Finding time to Exersice--need to vent!

ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have been doing really well with eating better and trying to work out more for the most part. Its getting really hot and humid where I live so I try working out inside at the local YMCA. I have started running again and training for my first 5K as well, From training indoors for a while and up to 2 miles I tried running outside and could barely do 1/2 mile so now I am focused on running outside. Here is where my issue with life/time come in:

My husband is supportive of my workout plans for the most part as long as it doesn't affect him...We carpool together most days so I don't get home till 6-7pm. I can't go work out after work since its not enough time before I have to pick him up from work--I can't get my good work out in inside because I feel rushed and its still over 90F outside and humid so outside won't work either. When we get home I have to make dinner --I've tried going to work out first thing after work when we get home but he gets grumpy and complains about eating dinner that late (usually after 8/830). He doesn't cook at all so he won't feed himself...and waits for me.

I've started running after dinner (I wait at least 30minutes before I start running) outside. Its still hot and humid around 85 at this time making it more difficult for me. Its getting dark later now around 9pm, but I hate running by myself (and he won't go with me) when it gets I can't go on days when we come home really late.

So to solve my problem I decided to start running every other day at 5am..this made sense to me since evenings are too hot etc...well this would have been fine except now my husband complains that when I wake up at 5 it wakes him up and he can't get back to sleep--basically told me that I can't workout that early anymore!!!

Looks like on my early running days I will be sleeping on the couch seperate from him to get my workout in--lets see how this works out when he stays up till midnight or longer playing videogames---and I kick him out of the living room at 9/930 because I want to sleep!!

This is getting so frustrating!!! thanks for reading/listening...any advice on how to balance all of this would be great!


  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    "My husband is supportive of my workout plans for the most part as long as it doesn't affect him..."

    Wow, how incredibly selfish. I'm far from saying that I have a perfect husband (ha!), but it almost sounds like your husband is doing everything in his power to KEEP you from getting your workout in. That's crazy!

    I know most people will say that you just need to sit down with him and tell him how important exercise is to you, etc etc - but if you're anything like me, you'll become overly emotional about, he'll get mad, and you'll be no further along than where you started.

    So, I'd say you just have to keep what you're doing, to show him that you're not giving this sucks that you have to sleep on the couch, but maybe he'll get the point if you do. Or hell, I'd just make him wait at work until I was done working out. I'd either wait at work or get woken up early. Take your pick.

    Would it be possible for you to ride a bike to the Y? I know it's hot out, but it's a little less strenuous than running outside.

    I sympathize with you.......hope it gets better!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I get up at 4:30 to workout but luckily nothing wakes my husband up(not even a screaming baby when our son was first born). I would just talk to him and tell him that it's important to you but also sleeping in the same bed with him is important to you. Love is supposed to be kind and unselfish. Since he loves you he should be able to tolerate this for you since it will make you a healthier person.
  • chrispol
    chrispol Posts: 21
    You can also do what I do, and set aside some time on Sundays (or whatever day works) and make food for the week. This way when you get home you can heat it up. he has warm food and you can go work out :) Poached Chicken if you stick it in the fridge right away will stay nice and moist and tastes great with a nice nice sauce to go with it. Crock pot meals are also great, throw everything in the night before and turn it on when you leave for work in the am :)

    I think it is silly that you have to sleep on the couch, its not fair to you. You are trying to better yourself and get healthy. If he wants to have you around long term, he should be thinking about your health. Obesity can knock at much as 30 years off your life span!
  • princessorchid
    princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
    I totally feel for you, my boyfriend kinda does the same thing - he's happy I'm getting fit but then gets grumpy because I go to the gym after work and don't get home until 7 or 8 most nights (I leave for work at 6am so I'm usually up and out before he even opens his eyes). I think your husband is being unreasonable, and you know some folk are just cranky when they don't get their own way (and it's not an outright attack on you, if you know what i mean).

    The only suggestion I've got is to get a slow cooker or prep some meals in advance, so you can stick it on in the AM and then youd dinner will be ready for whenever you choose to eat it in the evening, leaving you with a good 45mins-hour to go for a run!

    Good luck! x
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    In all honesty I would tell him its either he gets woken at 5 am or he makes dinner on the nights you workout when you get off work. It is suppose to be 50/50 effort in marriage and since you both work I find it unfair that he expects you to make dinner every night. So either he makes the dinner or he just deals with it and eats later when your done with your run. I think the problem might be power and he just wants all the power it seems and that is completely unfair and selfish of him.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Thanks nsking83...and you are totally right with the whole sitting down/emotional/angry part of it! I didn't have this problem when I strictly worked out at the YMCA--I just went later in the evening 830/900 the only thing that sucked about that is the Y closes at 10pm so I was limited in my time but I made it work. Now that I am trying to do both Y inside and some running outside the issues have come up. He was perfectly fine with me going to the Y and even now tells me to just workout inside since I don't have time/high temps outside...but I want to run outside! My 5K races are outside not in!!

    I try to work out at the Y when I get a chance (on my non running days for a lighter workout/weights), I don't have a bike currently and want to get one...not sure about riding all the way to the Y though--I would have to go through a shady part of town to get there...One thing I could do is to tell him to use the other car or motorcycle that way I can go work out at the Y right after work--if we don't car pool I can get my workout in and get dinner done at a descent time...but my concern is with trying to run outdoors--it gets conflicting and difficult to manage in the heat--hopefully when in cools off later in the year this won't be an issue anymore..

