1300 Calories and not losing!

I am in need of advice.
I log faithfully... every BLT even.
I keep my carbs below 80 and calories right at 1300....I am not losing!
I am over 50....is that the problem?
Any ideas to bump metabolism??
(I have been at this for over 2 months and have lost 9 lbs.)


  • graydreams
    graydreams Posts: 89 Member
    Great job keeping to 1300 calories a week but yes I agree with psu Lemon about how 9 lb is losing weight, that is a pretty normal weight to lose. Also weight fluctuates every day so for all you know it could be even less but just showed as higher due to water retention etc. :) hang in there, keep up the fantastic work
  • DJ_Skywalker
    DJ_Skywalker Posts: 420 Member
    Congratulations on losing the 9 pounds!!!! Keep it up
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    But you are actually losing!

    How tall are you and how much do you have to lose? If you're very short you may have a very low TDEE. And if you don't have much to lose, then it's going to be slow going...
  • dionbaugh
    dionbaugh Posts: 1 Member
    9 pounds is great! I lose the most weight with a 40%Fat/30/30 diet. I used Fitnesspal to log everything for about 6 months and then went back and looked at the periods of best weight lose and then looked at the ratio of fat/carb/protein to determine this and it works for me. My daughter in law came to the same conclusion...no more low fat...said she has lost 20 lbs since christmas.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    All other things being equal -- assuming that you are restricting based upon your height and current weight and your weight loss goals 1 pound a week is normal for the number of calories you are on. You want to lose weight slowly b/c that minimizes severe sagging and wrinkling - trust me!

    That means you have maintained a deficit of 31,500 calories! (Great Job!)

    What is your long term plan? How much weight are you trying to lose and what weight are you trying to maintain?

    IMO - your calories now should be your calories forever if that fits with your height and will maintain your optimum BMI.

    I chose 1400 calories (I am 5'6" and weighed 193 lbs in November) for both my weight loss and my maintenance goals.

    Just, FYI, here are some other things to consider:

    Check your body temperature (is it above / below 98.6)
    Are you pre / post menopause (do you have estrogen dominance, insulin resistance, high cortisol)
    BTW, I am post menopause and in addition to the Vivelle dot estrogen patch and 200 mgs of Prometrium progesterone, I also 100 mgs 7-keto DHEA and 80 mgs desiccated adrenal and that has helped tremendously.

    My DHEA blood test is normal and my cortisol levels are way down.

    Note: only you and your doctor can help you to decide which HRT if any is right for you.

    I don't have the breast cancer gene, but heart disease runs rampant in my family and estrogen helps to protect that. If you do take estrogen it has to be a specific kind (bio-identical) and cannot be "unopposed"; you need progesterone. Also, progesterone helps you maintain fine motor skills and balance in addition to clear thinking.

    A great book to get would be Dr. John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential How-to Guide to Symptoms, Dosage, Timing, and More

    He recommends progesterone cream; I do better with the oral dosage.

    Another book would be Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones by Suzanne Sommers (Yes, "Chrissie" actually has a brain!)

    I recommend getting used paper copies so you can underline, use sticky notes and advocate for yourself.

    If you google "Bio-identical hormone docs" and your city and state something should pop up.
  • moonstroller
    moonstroller Posts: 210 Member
    Exercise or increase what you're currently doing for exercise.
  • Mrussell2237
    Mrussell2237 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your insight. I guess I am remembering how quickly I lost 10 years ago.... I was younger.
    I am exercising, I just don't eat my exercise calories. I weigh and measure EVERYTHING!
    My husband has lost 30 lbs in the same amount of time... I know men lose faster, but gosh, he's catching up to my weight and he's taller. It's making me feel kinda depressed.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member