
Ayybee1114 Posts: 12 Member
I need some opinions on water fasting.


  • Ayybee1114
    Ayybee1114 Posts: 12 Member
    Why do you say no?
  • Ayybee1114
    Ayybee1114 Posts: 12 Member
    Wouldn't be doing it for weight loss. Would be doing it for detox only
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I usually only abstain from food and take sips of water during religious practices, so I can at least sustain myself for the day, especially if its hot. If anything, if youre trying to "detox" I'd think water would be needed for that, at the very least.
  • Ayybee1114
    Ayybee1114 Posts: 12 Member
    edited May 2017
    Water fasting is drinking only water. Not actually fasting from water. No food. Just water.
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    Ayybee1114 wrote: »
    I need some opinions on water fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is proved by science to lower insulin levels, increase insulin sensitivity, raise growth hormone which is a fat burning/muscle building hormone, and it helps curing many diseases, it is now being used to help people with cancer and diabetes and YES it helps reducing FAT, so if you're into losing fat instead of weight it is really good and it's also good for your hormones, you can find more about it on google, but every topic is always positive, it's only bad side is that it's quite hard to eat in a 8hours window and stop eating for 16hours

    If you're talking about no food whole day and just water, then it also works, but twice a week or so, over doing it is harmful, you can search it on google as well.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP you have a liver and kidneys that detox you just fine. All of these people who talk about detoxes never say exactly what substances you need to be detoxed from. That's because "stuff" doesn't actually build up in your body, and if it does you need a hospital.

    If you feel like you need to clean up your diet to make you feel better, than just do it! Make up your mind to eat the way you want to eat. Denying your body of fuel for a whole day isn't going to help that. :drinker:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Doing it as a part of an overall sound dieting strategy is one thing, doing it for "detoxing" is just putting yourself through unnecessary stress when relying on your liver and kidneys is a much easier and better proven method.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    Fasting and drinking only water for short periods, say 24 hours, for religious reasons - fair enough

    Having a diet strategy whereby you eat food at certain times and only drink water at other times, between x and y o' clock - fair enough if that works for you.

    But as a detoxing plan?? - completely pointless and silly.
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    cross2bear wrote: »
    Ayybee1114 wrote: »
    I need some opinions on water fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is proved by science to lower insulin levels, increase insulin sensitivity, raise growth hormone which is a fat burning/muscle building hormone, and it helps curing many diseases, it is now being used to help people with cancer and diabetes and YES it helps reducing FAT, so if you're into losing fat instead of weight it is really good and it's also good for your hormones, you can find more about it on google, but every topic is always positive, it's only bad side is that it's quite hard to eat in a 8hours window and stop eating for 16hours

    If you're talking about no food whole day and just water, then it also works, but twice a week or so, over doing it is harmful, you can search it on google as well.

    This is bunk. EVERYONE fasts at one point or another (while we sleep), and it does nothing for cancer or any other disease. Intermittent Fasting is simply a way of eating, and it is easy to eat within an 8 hour window and not eat for 16 hours - again, the sleeping thing. Honestly, people spend way too much time on google and being bamboozled.

    I agree, all of these protocols have the same thing in common, they are tool to put you in a calorie deficit, that is it. Whether it be IF, Keto, or any "new diet" if you are taking in too many calories you WILL gain wait regardless if you are fasting, eating no carbs, ect, regardless of the protocol. The key here is if you can sustain IF, operate within a deficit and it fits into your lifestyle, then do it, but its not "better" than doing a standard diet.
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    cross2bear wrote: »
    Ayybee1114 wrote: »
    I need some opinions on water fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is proved by science to lower insulin levels, increase insulin sensitivity, raise growth hormone which is a fat burning/muscle building hormone, and it helps curing many diseases, it is now being used to help people with cancer and diabetes and YES it helps reducing FAT, so if you're into losing fat instead of weight it is really good and it's also good for your hormones, you can find more about it on google, but every topic is always positive, it's only bad side is that it's quite hard to eat in a 8hours window and stop eating for 16hours

    If you're talking about no food whole day and just water, then it also works, but twice a week or so, over doing it is harmful, you can search it on google as well.

    This is bunk. EVERYONE fasts at one point or another (while we sleep), and it does nothing for cancer or any other disease. Intermittent Fasting is simply a way of eating, and it is easy to eat within an 8 hour window and not eat for 16 hours - again, the sleeping thing. Honestly, people spend way too much time on google and being bamboozled.

    You lack knowledge.

    If a calorie is a calorie can you explain why I NEVER could lose weight for 4months straight with 500 calories under my maintenance level, 50 grams of sugar a day, 70% carbs 25% protein 5% fat while lifting weights?

    Can you prove all these websites and researches wrong?

    Yes you can't lose weight without being in a caloric deficit but for some people it doesn't work, then they have to use some sort of tools (low carbs, intermittent fasting and other diets)
  • mohamedahmed07
    mohamedahmed07 Posts: 161 Member
    edited May 2017
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Ayybee1114 wrote: »
    I need some opinions on water fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is proved by science to lower insulin levels, increase insulin sensitivity, raise growth hormone which is a fat burning/muscle building hormone, and it helps curing many diseases, it is now being used to help people with cancer and diabetes and YES it helps reducing FAT, so if you're into losing fat instead of weight it is really good and it's also good for your hormones, you can find more about it on google, but every topic is always positive, it's only bad side is that it's quite hard to eat in a 8hours window and stop eating for 16hours

    If you're talking about no food whole day and just water, then it also works, but twice a week or so, over doing it is harmful, you can search it on google as well.

    The "proof" you are reading up on is anecdotal blood tests blood tests after, that sort of thing. What the evidence doesn't show are the MANY other factors that would also influence results. Did the test subjects start a Mediterranean diet, did the test subjects start an exercise program, heredity, medication, there are dozens of factors. IF didn't happen in a vacuum.

    As far as you not losing weight when you were "500 calories" under maintenance......that's easily explained a) you were eating more than you thought and/or b) your maintenance was lower than you thought. Your maintenance is a guesstimate. A CALORIE IS A CALORIE.

    If a calorie is a calorie can you explain to me this study? in 19 of 20 studies it was proven that low carb dieters lost more weight than low fat dieters? and low carb dieters had a CLEAR advantage in mid section (belly) size.

    This study proves that in 19/20 of the studies, the low carbs groups lost more weight than the low fat groups even while being on the same caloric deficit. Even that both were on a deficit?

    And nope, I was counting my calories very properly. and still couldn't lose weight until I switched low carbs.

    Stop with the all calorie is a calorie stuff. some people can't lose weight even on a deficit, there are plenty of researches that prove low carb > low fat and there are researches that prove that insulin can block fat burning also cortisol (stress hormone) when you are stress you can't lose weight as well.