I'm devastated and need help :'(



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2017
    Meli7Ann wrote: »
    I just looked at your diary. Your calories for the day are great. However since you're asking, I would cut the high carb high sugar foods. Replace the bagel with perhaps more eggs and a lower-carb fruit like strawberries. I would not have any high sugar fruit like pineapple and do away with potatoes and replace that with a salad with a little bit of dressing, no sugar though, look for sugar and everything you're eating. If you cut out carbs and cut out sugar I have no doubt you will drop weight.
    I had a gain this week but I'm reading it might be because I just started a workout routine I hate when I gain it's frustrating.

    Good luck! :)

    Carbs and sugar are not responsible for fat gain. OP will just drop a few pounds of water weight doing this. She will be creating a calorie deficit dropping those foods, but she doesn't have to drop those foods to see weight loss.

    Calories are king.
    Meli7Ann wrote: »
    I just looked at your diary. Your calories for the day are great. However since you're asking, I would cut the high carb high sugar foods. Replace the bagel with perhaps more eggs and a lower-carb fruit like strawberries. I would not have any high sugar fruit like pineapple and do away with potatoes and replace that with a salad with a little bit of dressing, no sugar though, look for sugar and everything you're eating. If you cut out carbs and cut out sugar I have no doubt you will drop weight.
    I had a gain this week but I'm reading it might be because I just started a workout routine I hate when I gain it's frustrating.

    Good luck! :)

    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, you are right, when I looked at my diary at the end of the day yesterday, I found that I had a lot of carbs. that's why today I will try to minimize them as much as I can. Please keep looking at my diary, I appreciate your input :).

    No need to cut out carbs. Add more protien and fat to your day (or try to get equal amounts of p/f/c) and let the carbs fall where they may. No need to cut out favourite foods unless they're overtaking nutrition and you're always hungry (or gave a medical condition/allergy.)
    you need to tighten up your logging - you have lots of cup measurements or general (apple, 1) etc

    What do you mean by tighten up my logging? do you mean weigh the apple to see how many grams instead of just saying 1 apple ?

    Weigh everything that isn't a liquid. Even prepackaged and single item foods. Weigh fruit and veg. Weigh everything. Cups/spoons for liquid only. No halves, pieces or counts. Weight.

    Replace bathroom scale battery too.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member

    My breakfast of today, I elminated the bagel and added more egg white :)
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2017
    Meli7Ann wrote: »
    I just looked at your diary. Your calories for the day are great. However since you're asking, I would cut the high carb high sugar foods. Replace the bagel with perhaps more eggs and a lower-carb fruit like strawberries. I would not have any high sugar fruit like pineapple and do away with potatoes and replace that with a salad with a little bit of dressing, no sugar though, look for sugar and everything you're eating. If you cut out carbs and cut out sugar I have no doubt you will drop weight.
    I had a gain this week but I'm reading it might be because I just started a workout routine I hate when I gain it's frustrating.

    Good luck! :)

    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, you are right, when I looked at my diary at the end of the day yesterday, I found that I had a lot of carbs. that's why today I will try to minimize them as much as I can. Please keep looking at my diary, I appreciate your input :).

    there is nothing inherently wrong with carbs (and I eat close to 300g of carbs a day) - I'm down 12lbs in 5 months eating just slightly below maintenance and I have a daily bagel (today it was asiago cheese with onion/clive schmear)

    Quoted to bring this up again.

    There is nothing wrong with carbs. I've eaten lots of carbs throughout losing over 100lbs.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Lots of great suggestions here for you already but I had one thought. You mentioned that you were on low carb earlier. One thing I have noticed with low carb is you tend to lose alot of water. Some is fat but when you go back to eating carb again you tend to put the water back on. Sooooo my thought is that you may have actually lost some fat and gained some water. Couple that with less than perfect logging and you could have your answer. I think with tighter logging and time your weight will start to drop again. Hang in there. It does work it just takes time.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I lost already 50 in 2 years now and I went from 258 to 200 and now I'm stuck. My weight fluctuates between 200-205 for over 6 months now. I have tried low carb, counting calories ( 1400/ day) and I workout 5-6 days a week. I do T25 and the Hammer and the chisel. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My weakest point is the desserts and I'm trying to control it as much as I can but seriously losing this weight is killing me. It seems that I'm losing inches since ever one is telling me that, however, I need to see this on the scale. I will open my food diary to all of you to review and guide me. I will update this post every day if I found responses from you guys.

    You are doing fantastically well. Remember, scales only give you a meaningless number if you don't take in to account other things such as body fat % and muscle mass. Given the amount of exercise you do and the comments you get regarding losing inches: That is your answer. You are building muscle (good) and losing fat (good). Muscle is denser than fat, so although you look smaller, the scales don't reflect the difference in density between fat and muscle. If you google '1lb of fat vs 1lb of muscle' you will see the difference in volume.

    <stern voice> So stop putting yourself down. It sounds like you have changed your body composition so much that the numbers you were used to seeing on the scales no longer apply to your new body. I've lost all of three lbs, but I look different and my clothes are loser because I am building muscle.

