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Do you think obese/overweight people should pay more for health insurance?



  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    There is just ONE reason that healthcare is expensive in the US............................................profit. Until the US becomes a not for profit venture, health care costs for people are just going to keep rising. And really we could have a decent government healthcare system if we diverted money to it. Problem is, taxpayer money is diverted to other profit ventures that benefit people in politics more than it does the people themselves.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Every healthcare system is for profit. Are you suggesting that bureaucrats work for free?
    Socialized healthcare makes a profit? Military healthcare is for profit? Don't think so.
    You can never have decent healthcare without a motive of profit. This is the primary reason healthcare costs have risen beyond the rest of the consumer index - deliberate insertion of middlemen (government and insurance).
    Lots of countries don't have people pay insurance on healthcare and do just fine. Our own would be health care for the military. I grew up an Air Force brat and even today, my retired parents (both past 85 years old) get great healthcare at NO COST to them.
    If you allowed free market forces to compete then you would not have instances where Epipens rose to prohibitive prices. You would have competitive companies offering products at a reduced price to gain market share. Government is the problem, not the solution.
    Lol, wouldn't that be socialized medicine then? Affordability for ALL and not just the elite? And who's keeping big pharma and insurance companies happy? The people getting their palms greased by them. Health care shouldn't be for capital gain. I've personally worked in it and with people who suffer who busted their *kitten* working for decades only to use their retirement to pay for medical help not covered by insurance (mostly prescriptions drugs).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    It's rare that someone actually touts the VA as an shining example of socialized medicine, but if that's what you want to hang you hat on - be my guest. I'm a veteran and I should get no cost medical; however the scheduling and waiting lines make full time employment and service from the VA nearly impossible, unless you enjoy 6 months waiting lines.

    Who's keeping big pharma happy? Well first you would have to research the relationship between what the congressional committees allow pharma to charge. A convoluted relationship between market wholesalers, market retailers, insurance companies, hospitals, and any other select buying groups...and of course the government. Pretty simple when you see who's providing the bulk of campaign contributions though.

    Shouldn't is not a rational argument. You are actually making an argument against insurance, not for socialized medicine. Remove insurance, remove government. Unleash the free market and the cost of medicine will return to normal.

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    I think it's important to rebut this misleading statement. The "alternative treatment" is admitted BY THOSE OFFERING IT to have zero potential to help whatsoever. The child is unable to respond but still able to feel pain. He is going to die no matter what happens. Again, the US facility offering the treatment freely admits the treatment would be futile. It's not usual for European courts to rule on whether a child gets medical treatment, but in this case doctors felt it was crossing a line into abuse. This sort of ruling is sometimes made even in the United States.

    Unknown isn't zero. It's unknown. It's not futile, it's experimental. And with a condition as rare as this, unknown really does mean unknown.
  • chokhas
    chokhas Posts: 33 Member
    the doctors said the condition can't be reversed. the experimental treatment may or may not extend the life but it will not heal the boy. from my point I can understand the parents that want to spend more time with their child. I can understand the doctors too that we should not treat. at one point a longer life at a lower quality might not be the best way to move forward.

    however I feel that the doc in the us is trying to make money its like we can try you can pay me a million maybe it will'help maybe not eventually the doctor will still get the money. why not make an official study and provide the treatment free? typically experimental or study the'patients do not need'to pay.

    typically private insurance or governmental one have limits to what they can pay. the'resources are not unlimited and looking at the rise in costs there will be discussions on how much a life will be worth and how much insurance can a social'system manage.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    chokhas wrote: »
    the doctors said the condition can't be reversed. the experimental treatment may or may not extend the life but it will not heal the boy. from my point I can understand the parents that want to spend more time with their child. I can understand the doctors too that we should not treat. at one point a longer life at a lower quality might not be the best way to move forward.

    however I feel that the doc in the us is trying to make money its like we can try you can pay me a million maybe it will'help maybe not eventually the doctor will still get the money. why not make an official study and provide the treatment free? typically experimental or study the'patients do not need'to pay.

    typically private insurance or governmental one have limits to what they can pay. the'resources are not unlimited and looking at the rise in costs there will be discussions on how much a life will be worth and how much insurance can a social'system manage.

    They already are offering treatment free. The motivation isn't making money but learning more about the condition.

