Vegetarian or not?



  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    willnorton wrote: »
    I went vegan 22 days ago..... very strict..... Im eating great foods... and plenty of it... I love it.... mostly whole foods little Fiber one cereal in the mornings... ( ask for teh code if you want to look at my food diary for the past 3 weeks) I have been a low carber for ever... I am a type 2 diabetic and in that 3 weeks, I have lost 24 pounds, blood pressure is below normal now and my blood sugar has come from around 200 to like 105 to 110 daily.. I love this way of eating..... there are so many great foods to eat.. and i feel so much better...sleeping better... everything is working better... would love to talk to you about this.... hope we can be friends on here..... good luck and work hard at whatever you do.... Bill

    how are you vegan and low carb?

    read again.... that is not what i said... i said i was a low carber adn changed to the plant based diet... go back and read it again before you pop off!
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    So right now you eat meat every meal. No need to go to extreme why not slowly add more vegetables and meatless meals into your diet.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    @Healthy4lyfe419 there are many reasons to be vegetarian, but that choice needs to come from you. There are people who avoid meat for loads of reasons; religious, health, ethics pertaining to animal cruelty, environmental sustainability, human population ethics, because they don't like meat or because they were brought up that way. Environmental sustainability and opposing the ethics of intensive farming are very popular reasons which have been more popularly documented of late (there are several shocking documentaries making the rounds).

    Anyone who says 'humans are meant to eat meat' has clearly forgotten that because we don't eat grass anymore we no longer use our appendix - but it's still in there! Our bodies are incredibly adaptable and just looking on the forums here you can see the massive variance of the diets of healthy people.

    If you want to move to vegetarianism because you think it may help in your weightloss and health journey I would say that you are going to have to make some educated choices and research. Making sure you get enough protein is not difficult, it just takes a little more creativity - I've never not been able to veggie-fy a 'meat' dish. If you do decide to stick with meat I would just ask that you consider where it comes from. Buy free range and local where possible, it's better for the planet (but that is only a thought not a preachy command).
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    elliej wrote: »
    @Healthy4lyfe419 there are many reasons to be vegetarian, but that choice needs to come from you. There are people who avoid meat for loads of reasons; religious, health, ethics pertaining to animal cruelty, environmental sustainability, human population ethics, because they don't like meat or because they were brought up that way. Environmental sustainability and opposing the ethics of intensive farming are very popular reasons which have been more popularly documented of late (there are several shocking documentaries making the rounds).

    Anyone who says 'humans are meant to eat meat' has clearly forgotten that because we don't eat grass anymore we no longer use our appendix - but it's still in there! Our bodies are incredibly adaptable and just looking on the forums here you can see the massive variance of the diets of healthy people.

    If you want to move to vegetarianism because you think it may help in your weightloss and health journey I would say that you are going to have to make some educated choices and research. Making sure you get enough protein is not difficult, it just takes a little more creativity - I've never not been able to veggie-fy a 'meat' dish. If you do decide to stick with meat I would just ask that you consider where it comes from. Buy free range and local where possible, it's better for the planet (but that is only a thought not a preachy command).

    yeah we do still use our appendix, we dont have organs in our body to sit there,they all have a function.
  • cynthiatiller9
    cynthiatiller9 Posts: 1 Member
    willnorton wrote: »
    I went vegan 22 days ago..... very strict..... Im eating great foods... and plenty of it... I love it.... mostly whole foods little Fiber one cereal in the mornings... ( ask for teh code if you want to look at my food diary for the past 3 weeks) I have been a low carber for ever... I am a type 2 diabetic and in that 3 weeks, I have lost 24 pounds, blood pressure is below normal now and my blood sugar has come from around 200 to like 105 to 110 daily.. I love this way of eating..... there are so many great foods to eat.. and i feel so much better...sleeping better... everything is working better... would love to talk to you about this.... hope we can be friends on here..... good luck and work hard at whatever you do.... Bill
    willnorton wrote: »
    I went vegan 22 days ago..... very strict..... Im eating great foods... and plenty of it... I love it.... mostly whole foods little Fiber one cereal in the mornings... ( ask for teh code if you want to look at my food diary for the past 3 weeks) I have been a low carber for ever... I am a type 2 diabetic and in that 3 weeks, I have lost 24 pounds, blood pressure is below normal now and my blood sugar has come from around 200 to like 105 to 110 daily.. I love this way of eating..... there are so many great foods to eat.. and i feel so much better...sleeping better... everything is working better... would love to talk to you about this.... hope we can be friends on here..... good luck and work hard at whatever you do.... Bill

