.
    It motivates me to improve.
    I don't like being tied to my phone.
    and many other things.

    These reasons may not work for you or anyone else.

    Buy one from a place with a liberal return policy and see if it works for you. Thats the only you will know for sure.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Cals burnt is the main reason he has suggested I purchase one. I have managed to lose over 1 1/2 st without it. That why I was unsure and still am.

    I found the calories burned were bang on for me. I only lift 3x/week low volume so I don't really "count" those calories. My main concern is being active in a way that's going to create a meaningful deficit which for me was moving around a little here and there vs being a desk jockey and going on a sofa on my downtime.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Cals burnt is the main reason he has suggested I purchase one. I have managed to lose over 1 1/2 st without it. That why I was unsure and still am.

    Ask him how it works to count calories. And be sure to ask if the HRM is part of it. If you get nothing but bro-science back you may want to find a more competent trainer.
  • wendypark811
    wendypark811 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for all the advice appriciate it.

    He suggested it because I do mix of classes and I also use the cardio machines, lift weights etc, he wants me to compare days which day burns the most and why, 2 out of 6 days he wants low cal burn the rest high. Also for me I'am one of them kind of people who pushes herself to much sometimes. For example he put treadmill speed 7-10 for 20mins each time I went on the speed went up, so now I run at spped 10 for 20mins he gone speed 7-10 for 30mins knowing I will achieve that.

    I also want to know what is going on my weight has not moved for a while and my stubborn tum refuses to move even a millimeter even with all my work and low carb, low fat high protein diet. Annoying

    Thanks again
  • Tobyfelix40
    Tobyfelix40 Posts: 1 Member
    Go with a Fitbit. It connects with this app and it's a great motivator