    And actually futile is the exact word being used in the legal discussions - this treatment has no possibility of helping this child, and no one at any level, except the poor parents who aren't able to think straight, is pretending there is a possibility.
  • chokhas
    chokhas Posts: 33 Member
    the last I read was that parents were collecting over 1 mil to pay for the treatment n the doc wanted charge.

    in any case its a situation that I no one wants to be in or have a family member in that situation. all of the media attention is not really helping the situation either.
  • loisburch59
    loisburch59 Posts: 403 Member
    That is why it's called a pool by the insurance companies, they need to have a few bad ones to keep the reason to raise rates.
  • tiasommer
    tiasommer Posts: 36 Member
    Tough one. It really depends on a lot of factors...one can't just say you're overweight so you are going to cost more. Morbidly obese, maybe.

    In my case, I'm a fit fat person. I'm have "exemplary" cholesterol levels, per my doctor. Ideal blood sugar, fasting and non-fasting, I have no high blood pressure. I run 3-4 miles 5 x's a week. I eat whole, healthy foods. Only indulge in the rare treat. My weight gain has been super slow, couple pounds a year over the last 15 years. Equates to 30 extra lbs.
    My thyroid may be a question, but it's been hovering just above the cutoff. I do not get a ton of sleep, two small kids, work full time, working on my masters - gotta get up early for that run, stay up late to get my homework done. I'm also peri-menopausal, which adds to my weight battle.

    I'm doing all the right things (except for getting 8 hours of sleep nightly), and my health numbers reflect this. So, should I pay more? I'm not doing things that are detrimental like eating fast food and being a sloth...why punish me for my body's chemistry?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    fbchick51 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    This is precisely the outcome of socialized medicine.

    Citation please?

    Show me where an insurance company refused to release a child into the care of a physician wanting to attempt an experimental course of therapy.

    I'll accept one from your alleged "long list".

    CPS or Child Protective Services. I don't need a list. You'd be amazed at how quickly they can take your child and strip you of parental rights with very little evidence. Especially if a doctor is claiming you are failing to treat you sick child properly. If you think it doesn't count, then go stick your little head back in the sand.

    I'm not sure what stance you are taking then. CPS would be a government entity, so any citation of overreach would be another example of government overreach.

    I'm a sworn officer and work with CPS/DCFS often. Not sure what you point is or how this relates.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    If that kid had been a poor American, he'd have died a long time ago thanks to our idiotic, expensive system.

    But by all means, keep parroting dumb talking points based on .000001% of cases while ignoring the other 99.999999% of outcomes.

    I consider myself a conservative, and looking at the data from literally every Western country that's not the US, it's clear that single-payer is the fiscally conservative option.

    And no, single-payer does nothing to keep wealthy people from using doctors outside of the system, or keep doctors from working outside of the system. It's the cheapest, most humane option available while retaining our beloved capitalist system for those who can afford it.

    Our idiotic expensive system is idiotic and expensive based on two dominant factors: Insurance and Government.

    Your solution is more insurance and government?

    What data are you looking at?

    Single payer is atrociously expensive, but the charges are largely hidden by the mazework of bureaucracy. For example the drug I manufacture cost less than 0.01 USD to manufacture and we sell this to wholesalers for 0.29 USD. Medicare pricing is 200 USD for this product. Explain how this happens and how single payer will "fix" this.

    Are you aware of the negotiation process that occurs between buying groups, the Congressional committee, insurance groups, and pharmaceutical groups?
  • bunting1982
    bunting1982 Posts: 9 Member
    i think it should be based on whether or not they have health complications due to obesity....i am considered obese and have perfect cholesterol, BP, blood sugar etc and there could be someone of optimal weight who has awful health.....
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    chokhas wrote: »
    the doctors said the condition can't be reversed. the experimental treatment may or may not extend the life but it will not heal the boy. from my point I can understand the parents that want to spend more time with their child. I can understand the doctors too that we should not treat. at one point a longer life at a lower quality might not be the best way to move forward.

    however I feel that the doc in the us is trying to make money its like we can try you can pay me a million maybe it will'help maybe not eventually the doctor will still get the money. why not make an official study and provide the treatment free? typically experimental or study the'patients do not need'to pay.

    typically private insurance or governmental one have limits to what they can pay. the'resources are not unlimited and looking at the rise in costs there will be discussions on how much a life will be worth and how much insurance can a social'system manage.

