More weightlifting than cardio



  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    Cardio does burn fat and so does weight lifting. If you are only doing cardio it will result in loose skin after you have lost weight which looks unattractive. Weight lifting ensures body toning as well as tightening of the skin plus you also burn fat.

    You could consider HIIT in your schedule if you really like cardio like 4 days per week weightlifting, 2 days HIIT. I think it's great that you and your boyfriend share the same passion of weightlifting. There is nothing cooler and better than having your partner working out with you, it makes it all the more a fun activity.

    Nihal khan

    I definitely do my cardio in a hiit fashion. But only 2-3 days a week. But we lift 5 days a week.
    Thanks! It's definitely become time we put aside together to bond while becoming healthier.
    Thank you for all the advice!
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    I want to thank everyone for all your thoughts and input. It's definitely got me thinking
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    I lift way more than I cardio. My calorie deficit is my cardio. As far as making serious body changes, cardio is a waste of time in my opinion. But I just freakin love lifting heavy
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    Ocrgrrrl wrote: »
    I lift way more than I cardio. My calorie deficit is my cardio. As far as making serious body changes, cardio is a waste of time in my opinion. But I just freakin love lifting heavy

    I'm right there with ya! I absolutely hate cardio. I feel amazing and accomplished when lifting.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 290 Member
    I'm doing p90x, so it's mostly weights, push-ups and pullups with 2 days for cardio.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited May 2017
    "Newly" obsessed should not be lifting 5 days a week, despite the enthusiasm :). Do not try to copy whatever your boyfriend is doing, get a beginners program, and take it easy, giving your body time to rest. Hurting yourself will not help.
    As for HIIT, despite it being in fashion, if you are not an athlete, chances are (1) you are not really doing HIIT and (2) you are not gaining anything from it anyway. For most people, especially beginners, a 30 minute brisk walk around the neighbourhood will be far more beneficial than all the so called "HIIT" workouts one can find on the internet. Both for health and fat loss. All this "exercise for 10 minutes, and boost your metabolism, increase your lung capacity, keep burning calories for hours" that sounds too good to be true, it is too good and is not true ;) Noone who hates cardio and has not spent hours running, cycling etc for a long time can do HIIT, it ends up being just a low intensity low duration interval training.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I do more swimming than weights.
    But for me, the swimming is in many ways mental health therapy. I swim 4 miles, 5 to 6 days a week. It is very calming for me. No music. Just the water.
    Jerks my head clear on business travel too.
    I do need to make more time for the weight room. Evenings after work. I swim before work.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,387 Member
    I walk around 65 miles per week, I've lost 70+ pounds and am where I want to be weight wise. I do some daily stretching and toning exercise plus an hour's yoga a week. However, I have loads of excess skin over my toned muscles which I wold love to reduce. My hubby has weights in our garage can anyone advise what lifting I should do to help reduce all this wrinkly skin particularly around my stomach and midriff?
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    I do more cardio. Good for the heart and I can eat more without gaining weight!
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I love to eat more calories so that is why I add in more cardio to my routine...but I love weights as well. I have found more of a circuit type training works well for me and I enjoy it. I know if I focused on just lifting heavy I would see more result, but I also want to enjoy my exercise.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member

    Love it!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I literally do no cardio. I'm in the gym lifting for about 10 hours per week. I know I look chunky in my profile pic but I had a bit of a gain last year and haven't cut.
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I literally do no cardio. I'm in the gym lifting for about 10 hours per week. I know I look chunky in my profile pic but I had a bit of a gain last year and haven't cut.

    You don't look chunky at all. You look great in you're profile pic. What does you're weekly gym routine look like? Right now I'm at about an hour 4-5 days a week. And maybe 10 minutes of 2-3 of those days is the elliptical at the end of my workout.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    edited May 2017
    So, yeah, running five miles probably burns more calories than almost any gym session you could do.
    But, running doesn't necessarily make you look better. Weight lifting, done with the proper rigor, can, and does!
    Plus, running -- which I am assuming would be your form of cardio -- kinda beats you up. There is a lot of pounding. I cannot remember the exact percentage of runners who say they get injured enough to have to take a break every year, but it is a lot. Over 50 percent, I believe.
    So, in my opinion, and experience, weight lifting can be a little gentler. Especially over the long term, this is a consideration.
    I say this as a guy who LOVES to run.
  • BlueberryJoghurt
    BlueberryJoghurt Posts: 67 Member
    Altough more time at the gym is spent lifting, I do 30-35min of cardio as well since I want to build up some general endurance and do it for the health benefits more so than the weight loss.

    Also if my arms are still spaghettis anyways might as well get my knees weak too :wink:
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i'm like 4-1 in a time ratio between lifting and cardio. Lifting is better overall...but combined is ideal.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I literally do no cardio. I'm in the gym lifting for about 10 hours per week. I know I look chunky in my profile pic but I had a bit of a gain last year and haven't cut.

    You don't look chunky at all. You look great in you're profile pic. What does you're weekly gym routine look like? Right now I'm at about an hour 4-5 days a week. And maybe 10 minutes of 2-3 of those days is the elliptical at the end of my workout.

    I lift 4x per week running a DUP style training. Squat 3x, Deadlift 2x, Bench 3-4 all in different rep ranges for power, strength, and hypertrophy. I barbell hipthrust heavy 2x per week, and run upper and lower body accessories within the week, and a lot on their own 4th day.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I literally do no cardio. I'm in the gym lifting for about 10 hours per week. I know I look chunky in my profile pic but I had a bit of a gain last year and haven't cut.

    I was going to tag you when I saw this post, since you are kinda the anti cardio bunny. As for the chunky, I think you have a broken mirror or something.

    As for the OP, I mix it up more, but do what you like and what works for you. In the end, you won't stick with anything you don't enjoy, and if you don't enjoy cardio but do enjoy the weights, you've saved yourself some grief finding that out early.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    I lift 4x a week (Bigger Leaner Stronger) and either cycle, play golf (walking) or HIIT 2-3 days a week.

    In terms of structured programs, it would be:

    They are predesigned programs that are focused on compound lifts (multiple muscle groups) in a progressive manner (increases in total volume = more weight, reps and/or sets). Most are focused around the core lifts (bench, OHP, deadlift and squat), which are the most ideal moves as they engage the most amount of muscle fibers with the least amount of effort. Some programs may or may not include accessories to address areas not addressed by the compound movements.