Cheat days



  • georgiamaxine1
    georgiamaxine1 Posts: 77 Member
    nFoooo wrote: »
    Hey everyone the goal is to encourage not to bash :D If you have good advice, try to say it in a nice way, not in an insulting way.

    When people say your calories are quite low they are looking out for you so don't take it the wrong way! If you lose too much weight too quickly, not only is it bad for your health but it will be hard to maintain your weight later on. You need to find a diet that is sustainable in the long run and be patient!
    Thank you :)

  • georgiamaxine1
    georgiamaxine1 Posts: 77 Member
    I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate. 29lbs in a month is a lot of weight to lose for your current weight. 1,000 calories is too low. Someone posted the other day about having concerns with their hair falling out because of a very low calorie diet. Malnutrition is a real thing.

    The great thing is, you can lose weight by eating all of the things you love by just eating less of it! It's not cheating, it's just living life. A long life with beautiful hair and healthy organs.
    Thank you! I have a problem with control, I'll eat too much or too little, previously had an eating disorder and was 7 stone, now piled it all on. Definitely going to take the advice thank you x

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ZeroTX wrote: »
    No idea what weight a "stone" is, but I don't do cheat days. I think you can do a "cheat meal" now and then, but if you just blow off the whole day you can easily reverse progress for a whole week.

    A stone is 14lbs
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate. 29lbs in a month is a lot of weight to lose for your current weight. 1,000 calories is too low. Someone posted the other day about having concerns with their hair falling out because of a very low calorie diet. Malnutrition is a real thing.

    The great thing is, you can lose weight by eating all of the things you love by just eating less of it! It's not cheating, it's just living life. A long life with beautiful hair and healthy organs.
    Thank you! I have a problem with control, I'll eat too much or too little, previously had an eating disorder and was 7 stone, now piled it all on. Definitely going to take the advice thank you x

    Best of luck!
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member

    A stone is 14lbs

    Yeah, I googled it, but still don't get why anyone would use that terminology. Just say the number of pounds. No remainder necessary :smiley:

  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    ZeroTX wrote: »

    A stone is 14lbs

    Yeah, I googled it, but still don't get why anyone would use that terminology. Just say the number of pounds. No remainder necessary :smiley:

    Lol there are different terminologies used in other countries...
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    You may have been holding a large amount of water, or your scale was off
    - double check your weight on another scale
    - target less than 1% weight loss per week going forward
    - Have a DR check up, if it's been awhile.
    - See the Doctor anyway if the rapid loss continues.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    With 3 stones (42 lbs for those who aren't familiar with the term) you should set up MFP to lose 1 lb/week. You should also set your activity level to at least lightly active, and then you should aim to hit the number you are provided, maybe even more if you continue to lose faster than 1 lb/week. This is the same advice I gave you in another thread last week.

    Once you get a higher and more appropriate calorie target for yourself, it will be easier to eat a variety of foods including things like a couple slices of pizza or some ice cream within the calorie goal and not have it be "cheating". Getting an appropriate calorie goal and losing weight at a safe and modest pace helps with those binge restrict cycles for a lot of people.
  • RobBasss
    RobBasss Posts: 65 Member
    I thought it was a cheat meal not a whole day...
  • essexgirl1971
    essexgirl1971 Posts: 28 Member
    edited April 2017
    blimey it took me 14 weeks to lose 29lbs. i wouldnt go lower than 1200 and more if exercising. but of course you know your body and what works for you. what i will say is if you hit a plateau at 1000 calories how do you reduce them further to lose last few pounds
  • dreous44
    dreous44 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't really have cheat days. I allow special occasions such as holidays/birthdays/fairs/festivals. But even then if you ate 6 pieces of papa johns pizza= 1,500cal and some chocolate lets say 500Cal. keep in mind that 3,500 calories=1 pound of fat. you wouldn't even gain a pound of fat from that meal. just limit the rest of the calories that day. Just keep in mind what your BMR is and if one day you are 500-1000 calories over your calories spent its not the end of the world. Don't Demonize food just always keep in mind the amount you're eating. Its why logging food works so well.Make it a lifestyle change not a diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    RobBasss wrote: »
    I thought it was a cheat meal not a whole day...

    Go big or go home.... :laugh:
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this, I have been on my diet for just under a month and I have lost 29 lbs. I started at 15 stone 4 and now at 13 stone 3. I still have another 3 stone to lose and I'm currently eating 1,000 calories a day.. do people have cheat days and still lose weight? I think it's the only thing that is going to keep me motivated if I have a little treat where I can eat chocolate or some pizza lol!

    Well, I'd be thrilled to have that loss, so have some cheat meals! Not "days. I'm doing 1200 Calories and working out at the Gym 5 days per week doing 1hour of weight machines plus 90 minutes of high-intensity Cardio and have only lost 10.5 pounds in over 40 days!

    But I take weekends off working out for chores and family time, but still try to adhere to my 1200 calories. I do "cheat"...but typically only if I have leftover earned exercise calories by eating something rich, but healthier like some extra dark chocolate squares instead of....say...fried chicken. Or I indulge in the "1 glass of dry, red wine" that's high in antioxidants and make sure it's a low-cal wine (like "Skinny Girl Cabernet").

    But I have mild hormone issues and a frisky heart rate that messed everything up, so I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. I was about 171 lbs (I'm 5'7) and now I'm at 159.5 and haved been stuck at this weight for all of April. I know it's frustrating, but you lost A LOT and your bodyis probably adjusting to a very different body weight and lifestyle.

    But I would still avoid total cheat days. I did one cheat day that was moderately bad on my son's birthday (had my mother's "spaghetti pie and birthday cake) and all it did was make me feel mentally andd physically bad/guilty/disappointed in myself for days. It's not worth it IMO. Try small "cheat snacks" as mentioned, instead.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this, I have been on my diet for just under a month and I have lost 29 lbs. I started at 15 stone 4 and now at 13 stone 3. I still have another 3 stone to lose and I'm currently eating 1,000 calories a day.. do people have cheat days and still lose weight? I think it's the only thing that is going to keep me motivated if I have a little treat where I can eat chocolate or some pizza lol!
    Before I started my diet I was sometimes eating around 10,000 calories a day, that's why I thought I was losing weight so fast?

    I say this with concern and as someone who has also had issues with moderation in the past - it would greatly benefit you to learn how to practice moderation.
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    I lost about 25 pounds in 8 weeks having a cheat meal once every two weeks. The following 6 weeks I switched to having a cheat item once a week. I've lost an additional 17 pounds on that plan. Cheats are absolutely possible for weight loss
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    My motto is slow and steady wins the race. I'm losing about half a lb per week, which feels very slow but it's how to succeed for long term loss.
    You seem to have an all or nothing mentality. Either 10, 000cals a day, now 1000 (which is much too low). Have you thought about talking to someone about your relationship with food?
    I'm 5'3, I workout 4 to 5 days per week, and I'm set at 1530 cals per day for 0.5lbs loss per week. I don't go over cals during the week, and I don't eat my exercise cals back (unless pms hit's and then I do so I stop the hangry). On weekends, I set myself at maintenance so I can have some of the foods I love.
  • georgiamaxine1
    georgiamaxine1 Posts: 77 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    You may have been holding a large amount of water, or your scale was off
    - double check your weight on another scale
    - target less than 1% weight loss per week going forward
    - Have a DR check up, if it's been awhile.
    - See the Doctor anyway if the rapid loss continues.
    Yeah I weighed myself on other scales and it's correct :)