MAY 2017 walk, jog, run, bike, step challenge



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    edited May 2017
    oh Machka so sorry for all you've been through!!!!!!!!!! I know how disappointing it can be when we are not up too our usual exercise mode...YOU HANG IN THERE. YOU ARE OUR ROLE MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US IN JUNE? <3 and NOOOOOOOOOOO our Challenge will not be JUST FOR STEPS. I did say BIKE as well...I will run over too the June thing and try too clarify that..THANKS!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    as of MAY 30TH.................116.0 Walking Miles

    May 31st...............................5.50 Walking Miles (This would be 3.0 miles walking and 2.5 miles on the completetion of Push Mowing my lawn!

    TOTAL MILES MAY 2017 121.50 MILES GOAL MET with and extra 1.5 Miles...YAYYYYYYYYY
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    oh Machka so sorry for all you've been through!!!!!!!!!! I know how disappointing it can be when we are not up too our usual exercise mode...YOU HANG IN THERE. YOU ARE OUR ROLE MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US IN JUNE? <3 and NOOOOOOOOOOO our Challenge will not be JUST FOR STEPS. I did say BIKE as well...I will run over too the June thing and try too clarify that..THANKS!

    Thanks! :blush:

    And yes, I'll be there in June!

  • rccsinger
    rccsinger Posts: 1,090 Member
    CORRECTION--May 21 3.2 miles
    May 22--6.6 miles
    May 23--4.0 miles
    May 24--2.4 miles
    May 25--4.9 miles
    May 26--3.5 miles
    May 27--3.2 miles
    May 28--3.4 miles
    May 29--3.3 miles
    May 30--4.7 miles
    May 3--4.5 miles

    :/ Didn't make goal but will try again next month!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    rccsinger it is that you still got work done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!!! :)