    The physician in the US and now a panel of physicians in Italy have both offered their services pro bono. The funds collected were private donations.

    ...again - not your decision.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    There is just ONE reason that healthcare is expensive in the US............................................profit. Until the US becomes a not for profit venture, health care costs for people are just going to keep rising. And really we could have a decent government healthcare system if we diverted money to it. Problem is, taxpayer money is diverted to other profit ventures that benefit people in politics more than it does the people themselves.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Every healthcare system is for profit. Are you suggesting that bureaucrats work for free?
    Socialized healthcare makes a profit? Military healthcare is for profit? Don't think so.
    You can never have decent healthcare without a motive of profit. This is the primary reason healthcare costs have risen beyond the rest of the consumer index - deliberate insertion of middlemen (government and insurance).
    Lots of countries don't have people pay insurance on healthcare and do just fine. Our own would be health care for the military. I grew up an Air Force brat and even today, my retired parents (both past 85 years old) get great healthcare at NO COST to them.
    If you allowed free market forces to compete then you would not have instances where Epipens rose to prohibitive prices. You would have competitive companies offering products at a reduced price to gain market share. Government is the problem, not the solution.
    Lol, wouldn't that be socialized medicine then? Affordability for ALL and not just the elite? And who's keeping big pharma and insurance companies happy? The people getting their palms greased by them. Health care shouldn't be for capital gain. I've personally worked in it and with people who suffer who busted their *kitten* working for decades only to use their retirement to pay for medical help not covered by insurance (mostly prescriptions drugs).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    It's rare that someone actually touts the VA as an shining example of socialized medicine, but if that's what you want to hang you hat on - be my guest. I'm a veteran and I should get no cost medical; however the scheduling and waiting lines make full time employment and service from the VA nearly impossible, unless you enjoy 6 months waiting lines.

    Who's keeping big pharma happy? Well first you would have to research the relationship between what the congressional committees allow pharma to charge. A convoluted relationship between market wholesalers, market retailers, insurance companies, hospitals, and any other select buying groups...and of course the government. Pretty simple when you see who's providing the bulk of campaign contributions though.

    Shouldn't is not a rational argument. You are actually making an argument against insurance, not for socialized medicine. Remove insurance, remove government. Unleash the free market and the cost of medicine will return to normal.

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    I think some VA clinics must be more impacted than others, then. Because my husband was able to get his latest appointment within 10 days. That's much faster than the three month wait I had to get an appointment just to see a GP with private insurance.

    I'm not sure the story you brought up about the terminally ill kid is relevant to this thread. Terminally ill patients are allowed to die naturally in non-socialized medical systems, too. This poor kid's parents were grasping at straws to try an experimental treatment that had never been tried before on his condition and that multiple experts agreed would not have reversed his brain damage. So best case scenario, this kid lives longer, but in no better shape than he currently is. How is that a good thing? The potential treatment being offered would not have cured this child, but only "possibly" prolonged his life, while "potentially" causing additional harm/genetic mutations/pain/discomfort to him. IMO, not all medical intervention is a good thing. Sometimes it's best to let nature take it's course. I wouldn't want to be kept alive with a degenerative disorder that has destroyed much of my brain, and caused me to lose all normal functioning with no hope of improvement - only the possibility of living longer in that condition. I feel bad for the parents - no one wants to lose a child - but I can't fault the medical team in this case, and I wouldn't exactly call the doctors caring for him "bureaucrats."

    I can understand why proponents of socialized medicine would want to downplay this story and all others like it. This isn't a matter of being allowed to die - it's one of a bureaucratic panel deciding that a child will die in direct conflict with the wishes of the parents. Of course you wouldn't want to use a term such as bureaucrat as it hurts your narrative. How else would you describe the European Court of Human Rights?

    This isn't about you. Your opinion in this matter is irrelevant, as is mine. The only opinions that matter are that of the parents and the treating physicians, but this is never the case in a socialized structure. What is truly horrific is that the state now refuses to release custody of the parent's child to the parents.

    To be expected as in a socialized system the individual has no unalienable rights. Your rights are those the state allows you to have.

    The treating physicians DID give their opinion and the court upheld it.

    In contradiction to the wishes of the parents and other physicians.

