Day 5 Without Diet Soda



  • capster
    capster Posts: 5
    Get some unsweetened iced tea and throw some lemon juice in there and some natural organic stevia...tastes awesome.

    Also I believe there's a brand called Zevia which sells all natural diet sodas without any aspartame/artificial sweeteners.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Nice work!! I have gone from 1-2/day to1/week.

    P.S. Don't mind the negative Nellies who are sure to follow and tell you that it is not bad for ya and that they can lose hundreds if not thousands of pounds while drinking it everyday!

    Told you they would show up!! Anyway this article was posted at the beginning of this thread and was a good read;

    If you drink diet soda and are happy with your diet, yay you!! If you find you lose weight better without it and you can leave it behind, yay you! There is no conclusive studies that show why diet soda helps retain weight but their is a correlation.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Nice work!! I have gone from 1-2/day to1/week.

    P.S. Don't mind the negative Nellies who are sure to follow and tell you that it is not bad for ya and that they can lose hundreds if not thousands of pounds while drinking it everyday!

    Told you they would show up!! Anyway this article was posted at the beginning of this thread and was a good read;

    If you drink diet soda and are happy with your diet, yay you!! If you find you lose weight better without it and you can leave it behind, yay you! There is no conclusive studies that show why diet soda helps retain weight but their is a correlation.

    There's a correlation between breathing and cancer. People who aren't breathing, never get cancer. The chances of getting cancer go through the roof once you start looking at respiratorily advantaged groups.

    Correlation. Means. Nothing.
  • kerricrowyocum
    kerricrowyocum Posts: 6 Member
    I am on Day 10 after quitting cold turkey (Diet Dr Pepper). I was drinking it all day long, barely drinking any water. Now I drink at least 64 oz of water a day, plus a little Raspberry Tea if I need a kick. It has been easier than I thought it would be. My body and my budget are thanking me!! I made the decision after reading the Huff Post article. Only good can come from quitting.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    stopped in to see if whats-his-face decided to comeback and explain his amazing unicorn theories to us.

    as expected.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Told you they would show up!! Anyway this article was posted at the beginning of this thread and was a good read;

    If you drink diet soda and are happy with your diet, yay you!! If you find you lose weight better without it and you can leave it behind, yay you! There is no conclusive studies that show why diet soda helps retain weight but their is a correlation.

    As if we didn't know that YOU would show up. Or somebody just like you, with links to incredibly crappy research. These links are always the same, but I took a couple minutes out of my life to read yours, you know, just in case it had something real.

    It's a study done by somebody selling a book called the Calendar Diet that changes what you eat based around the time of year and major holidays. Ok, sure, that might not be too crazy.

    It actually uses the words "there's no convincing proof that diet soda is helpful for losing weight". Ooook. Well, it has zero calories, and in my case it replaced 350 calorie lemonades (with multiple refills) that I used to get at each meal. Is diet soda better than water? Of course not. But to try and act like a ZERO calorie drink affects your weight loss or gain is plain ridiculous.

    It poses yet another unproven theory about how the brain gets confused and expects sugar when you eat artificial sweeteners. OOOOOOooooook. One, I've never felt this way but of course I can't speak for the whole world. But who cares what your brain "expects"? I'm having a diet coke and a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Expect all you want, brain, I'm not getting a hot fudge sundae.

    It talks about the correlation between health risks like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. As mentioned by Brower above, correlation is a far cry from causation. I used to drink diet soda while gaining weight. Was it the diet soda? No, it was the Double Quarter Pounder, supersized fries, and the fact that I ate 1200 calorie meals 3-4 times per day. If I kept going, I would have been one of your statistics.

    But guess what, people that swear off things like diet soda also tend to swear off other things, like 4000 calories a day from McD's, or cigarettes, or alcohol binges, and the like. I have no links to offer you, but I'm betting the type of person that swears off soda also makes 2-5 other choices each day that would lower their risk for various diseases. It's not the soda, it's all that other shish. Correlation is not causation.

    *and before someones says "I KNEW McD's WAS KILLING PEOPLE", no, 4000 calories was killing me, not McDs. I still eat there 5x per week, but I've made my goal weight and my most recent blood labs are probably better than yours.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't get it.

    The OP made a post about how he's stopped drinking soda because it made him feel like crap.

