What is a particular "health" food that you can't stand?



  • drawaimfire
    drawaimfire Posts: 83 Member

    ...the vega one stuff is so awful it's kind of impressive, really. tastes like the poop from a milk-fed baby.

    Bahahahaha, spit out my coffee, damn you :D

    Mine is bananas, also known as ba-NONOS in my house. I think it's a texture thing and they are just crazy sweet, fake tasting to me like those little banana marshmallow candies.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Colt1835 wrote: »
    Fat free cottage cheese

    Yep, that's the most offensive thing I've ever put in my mouth.

    Fat free cheese, even reduced fat cheese, is a travesty. Some things aren't meant to be.

  • dmvbnoslo
    dmvbnoslo Posts: 213 Member
    Kale - the most overrated vegetable on the planet. Tastes like grass.
    Gluten free bread - so inferior to real bread. So glad I'm not a coeliac.
    Sugar-free anything, much like gluten free bread, it's vastly inferior to the real thing.

    Those of us who are celiac miss "real" bread, too- but there are some decent replacements out there...
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    Tofu can be good, or it can be tasteless nothing. It takes on the flavors of whatever it's cooked in. My wife is Chinese and her parents live with us, and they make all kinds of excellent tofu dishes. Preparation is key.

    I also like quinoa, especially since my in-laws won't let me make brown rice, not even just a small batch just for myself. They hate it so much that they can't stand the smell of it cooking.

    A food I hate: kombucha. I just tried it this weekend and it tasted like heartbreak and sadness.
  • jakubpronobis
    jakubpronobis Posts: 2 Member
    baked aubergine - I would rather die in a fire!!

  • shandy82165
    shandy82165 Posts: 184 Member
    Coconut water

    OMG yes. Tastes like how I imagine dirty dishwater would taste.
  • Ghostofachance
    Ghostofachance Posts: 305 Member
    Over the years, I've learned to enjoy many vegetables I once thought objectionable - Brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale - but I absolutely draw the line at beets. I've tried them prepared several different ways and each time have only been able to take a bite or two before pushing them aside. Unfortunately, my wife loves beets so they make a regular appearance at our table. Yuck!
  • bonnielee708
    bonnielee708 Posts: 65 Member
    Tempeh. Love tofu and seitan, especially if we make them at home, but tempeh just seems wrong.
  • hannahnew625
    hannahnew625 Posts: 19 Member
  • raquele3394
    raquele3394 Posts: 180 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Hopping on the kale-hate train. I tried to make kale chips once and they were literally the worst.

    And definitely kombucha. I bought some hoping it would help relieve some gastro issues, but the taste is so god-awful. Like carbonated vinegar, blech.

    I like guacamole but I can't stand avocado on it's own.

    Kombucha it is just terrible, I had one the other day!! I took two sips and that was it. I rather eat toothpaste

    I lmlove kale but can't eat raw, but will add in soup or sauté with a little Olive oil, garlic and some grape tomatoes