    A court of bureaucrats superseded the wishes of parents. Despicable.

    Which "other physicians"? You mean the guy who is willing to accept their money for his medical research in exchange for attempting "treatment," but who also acknowledged that the treatment was unlikely to work? Because all the current treating physicians and experts in the field were saying that the treatment has the potential to prolong discomfort or cause pain to the child, without much chance for benefit. Sometimes it's more humane and ethical to let someone pass naturally than it is to experiment on them. Clearly the parents' wishes are based on emotion, not rational medical expertise. Courts supersede parents wishes all the time when the parents' wishes are potentially harmful to their children. Kids are people, not property.

    "Sometime it's more humane and ethical to let someone pass naturally than it is to experiment on them." - Not your decision. This is between the parents and their physician.

    This is why I advocate for a two tiered structure. You may willingly relinquish all rights and liberty to your betters, but you speak for you and you alone.

    Kids are evidently property of the government as highlighted by this case. Parents have no rights.

    Without making this into a claim that they are equivalent situations, are you ever okay with the government *requiring* someone to get medical care for a child (if they're rejecting it due to religious/ideological reasons, for example) or punishing parents if they reject medical care and the child suffers lasting harm or death?

    In regards to the US Constitution the citizen is the ultimate holder of all rights, society has no inherent rights and charged to ensure that citizen's rights are protected.

    Parents are expected to protect their children and act in their best interests. The government is expected to do the same. I don't know how anyone could make a rational argument rejecting care resulting in suffering or harm.

    Would the government be determining if a parental argument was rational or not?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    fbchick51 wrote: »
    The courts have ruled both ways over the last 70 years.

    Thanks for making my point. It does happen here in the US (a NON-social medicine environment). Never said it's black and white, just said it happens here too. I doubt it's black in white in the UK either. I'm sure there are other cases that the parents won the fight in socialized medicine. So it's NOT a product of socialized medicine.

    ...except for the fact that the example you use is one of a nationalized structure. Government overriding the wishes of parents.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

    Cite a case in the US where the US ruled that an individual be denied medical care in contradiction to the wishes of the parents.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    edited July 2017
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    If that kid had been a poor American, he'd have died a long time ago thanks to our idiotic, expensive system.

    But by all means, keep parroting dumb talking points based on .000001% of cases while ignoring the other 99.999999% of outcomes.

    I consider myself a conservative, and looking at the data from literally every Western country that's not the US, it's clear that single-payer is the fiscally conservative option.

    And no, single-payer does nothing to keep wealthy people from using doctors outside of the system, or keep doctors from working outside of the system. It's the cheapest, most humane option available while retaining our beloved capitalist system for those who can afford it.

    Our idiotic expensive system is idiotic and expensive based on two dominant factors: Insurance and Government.

    Your solution is more insurance and government?

    What data are you looking at?

    Single payer is atrociously expensive, but the charges are largely hidden by the mazework of bureaucracy. For example the drug I manufacture cost less than 0.01 USD to manufacture and we sell this to wholesalers for 0.29 USD. Medicare pricing is 200 USD for this product. Explain how this happens and how single payer will "fix" this.

    Are you aware of the negotiation process that occurs between buying groups, the Congressional committee, insurance groups, and pharmaceutical groups?

    I'm fascinated by this disparity. I recently had an issue with my insurance where they would only cover up to 2 refills at a Rite Aid (the third was going to cost $150, when I normally pay around $3), but they would cover refills at CVS at the normal insurance rate. How do companies, or institutions like Medicare, get such leeway when pricing drugs? Where is all that profit going to? I wouldn't expect the end user to get the wholesale price, for sure - obviously there are costs associated with distribution, sale, etc. but that markup seems insane.

    The idealist in me wonders why we can't have a system that fairly compensates drug manufacturers and distributors/sales points at a set rate, i.e. distributers get to mark up no more than 20% from the wholesale price, and retail gets to markup another 25% at most. In the example above, that drug would end up costing the end user ~.43. Assuming that the $200 that Medicare is charging is for a 30 day supply, the price difference per unit over $6. I'm going to go ahead and make another assumption that this particular drug is outside of the patent period, where the pharmaceutical company has recouped the R&D costs.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    fbchick51 wrote: »
    The courts have ruled both ways over the last 70 years.