    Other people posted that they stopped as well and they don't miss it.

    People are bashing those people who have chosen to not drink soda. OP never said he was doing it for weight loss reasons only that it made him over eat and feel bloated and gross.

    I don't make a habit of drinking soda of any kind because I don't particularly like it. Once in a while I'll have it like this past weekend. I was really, really thirsty and had an orange soda but it's not something that I would choose as a drink. Heck we have cases of diet coke in the house for mixers that I never touch and end up having to throw out because the flavor is gone.

    If someone cuts out soda from their diet as a first step in getting healthy then all the more power to them. No need to bash.
  • Daisey4522
    Daisey4522 Posts: 171 Member
    Ahhh Diet Soda is my one bad habit I can't seem to kick! Congratulations to you -- keep it up! But for me, there are certain foods that you just have to have soda with. The food just doesn't taste the same ;)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Feeling great! Coffee to help kick the day off then nothing but water the rest of the day.

    Great going.

    I was watching the UK show "Secret Eaters" a few days ago. The idea behind the show is most people eat more than they actually think or record. The participants are presented with the evidence of their secret eating at the end of the show to their amazement.

    They were tracking one guy who drank a lot of diet fizzy drinks. They observed that a short time after he consumed one drink he would then regularly consume something sweet or sugary - biscuit, chocolate etc. The theory is that the sweetness of the drinks causes your body to expect to deal with sugar, insulin is released, your blood sugar level fluctuates and cravings occur.

    Of course it is a theory but it was interesting to see it play out in that way...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't get it.

    The OP made a post about how he's stopped drinking soda because it made him feel like crap.

    Other people posted that they stopped as well and they don't miss it.

    Then other people came in and said how diet soda was full of dangerous chemicals, is addictive, and makes you feel all icky insdie

    Then some more people posted that the dangers of diet soda and the benefits for giving it up were overblown, if not totally fabricated

    People are bashing those people who have chosen to not drink soda. OP never said he was doing it for weight loss reasons only that it made him over eat and feel bloated and gross.

    I don't make a habit of drinking soda of any kind because I don't particularly like it. Once in a while I'll have it like this past weekend. I was really, really thirsty and had an orange soda but it's not something that I would choose as a drink. Heck we have cases of diet coke in the house for mixers that I never touch and end up having to throw out because the flavor is gone.

    If someone cuts out soda from their diet as a first step in getting healthy then all the more power to them. No need to bash.

    Fixed the parts you omitted. I'm sure it was an honest mistake
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    This is my 4th day with trying to cut back on diet soda. So far on Monday I had two cans and one 20oz of diet Pepsi. Same with Tuesday. Wednesday I had one can, and one 20oz. Today I've had one can, and I am going to try to not have anymore today. Then tomorrow see if I can go without it all day.
  • julieholley3
    Im on day five of quitting diet coke nearly as hard as giving up smoking !!!! But my teeth and eyes are benefiting and my skin looks better with all the extra water im drinking still having bad withdrawal but an going to keep going :smile:
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I was drinking too much Coke, which was adding up to too much calories in a day. So I knew I needed to curtail it, so i did give it up for a few weeks, cold turkey. Now I do have it occasionally, when I go out to eat on the weekend, I enjoy a glass. but the one thing - it doesn't have the same addictive quality about it - for me, now its just a glass of nice refreshing drink. I could have ice tea but I enjoy the Coke better. I think this is the advantage of putting some space between my previous coke addiction and what i enjoy now.
  • j_denne
    j_denne Posts: 2
    I'm on day 5 of quitting diet soda and I can stay that I am struggling big time! I have been a user for that last 5 years one or two cans a day. Any ideas to help with the cravings, sleepiness and lethargic feelings?
  • j_denne
    j_denne Posts: 2
    Happy to report that the extreme dragging in the afternoons do wear off. It seemed like it took forever to not have the cravings. I'm on Month 4. I have had 2 weak points where I caved to the craving but I was able to drink the soda and move on. It was hard, I thought why am I doing this. I was kindly reminded at how well I had done and I shouldn't just toss all that hard work aside.

    The moral of the story is diet soda is an addiction. It is not an easy habit to break. This is something that I have learned that hard way. I just wanted to share my results so far. I have been able to withstand the cravings with water, canned carbonate water and tea.

    Happy detoxing from Diet Pop!