    If you can, invest in scales that also calculate body fat and muscle mass percentages. Measure your progress with a tape measure and by the fit of your clothing.

    But, and I can't stress this enough: STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN! You are doing a FABULOUS job!
  • skinnymam
    skinnymam Posts: 21 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I'm also a 5'7" female who turns 41 next month. <3 I think pp's have given you some really solid suggestions. Very careful logging is a really important first step. Also see if you can identify if there are specific foods/desserts that tend to lead to craving/binging vs ones that will satisfy you in smaller amounts.

    Waaaaw, my birthday is next month as well. Yaaay 41. Thank you for your suggestion. But my ultimate favorite dessert is cheese cake, how can I eat this in moderation?????? It seems that it is impossible. Once I eat only one bite I feel like I want to eat the whole cake and I know I can do this. But may be Ineed some dicipline to be able to reach my goal

    Learn to make your own protein cheese cake, all kinds of yumminess
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you need to tighten up your logging - you have lots of cup measurements or general (apple, 1) etc

    What do you mean by tighten up my logging? do you mean weigh the apple to see how many grams instead of just saying 1 apple ?

    yes - i.e. 1 apple could be 150g or it could be 250g depending on the size - that will cause your calories/macros to vary quite a bit

    you have many measurements for solid foods in liquid format (ml for potatos) - which makes no sense
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I reduced carbs, which helps keep me fuller on less calories.

    I increased protein and non-starchy veggies, and reduced rice and foods made from flour (bread, pasta, baked goods, etc.)

    I increased fruit to help me with my sweet tooth (but overall carbs were reduced.) Berries are the fruits lowest in carbs. Frozen berries can be very economical, especially when they are out of season locally.

    Potatoes were the # 1 highest satiating food on at least one study and I find them filling as well so I don't bother reducing them. I am careful with the butter I put on them - I have some butter and some cottage cheese, which is a lot lower calorie.

    A typical dinner for me these days is about 100 g each of chicken or beef, potato, and broccoli, plus some butter.

    On the other hand, I have vegan friends who are happy and fit while eating much more carbs and less protein than I do - macros are very individual. (Disclaimer - their carbs come from foods like legumes, not Oreos.)

    Experiment and see what works for you :)
  • CarlySupertramp
    CarlySupertramp Posts: 15 Member
    Sugar will kill a diet.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    this is my opinion but I would not do desserts until Iater if you are serious about losing weight. I find my appetite decreases when I eat low carb. As long as you are not hungry you will be ok and then later after a bunch of weight is gone you can bring in a little bit of desserts.
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I'm also a 5'7" female who turns 41 next month. <3 I think pp's have given you some really solid suggestions. Very careful logging is a really important first step. Also see if you can identify if there are specific foods/desserts that tend to lead to craving/binging vs ones that will satisfy you in smaller amounts.

    Waaaaw, my birthday is next month as well. Yaaay 41. Thank you for your suggestion. But my ultimate favorite dessert is cheese cake, how can I eat this in moderation?????? It seems that it is impossible. Once I eat only one bite I feel like I want to eat the whole cake and I know I can do this. But may be Ineed some dicipline to be able to reach my goal

    Get those frozen "cheesecake bites" that are much smaller portions than a real piece of cheesecake, then work those measured calories into your day. A taste now and then might help keep you on track versus trying to fit a large piece in.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Well, first of all - congrats on having some brain cells after 4 kids!

    I like all of the above tips, but you need to do what's doable for you.

    You may have some undiagnosed thyroid / hormone issues along with just postpartum stuff.

    Check out https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/symptoms/

    I look at this as not a "diet" per se with a beginning and an ending, but more of an incremental lifestyle change. That way, it's a journey and I can't fail unless I get off the road and park my butt someplace and don't move.

    (Picture one of those cute camping trailers with a beach umbrella, a lawn chair, a cocktail table with a margarita on it, and a cutesy lawn ornament flamingo. If I am going to go off the trail, I am going to do it in style.)

    For me, deprivation doesn't work.

    So, my goal for this lifestyle change (eating plan) was to pick an eating plan that offered me the best results without the pain of deprivation.

    One of the things I did was to consciously make the switch from how I was eating to a new way of eating. Because while I know that it's Calories In / Calories Out (CICO), I don't like being hungry / starving because it makes me cranky and I then obsess about all of the food out there that I am now not allowing myself to have.

    I knew going in that based on CICO, that I burn calories just by being alive.
    If I eat as many as I burn I would be in stasis (and not lose).
    If I eat more than I burn I will gain weight.
    If I eat less than I burn I will lose weight except if I am in an extreme calorie deficit. Then my body goes into preservation mode and my metabolism might slow down and hold onto what I have b/c it thinks I am starving.