    Thanks for making my point. It does happen here in the US (a NON-social medicine environment). Never said it's black and white, just said it happens here too. I doubt it's black in white in the UK either. I'm sure there are other cases that the parents won the fight in socialized medicine. So it's NOT a product of socialized medicine.

    How do you think it makes your point when the courts have ruled that parents have the right to refuse life saving care on behalf of their children?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    If that kid had been a poor American, he'd have died a long time ago thanks to our idiotic, expensive system.

    But by all means, keep parroting dumb talking points based on .000001% of cases while ignoring the other 99.999999% of outcomes.

    I consider myself a conservative, and looking at the data from literally every Western country that's not the US, it's clear that single-payer is the fiscally conservative option.

    And no, single-payer does nothing to keep wealthy people from using doctors outside of the system, or keep doctors from working outside of the system. It's the cheapest, most humane option available while retaining our beloved capitalist system for those who can afford it.

    Our idiotic expensive system is idiotic and expensive based on two dominant factors: Insurance and Government.

    Your solution is more insurance and government?

    What data are you looking at?

    Single payer is atrociously expensive, but the charges are largely hidden by the mazework of bureaucracy. For example the drug I manufacture cost less than 0.01 USD to manufacture and we sell this to wholesalers for 0.29 USD. Medicare pricing is 200 USD for this product. Explain how this happens and how single payer will "fix" this.

    Are you aware of the negotiation process that occurs between buying groups, the Congressional committee, insurance groups, and pharmaceutical groups?

    I'm fascinated by this disparity. I recently had an issue with my insurance where they would only cover up to 2 refills at a Rite Aid (the third was going to cost $150, when I normally pay around $3), but they would cover refills at CVS at the normal insurance rate. How do companies, or institutions like Medicare, get such leeway when pricing drugs? Where is all that profit going to? I wouldn't expect the end user to get the retail price, for sure - obviously there are costs associated with distribution, sale, etc. but that markup seems insane.

    The idealist in me wonders why we can't have a system that fairly compensates drug manufacturers and distributors/sales points at a set rate, i.e. distributers get to mark up no more than 20% from the wholesale price, and retail gets to markup another 25% at most. In the example above, that drug would end up costing the end user ~.43. Assuming that the $200 that Medicare is charging is for a 30 day supply, the price difference per unit over $6. I'm going to go ahead and make another assumption that this particular drug is outside of the patent period, where the pharmaceutical company has recouped the R&D costs.

    Honestly this is something I've only recently been exposed to and this completely changed my outlook on medical care. This came up when managing an adverse event with a physician who wanted compensation for the product used and he told me what the customer was charged. It's events like this that media outlets should be covering, but you can't put this process on a bumper sticker and most people won't take the time to learn about why medical care costs so much. Much easier to shout "Free healthcare now!", but this only makes the root problem worse.

    The regulatory process is much at fault here and prohibitively expensive, so reduced competition or no competition these firms go unchecked and can charge whatever they like. In medical products you have the rule of threes - three big pharma, three big insurance firms, three big wholesalers, etc. All prices are negotiated through committee panels with one key element lacking - consumer advocacy.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    edited July 2017
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    DamieBird wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    If that kid had been a poor American, he'd have died a long time ago thanks to our idiotic, expensive system.

    But by all means, keep parroting dumb talking points based on .000001% of cases while ignoring the other 99.999999% of outcomes.

    I consider myself a conservative, and looking at the data from literally every Western country that's not the US, it's clear that single-payer is the fiscally conservative option.

    And no, single-payer does nothing to keep wealthy people from using doctors outside of the system, or keep doctors from working outside of the system. It's the cheapest, most humane option available while retaining our beloved capitalist system for those who can afford it.

    Our idiotic expensive system is idiotic and expensive based on two dominant factors: Insurance and Government.

    Your solution is more insurance and government?

    What data are you looking at?

    Single payer is atrociously expensive, but the charges are largely hidden by the mazework of bureaucracy. For example the drug I manufacture cost less than 0.01 USD to manufacture and we sell this to wholesalers for 0.29 USD. Medicare pricing is 200 USD for this product. Explain how this happens and how single payer will "fix" this.

    Are you aware of the negotiation process that occurs between buying groups, the Congressional committee, insurance groups, and pharmaceutical groups?

