Frozen "Healthy Meals"



  • alice_schmalice
    alice_schmalice Posts: 283 Member
    I vote for Amy's too. more expensive but still cheaper than eating out if you are looking for the convenience factor. I do better when I don't eat as much wheat/gluten and they have gluten free options. I love the pasta bowls but found they caused afternoon "brain fog" with all the carbs. Lately enjoyed the Matter Paneer and the tamale meal.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,639 Member
    For my preferences, they usually have too many calories for the amount of protein, and too many carb-y add-ins where I'd prefer more veggies for the micros/fiber. Especially when in a deficit, this doesn't help me accomplish my goals:

    This is partly because I'm vegetarian, but I've spot-checked some of the meat/fish ones, and found many of those not a whole lot better.

    Protein & high-volume/low-cal foods are what's satiating for me, and I want to be getting around 25g of protein in a meal at minimum.

    Overall, I can get much better satiation and nutrition by eating regular foods, even things that require little or no prep. Clearly, others' mileage differs. ;)
  • rustychili1
    rustychili1 Posts: 1 Member
    Sweet Earth Brand taste fabulous you can get them at Target now
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    Amy's frozen meals taste great, but they cost more than a lot of them.

    But they also taste better than Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, etc IMO.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I'll eat em in a pinch, usually dumped over a bag of frozen broccoli to bulk it up
  • BurlzGettingFit
    BurlzGettingFit Posts: 115 Member
    I eat one everyday for lunch during the work week! I also just started putting them on a plate (makes me feel like I'm eating more) and adding a serving of chicken and it keeps me fill up until dinner! I love it!
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I have started eating them everyday for lunch just because I was in a food rut and too lazy to come up with new ideas for lunch other than chicken salad or sandwiches. Smart Ones make a really good ravioli with only 210 calories, I pair it with veggie noodles and avocado. I usually buy the lower cal ones just so I can pair it with more options that fill me up.
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    edited May 2017
    I used them to kick off my weight loss. I love pizza and the French bread pizza fills me up and feeds the urge. I keep them in the freezer for days I don't have anything easy to prepare.

    Now I weigh and measure "real" food. Yet they do come in handy if I'm running out the door or want a snack, most of them have less calories than a chocolate bar.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited May 2017
    Why not do some meal prep yourself and freeze pre-portioned meals to enjoy throughout the month!? :)

    That's what I do. I bought a ton of small tupperware containers on Amazon (like 150 of them) and do meal prep on Sundays. I'll make anywhere from 10-24 portions of food. Stuff like lasagna, casseroles, chicken, roasted/steamed veggies, potatoes, rice, soup, chili, stew, quiches, pasta... etc. The possibilities are pretty limitless.

    As I cook, I write down the weight of each ingredient to input into MFP as a recipe. So it's easy to grab a tupperware and know the calorie count of the meal inside. And each one works out to a fraction of the price of buying pre-made... I'd be surprised if the ingredients in each meal added up to over $1.