    May I have the code please, I'm curious to view your diary
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I would personally never become a vegetarian but my boyfriend is. I don't see anything wrong with it. I think you can eat nutritional without meat. I just love meat LOL. He stays very healthy without it though. He does it because he is in the army and can't stand the thought of killing anything else or eating something that's been killed. Anyways I say to each there own. If you want to do it I'd say give it a try and if it works out great! If not no harm no foul.
  • LilacLion
    LilacLion Posts: 579 Member
    I'm so happy being whole food plant based-zero animal products. 'nuff said.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I eat veggie maybe twice a week normally and then I just started one week out of four (my de-load week), but I don't do it for any ethical reasons. Rather I find it easier to keep my Calories lower (but struggle with protein) if I don't eat meat. I make up big batches of veggie bolognaise or chilli or curry, and portion up for the freezer (also have meat based meals frozen in the same way).
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    Its a personal choice, do what works for you. Experiment widely and enjoy the journey.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited June 2017
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I'm a vegetarian because I simply don't like meat. I think your mother has the right idea that protein is important, but that protein doesn't have to come from meat.

    I'm very particular about hitting my protein goals, and like other posters mentioned above, I also use Beyond Meat products. Even my meat eating husband and son like them. But most of my protein comes from beans and grains, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt.

    If you dislike meat, why eat something that's supposed to taste just like it?

    It's like me disliking olives, but then eating little balls of olive flavored tofu. These things seem contradictory to me.

    Viscerally, speaking as a multi-decade vegetarian, I don't get that, either. Fake meat is gross, IMO - not tasty. Not tasty in the abstract, and not even as tasty as meat.

    (I'm not talking about decent food-stuff that's just made into a patty shape and called a burger or the like; I'm talking about the intentional meat-imitations - fake bacon, fake chicken, fake beef.)

    However, I have to recognize that I never much liked meat, so seeking fakes makes no sense for me. Some people who give up meat for ethical or religious reasons think meat is tasty, or think they need to feed their friends or kids something meat-like for essentially social reasons, or they are used to conventional recipes that center on meat. They buy fake meat. Shrug.

    Who cares? Just don't make me eat it and expect me to like it.

    I know this post is month old, but wanted to address the issue.

    It's not because it's a meat analog. Because to me, it tastes and smells nothing like meat. The texture is nothing like meat.

    I am very limited in the vegetarian protein sources I can have since wheat gluten and soy are off the table due to being allergic to soy and having celiac disease. This eliminates most of the meat substitutes out there.

    I like the Beyond Meat crumbles because they're made of pea protein and are a good source of protein per calorie. End of story. I can only eat so many egg whites and so much cottage cheese for the same caloric/protein bargain.

    I know I can eat beans/grains for protein and do. But I don't get the protein bang for my caloric buck that I'd like doing that.

    Since I do well eating a lot of protein, I'll keep eating the Beyond Meat.

    My reasons aside, I don't understand the issue anyone would have with someone choosing to use meat analogs. It smacks of gatekeeping to me, and I find that a little concerning (not that I necessarily think you personally are doing this, Ann. I think you rock). If you (general) don't want to use them, that's for you to decide. I don't see the need to find issue when others make a different choice.

  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Anyone see netflix doc what the health?
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    I'd check out Mic. the Vegan on youtube. He's a very rational guy that basically bombards you with science of all kinds of different sources. If you don't follow him you can check the articles out because he links directly to them.
    I've only been vegan for 2,5 weeks, so I'm definitely not an authority on this, but I do feel great ever since. The first week felt really off, because I felt really light in the stomach after a few days (while eating the same amount of calories), but that quickly turned into a normal enjoyable feeling of wellbeing. SO if you decide to go for it, don't let that throw you off (:

    I also checked out if I get enough of all the nutrients and vitamins I need on today and it turns out I get plenty enough of everything BUT vitamin D (I'm only on 82% there, but obviously you can just get that if you take a walk outside :)) It is advisable to check that every now and then, because it's easy to not get enough of certain ones if you don't know what kind of plant based foods have them. It's a lot of research in the beginning, but easy once you did that.

    Whatever you decide, I hope you'll feel happy with it!