    I'm fascinated by this disparity. I recently had an issue with my insurance where they would only cover up to 2 refills at a Rite Aid (the third was going to cost $150, when I normally pay around $3), but they would cover refills at CVS at the normal insurance rate. How do companies, or institutions like Medicare, get such leeway when pricing drugs? Where is all that profit going to? I wouldn't expect the end user to get the retail price, for sure - obviously there are costs associated with distribution, sale, etc. but that markup seems insane.

    The idealist in me wonders why we can't have a system that fairly compensates drug manufacturers and distributors/sales points at a set rate, i.e. distributers get to mark up no more than 20% from the wholesale price, and retail gets to markup another 25% at most. In the example above, that drug would end up costing the end user ~.43. Assuming that the $200 that Medicare is charging is for a 30 day supply, the price difference per unit over $6. I'm going to go ahead and make another assumption that this particular drug is outside of the patent period, where the pharmaceutical company has recouped the R&D costs.

    Honestly this is something I've only recently been exposed to and this completely changed my outlook on medical care. This came up when managing an adverse event with a physician who wanted compensation for the product used and he told me what the customer was charged. It's events like this that media outlets should be covering, but you can't put this process on a bumper sticker and most people won't take the time to learn about why medical care costs so much. Much easier to shout "Free healthcare now!", but this only makes the root problem worse.

    The regulatory process is much at fault here and prohibitively expensive, so reduced competition or no competition these firms go unchecked and can charge whatever they like. In medical products you have the rule of threes - three big pharma, three big insurance firms, three big wholesalers, etc. All prices are negotiated through committee panels with one key element lacking - consumer advocacy.

    Doesn't healthcare in general lack appropriate and effective consumer advocacy? I understand companies needing to make a profit. That is literally why they exist and I find no fault in them being fairly compensated for the work they do and for the products they manufacture. There has to be some incentive other than altruism to ensure that pharma companies in particular continue to invest in R&D and bring newer, safer, more effective medicines to society as a whole. I support doctors and nurses and hospitals being able to charge a fair price for their services - including enough to cover the overhead and investment into their professions and practices as well as personal compensation.

    I think the major fault in the US healthcare system is that we have too many 'middlemen' each trying to maximize profit at every step of the way and then we end up with the end consumer facing exorbitant fees that they can only afford by paying into an insurance system. I don't think we need to move away from insurance, I do think that insurance companies should be held to a better standard and that the goal should be to *make a profit*, not *make as much profit as they can squeeze out of a rock*. Our current system is set up in such a way (not just in healthcare, but in general), so that market forces don't determine price - at least not the way that they should. Consumers complain and protest all the time about CEOs of major corporations making millions of dollars or getting golden parachute payouts after wrongdoing or mismanagement, and yet we still feed our money to those corporations. The idea that we have choice in our buying power is largely a fallacy. The example about the big three in healthcare is a good one. We may *think* that we have the option to choose a better company but in reality most of them feed back into the same umbrella organization.

    We need better consumer advocacy across the board in healthcare. Major player have lobbyists protecting their interests, but the average citizen does not and that's a problem.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    DamieBird wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »

    Here's a lovely story highlighting the ultimate outcome of socialized medicine:


    In summary the bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. When taken to higher authority the judges at the European Court of Human Rights concluded that further treatment would "continue to cause Charlie significant harm". Regardless of a US physician who has offered an alternative treatment the hospital will not release the child to the parent's custody.

    If that kid had been a poor American, he'd have died a long time ago thanks to our idiotic, expensive system.

    But by all means, keep parroting dumb talking points based on .000001% of cases while ignoring the other 99.999999% of outcomes.

    I consider myself a conservative, and looking at the data from literally every Western country that's not the US, it's clear that single-payer is the fiscally conservative option.

    And no, single-payer does nothing to keep wealthy people from using doctors outside of the system, or keep doctors from working outside of the system. It's the cheapest, most humane option available while retaining our beloved capitalist system for those who can afford it.

    Our idiotic expensive system is idiotic and expensive based on two dominant factors: Insurance and Government.

    Your solution is more insurance and government?

    What data are you looking at?

