don't dead open inside

_har_T_Swallow Posts: 2,606 Member
Every insect and arachnid you've ever killed, is now out to get you in a zombie like horde.

*but*, ever insect you've ever spared or fed is there to help you.

each member of the zombie insect horde is abnormally large, like the size of an SUV. they are as mindless as your average zombie, other than they remember you being the one who exterminated them and they want to make you pay.

the helpful insects have the bodies of humans and the heads of their species- they each feel they owe you a life debt and will remain loyal to death. they have above average intelligence and will follow any instructions you give them.

you are located in your current home, with an assortment of melee weapons and semi-automatic rifles with ample ammo. you have 30 mins of prep time before the zombie insects arrive.



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Yeah, bugs are small.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
  • TurnuptheACDC
    TurnuptheACDC Posts: 318 Member
    Definitely wouldn't survive. I've torched many black widows starting at the ripe age of 8.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Yeah, bugs are small.

    "each member of the zombie insect horde is abnormally large, like the size of an SUV"

    no raid, only melee weapons and semi-automatic rifles.

    Oh, and if they had the strength in proportion to their size... No, just 1 would kill me. It would be faster, stronger, and bullets probably wouldn't work.
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    do the people come back too?

    otherwise i think ill be fine.
  • denversillygoose
    denversillygoose Posts: 708 Member
    I save spiders, so spiders will save me.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    edited April 2017
    The only insect that I sometimes purposely kill are mosquitoes, so I would be facing a zombie horde of mostly mosquitoes.

    I am in my home, so that is helpful but because the mosquitoes are so large, I would worry about being close to the windows. I would head to the hallway, barracade myself there by closing the doors to all the rooms with windows and direct my army to use a weapon of their choice to protect me.

    I am confident that I would be OK, because I rarely kill, but do relocate or avoid most spiders and insects. My army even tho human sized would far outnumber the suv sized zombie horde.

    *edit changed word "army" to horde
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Guess it's a good thing I always have someone else kill them for me...
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Well, I did entomology in 4-H, sooooo..... :#
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Does it count if someone else has done the dirty work for me? I mean spiders freak me the eff out so much I can't kill them myself. I have to run away and find someone else to do it for me. Other bugs don't bother me, I let them go. So if I don't have to count the spiders I have had hits put on by someone else and the ones that I let live I am pretty even. If I have to count the spiders I put hits out on, I am screwed.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I can only hope that they kill me by putting me in a jar with a cotton ball of nail polish remover so I can just peacefully fall asleep.