    I knew from my own past experience that carbs and sugar are the devil. If I eat one sweet thing, then, I can't stop. I know that if I eat simple carbs (like bagels / white potatoes) my heart will race. If I eat complex carbs (like canned white beans) then I feel okay, but I don't really lose weight. I have restricted sugar and carbs before and knew that by restricting them, I am not craving them and I feel better.

    The eating plan that does this for me is Paleo / Keto (low, low sugar/carbs and high protein/fat/fiber); my ratios are: (45% protein, 40% fat and 15% carbs/sugar).

    See this website for a list of paleo websites:

    I started by making incremental changes last November (one meal at a time), with the end goal being that I would hover around 1400 calories because as an older woman my skin doesn't bounce back as it did when I was younger. By losing the weight slowly, I have minimized the sagging skin.

    It took several months of tweaking before I finally found my "sweet spot" in terms of balance between carbs and protein and (since January I have lost about 23 pounds). And... I am only complaint calorie wise about 75% - 80% of the time. I have some health issues and can't really exercise. Despite this and being tied to a desk all day, I have lost and continue to lose weight.

    For me, eating low carb and low sugar all of the time some amazing things happened:
    • I don't crave sugar (I have an entire box of Charms Wild Berry Blow Pops in my file drawer that I haven't touched since November because I don't crave sugar; I once measured my stress level by how many of them I consumed in one day);
    • My moods are more even and I don't have blood sugar spikes and crashes;
    • By consuming more healthy fats my joints don't hurt as much and I am more or less satiated on 1400 calories.

    I used Paleo Leap and Paleo Tribe for the recipe ideas (they have some great low calorie recipe options) but this isn't necessary. I do think preparing and eating food that I make as opposed to boxes or eating out has helped me a lot. Boxes say they are low carb (but they have lots of other additives in them to make them taste good.)

    I also take 7-keto DHEA (fat burner), desiccated adrenal (80 mgs -- I started and maintain a very low dose) and desiccated adrenal cortex (250 mgs). I have more energy and they have helped my allergies and my hormones.
    See this website: https://www.yourhormones.com/signs-symptoms/

    Most women suffer from advanced adrenal fatigue and adaptogenic herbs don't work. To rebuild your adrenals desiccated adrenal extracts are very helpful. (I was on prednisone, but was able to stop taking it.)

    See these websites:

    IMO in the beginning, you shouldn't "train hard" you should balance gentle cardio (like brisk walking) with strength training. With keto you burn stored fat because that's what you burn for energy.) Look at reducing unnecessary drama that makes you crazy.

    Also, explore the term "estrogen dominance". Body fat makes you hold on to excess estrogen. Having had babies, your body is used to hanging onto the fat in preparation for the next baby. That is normal and natural.

    See these websites:

    I got rid of all of the chemicals in my home. Everything is fragrance / dye free or natural cleaners. Frebreeze and similar products are endocrine disruptors and can actually make it difficult for people to lose weight. I also gave up scented lotions and perfume.

    I am post menopause so I am also taking a boatload of natural progesterone (prometrium 200 mgs.) Since you are still having periods / child bearing age your doc may not be open to this.

    Discuss this with your doctor. Based on your family history of breast cancer, it may well save your life or not be right for you.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Sugar will kill a diet.

    Not true. It may be true for some people, but it isn't true as a universal statement.

    I paid no attention to sugar when I was losing weight (just made sure I was getting sufficient protein and fat) and I lost weight just fine.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    About cheesecake, I haven't tried this recipe yet but it seems very popular! Good luck, you can do this! community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10500016/low-calorie-protein-cheesecake/p1
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Sugar will kill a diet.

    No, it won't. Sorry to disappoint.

    Calories are king.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I agree with folks here suggesting you get accurate numbers for food and exercise, and to make your own single serving treats. It is so much easier to make this work if you have hard data instead of vague guesses!


    Down 140lbs: My story.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    You could experiment with healthier cheesecake recipes or maybe buy it in individual servings. Might be more expensive per slice but it's built-in portion control.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    Save the cheesecake for your birthday. One of the things about 'treats' is they lose value if they happen every day. Save treats for special occasions. That doesn't mean you have to give up sugar, but limit it. i.e. instead of ice cream, have a single serving of chocolate pudding or a chocolate chip cookie or a single piece of fudge. Eat fruit for dessert. Or limit your higher value higher calorie treat to the days when you exercise more, i.e. if you go on a 5 mile hike, then have an ice cream cone or piece of pie. If you run for 10 miles, have a slice of cheesecake. If the habit of eating dessert every day has caused you to get fat, it's time to change the habit.
  • Fatandsassy224
    Fatandsassy224 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for the suggestion, that is very helpful and gives me hope that I can eat whatever I like in moderation without deprivation myself. Have you noticed a significant weight loss with this way of logging?

    I am down 7 pounds with 13 days of tight logging and little to no exercise. I meet or exceed my fat and protein macros and let everything else fall out where it may. I also try to eat low sodium and get minimum 2L water a day, so some of that weight is obviously shedding retained water weight. 224lbs starting to 217lbs current weight.

    Feel free to send me a friends request if you want.