    Single payer is atrociously expensive, but the charges are largely hidden by the mazework of bureaucracy. For example the drug I manufacture cost less than 0.01 USD to manufacture and we sell this to wholesalers for 0.29 USD. Medicare pricing is 200 USD for this product. Explain how this happens and how single payer will "fix" this.

    Are you aware of the negotiation process that occurs between buying groups, the Congressional committee, insurance groups, and pharmaceutical groups?

    I'm fascinated by this disparity. I recently had an issue with my insurance where they would only cover up to 2 refills at a Rite Aid (the third was going to cost $150, when I normally pay around $3), but they would cover refills at CVS at the normal insurance rate. How do companies, or institutions like Medicare, get such leeway when pricing drugs? Where is all that profit going to? I wouldn't expect the end user to get the retail price, for sure - obviously there are costs associated with distribution, sale, etc. but that markup seems insane.

    The idealist in me wonders why we can't have a system that fairly compensates drug manufacturers and distributors/sales points at a set rate, i.e. distributers get to mark up no more than 20% from the wholesale price, and retail gets to markup another 25% at most. In the example above, that drug would end up costing the end user ~.43. Assuming that the $200 that Medicare is charging is for a 30 day supply, the price difference per unit over $6. I'm going to go ahead and make another assumption that this particular drug is outside of the patent period, where the pharmaceutical company has recouped the R&D costs.

    Honestly this is something I've only recently been exposed to and this completely changed my outlook on medical care. This came up when managing an adverse event with a physician who wanted compensation for the product used and he told me what the customer was charged. It's events like this that media outlets should be covering, but you can't put this process on a bumper sticker and most people won't take the time to learn about why medical care costs so much. Much easier to shout "Free healthcare now!", but this only makes the root problem worse.

    The regulatory process is much at fault here and prohibitively expensive, so reduced competition or no competition these firms go unchecked and can charge whatever they like. In medical products you have the rule of threes - three big pharma, three big insurance firms, three big wholesalers, etc. All prices are negotiated through committee panels with one key element lacking - consumer advocacy.

    Doesn't healthcare in general lack appropriate and effective consumer advocacy? I understand companies needing to make a profit. That is literally why they exist and I find no fault in them being fairly compensated for the work they do and for the products they manufacture. There has to be some incentive other than altruism to ensure that pharma companies in particular continue to invest in R&D and bring newer, safer, more effective medicines to society as a whole. I support doctors and nurses and hospitals being able to charge a fair price for their services - including enough to cover the overhead and investment into their professions and practices as well as personal compensation.

    I think the major fault in the US healthcare system is that we have too many 'middlemen' each trying to maximize profit at every step of the way and then we end up with the end consumer facing exorbitant fees that they can only afford by paying into an insurance system. I don't think we need to move away from insurance, I do think that insurance companies should be held to a better standard and that the goal should be to *make a profit*, not *make as much profit as they can squeeze out of a rock*. Our current system is set up in such a way (not just in healthcare, but in general), so that market forces don't determine price - at least not the way that they should. Consumers complain and protest all the time about CEOs of major corporations making millions of dollars or getting golden parachute payouts after wrongdoing or mismanagement, and yet we still feed our money to those corporations. The idea that we have choice in our buying power is largely a fallacy. The example about the big three in healthcare is a good one. We may *think* that we have the option to choose a better company but in reality most of them feed back into the same umbrella organization.

    We need better consumer advocacy across the board in healthcare. Major player have lobbyists protecting their interests, but the average citizen does not and that's a problem.

    The problem is that those middlemen have been inserted by "regulators"
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    chokhas wrote: »
    the doctors said the condition can't be reversed. the experimental treatment may or may not extend the life but it will not heal the boy. from my point I can understand the parents that want to spend more time with their child. I can understand the doctors too that we should not treat. at one point a longer life at a lower quality might not be the best way to move forward.

    however I feel that the doc in the us is trying to make money its like we can try you can pay me a million maybe it will'help maybe not eventually the doctor will still get the money. why not make an official study and provide the treatment free? typically experimental or study the'patients do not need'to pay.

    typically private insurance or governmental one have limits to what they can pay. the'resources are not unlimited and looking at the rise in costs there will be discussions on how much a life will be worth and how much insurance can a social'system manage.

    The physician in the US and now a panel of physicians in Italy have both offered their services pro bono. The funds collected were private donations.

    ...again - not your decision.

    You mean the Vatican doctors?