Ketogenic diets: Yay or Nay?



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    willnorton wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    First, Atkins is not a ketogenic diet. Just sayin'...

    Atkins induction is going to put you in ketosis.
    Do some research before jumping in. Take a look at It's technically not keto, but it's close.

    It allows unlimited sweet potatoes, fruit, any amount of vegetables including carrots, parsnips, winter veg, and onions and the rest of their family (which can be surprisingly high sugar). Also nuts. I think the new version even permits potatoes although the old one did not. I'd never be in ketosis on W30. (I'm trying to get into ketosis eating unlimited non starchy veg, plus some nuts and dairy most days, and I'm still higher than usually recommended for that (or than Atkins induction) -- add in fruit and tubers, and I wouldn't be even close to low enough carb.)

    you are bad wrong if you are talking about ATKINS... never has fruit been on it..... do a little research... cmon man

    I'm pretty sure based on lemurcat's quoting, her comments about fruit are in reference to the whole30, not Atkins.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I, personally, do not feel well when in ketosis so I am a "Nay" on the keto diet. But I know plenty of people who do very well on it so I say "Yay" for them. If I had epilepsy, I'd try it in a heartbeat to see if it helped seizures even if ketosis made me feel awful.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    willnorton wrote: »
    fruit has not always been on the induction phase... i never got out of the induction phase... it wasnt called that back in the 70's

    i think all yall are wrong. and can have my own opinion.. this is AMERICA

    You didn't say induction phase, you said:
    willnorton wrote: »
    you are bad wrong if you are talking about ATKINS... never has fruit been on it..... do a little research... cmon man

    And I'm curious how you can think "all yall are wrong" when I posted a link to the official Atkins website for phase three (again, your 'do a little research' comment didn't specify induction, but Atkins as a whole) which has a list of fruits?

    "Atkins doesn't allow fruits"
    "Here's a Atkins website list of allowed fruits."
    "All yall are wrong."

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited May 2017
    I've done a mix of keto/LCHF for the past 18 months. For me it's a yay and I plan to eat some degree of LCHF for life unless something changes. I do have PCOS and formerly prediabetes and as a pp mentioned, it can be especially helpful for people with those conditions.

    For me, the benefits included easier weight loss (largely due to reduced hunger and cravings), reduced joint pain, reduced acid reflux and other GI issues, increased stamina and energy (once I adapted, which took a couple of weeks) and more regular cycles. My PCP, cardiologist and MS specialist are all supportive of this way of eating for me. My A1C has dropped to 4.9 and other blood work looks good as well.

    In terms of macro ratios, I've mostly done 10-15% carbs, 60-65% fat and 25% protein. When I was eating at a deficit (1350-1500 cals/day depending on exercise), that put me in keto levels. At maintenance calories, I've been experimenting with different carb levels (within the low carb range) to see how it affects me. Testing some theories right now. :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    A high fat diet is not bad for you, unless most of those fats are saturated. If the majority of your fat comes from animal products you still run the risk of high colerstrol and heart disease. Incorporate plenty of monosaturated and polysaturated fats into your diet and these health issues are no longer a concern.

    not true if you have a health issue where your liver cannot process fats/cholesterol(not just animal fats) properly then high fats/cholesterol can cause an issue.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    willnorton wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    First, Atkins is not a ketogenic diet. Just sayin'...

    Atkins induction is going to put you in ketosis.
    Do some research before jumping in. Take a look at It's technically not keto, but it's close.

    It allows unlimited sweet potatoes, fruit, any amount of vegetables including carrots, parsnips, winter veg, and onions and the rest of their family (which can be surprisingly high sugar). Also nuts. I think the new version even permits potatoes although the old one did not. I'd never be in ketosis on W30. (I'm trying to get into ketosis eating unlimited non starchy veg, plus some nuts and dairy most days, and I'm still higher than usually recommended for that (or than Atkins induction) -- add in fruit and tubers, and I wouldn't be even close to low enough carb.)

    you are bad wrong if you are talking about ATKINS... never has fruit been on it..... do a little research... cmon man

    I didn't say fruit was on Atkins. I said Atkins induction will put you in ketosis. (I've never done Atkins, but I think after induction you increase carbs, so why not fruit?)

    Anyway, I said fruit was permitted on Whole30, which is one reason I think it's weird to say it's more of a keto diet than Atkins.

    Did you not actually read my post?
  • cyndblackburn
    cyndblackburn Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on WW, and done a plant-based diet during the past three years. Lost weight, gained back more, felt awful. Chronic joint pain, and daily needs for naps--overall, life wasn't fun. Eating wasn't fun either. My days were centered around food: thinking about it, planning how and when I'd eat it, and especially feeling guilty about it when I'd give into the cravings and blindly binge eat.

    So two months into keto (not Atkins!), I'm eating less, no longer hungry (or "hangry"). I crave nothing , am full of energy (no more naps!)and feeling less chronic pain in my joints. My skin is clear, and more importantly--so is my mind! The forgetful fog seems to have cleared. Eating keto has been a life-changing experience for me.

    Are all those fats bad for me? Maybe. But they can't be any worse than the yo-yo weight gain/loss, binge eating, and constant food fear that I've endured for most of my adult life. I'm already unhealthy from that "good" diet. So I've decided--I'm sticking with keto for now, and if the numbers go down on the scale and the blood pressure cuff and the blood lab, then I'm on it for life.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I've been on WW, and done a plant-based diet during the past three years. Lost weight, gained back more, felt awful. Chronic joint pain, and daily needs for naps--overall, life wasn't fun. Eating wasn't fun either. My days were centered around food: thinking about it, planning how and when I'd eat it, and especially feeling guilty about it when I'd give into the cravings and blindly binge eat.

    So two months into keto (not Atkins!), I'm eating less, no longer hungry (or "hangry"). I crave nothing , am full of energy (no more naps!)and feeling less chronic pain in my joints. My skin is clear, and more importantly--so is my mind! The forgetful fog seems to have cleared. Eating keto has been a life-changing experience for me.

    Are all those fats bad for me? Maybe. But they can't be any worse than the yo-yo weight gain/loss, binge eating, and constant food fear that I've endured for most of my adult life. I'm already unhealthy from that "good" diet. So I've decided--I'm sticking with keto for now, and if the numbers go down on the scale and the blood pressure cuff and the blood lab, then I'm on it for life.

    Sounds like keto is already positive for you. I am 31 months into nutritional ketosis and plan to do some version of it for life. Today I got my Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scoring results of 9.3 but do wish I had spent $100 to run one three years ago before I started eating Keto.

    @cyndblackburn best of continued success.