    I've tried getting him to come with me just on walks to get him involved, he wanted a Y membership so we could go together which I cancelled when he didn't want to go for 4 months--we have 3 dogs that love walks, but he doesn't even want to do that.
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    No offense to you, your hubby, or your marriage, but this sounds incredibly unfair, selfish, and manipulative. I say stand up for yourself and make your goals a priority. If you don't, who will? It is 2010 and any grown man should be able to reheat a dinner you preped on Sunday, scoop something out of the crockpot, heat up a frozen dinner, or make a freakin' sandwich. I'm hoping it works out for you. Keep us posted! :flowerforyou:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Thanks for the other comments/suggestions--I like the prepping food ahead of time on sundays for the week--I will have to try that sounds like a great idea. Do most foods freeze/defrost well? We do have a crockpot too so I can try that as well. I do notice that if its a quick fix meal or something I am just reheating (extra left overs) I do have more time for my work out and the conflicts where not there...

    He doesn't cook at all minus the rare occasion when he makes a frozen pizza or eggs...he would really starve in a house full of food (we always joke about that!). Before we got together if he was hungry he would go out to eat all the time--never cooked at home..then again his parents rarely cook at home as well...I've tried to get him to help me in the kitchen to teach him to cook simple meals but he gets bored/loses interest and doesn't want to do it. At least I can get him to help out with the other house chores...
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I totally understand. My husband is a video game junkie and the only things he will do to help around the house are cutting the grass and taking out the garbage,,,sometimes.

    Yes, many foods freeze well. Casseroles and soups/stews especially. Check out Robin Miller on Food Network, Her whole thing is your prep for three meals on one day and she shows you how to adapt it from day to day. She also has several books.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Thanks jbwegner I will have to check out Robin miller--I LOVE the food network!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I have an idea. Tell your husband to sleep in another room on the days you have to get up early. (No, really... I'm being serious). You can make up for it on the nights you do sleep together. :love: Leave your workout clothes in the bathroom so you just need to make a bee-line there, and your running shoes can be at the front door.

    Otherwise, tell him to get over it and if he's not going to join you, to zip it. :laugh: This is the lifestyle you've chosen, and he can come along for the ride, or not.

    Sorry... but I have a very supportive husband who hates the gym - would rather yank out his toenails with rusty pliers... but he still joins me in almost everything I do (girly workout videos, gym, tennis...) (except for morning sessions, which he refuses) because he knows it's what I need for some kind of sanity.


    You can try some more hard-core interval training so your workouts are cut in half.

    PS: Robin Miller is awesome - but her show isn't on in Canada anymore :(
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    So I have been doing really well with eating better and trying to work out more for the most part. Its getting really hot and humid where I live so I try working out inside at the local YMCA. I have started running again and training for my first 5K as well, From training indoors for a while and up to 2 miles I tried running outside and could barely do 1/2 mile so now I am focused on running outside. Here is where my issue with life/time come in:

    My husband is supportive of my workout plans for the most part as long as it doesn't affect him...We carpool together most days so I don't get home till 6-7pm. I can't go work out after work since its not enough time before I have to pick him up from work--I can't get my good work out in inside because I feel rushed and its still over 90F outside and humid so outside won't work either. When we get home I have to make dinner --I've tried going to work out first thing after work when we get home but he gets grumpy and complains about eating dinner that late (usually after 8/830). He doesn't cook at all so he won't feed himself...and waits for me.

    I've started running after dinner (I wait at least 30minutes before I start running) outside. Its still hot and humid around 85 at this time making it more difficult for me. Its getting dark later now around 9pm, but I hate running by myself (and he won't go with me) when it gets I can't go on days when we come home really late.

    So to solve my problem I decided to start running every other day at 5am..this made sense to me since evenings are too hot etc...well this would have been fine except now my husband complains that when I wake up at 5 it wakes him up and he can't get back to sleep--basically told me that I can't workout that early anymore!!!

    Looks like on my early running days I will be sleeping on the couch seperate from him to get my workout in--lets see how this works out when he stays up till midnight or longer playing videogames---and I kick him out of the living room at 9/930 because I want to sleep!!

    This is getting so frustrating!!! thanks for reading/listening...any advice on how to balance all of this would be great!

    grrrrrr could just kick his butt! :mad:

    I have to say though, that you are one determined woman! There you are, trying your utmost to accommodate him and all he can do is pick holes in everything you do and find fault! That makes me so mad! The bit that really hit home though was when you said he stays up until all hours playing videogames, so it's okay for him to do what he wants to do as long as you do everything else and make sure you cook for him???

    Girl, you need to stick salt in his coffee, washing-up liquid in his gravy (only a few drops or it will show) and cook his scrambled eggs with the shells still on!

    Seriously though, he is just being petty. He moans you wake HIM up and he can't get back to sleep. Let's say you were not doing ANY exercise and would get up once or twice in the night to go to the toilet, would he moan the same thing then? Because you would still be getting up, you would still be padding out of the bedroom - or is he only finding an excuse to try and stop you doing your workouts.

    You may find you have a bit of a battle on your hands with this one, it'll be a battle of wills, however, going from your posting, I don't think you give up lightly and neither should you.

    Give updates, perhaps he might just find it in himself to either cook on a few nights or perhaps even join you on your runs!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member

    Otherwise, tell him to get over it and if he's not going to join you, to zip it. :laugh: This is the lifestyle you've chosen, and he can come along for the ride, or not.

    THIS! Seriously, your husband isn't being supportive. He expects you to take care of his needs first regardless of what you need for you to be happy.

    My husband refuses to do anything to help his health. He's tall (6'4") and thin (185 lbs.) so he feels he doesn't need exercise or have good nutrition. That's fine, but he needed to understand that I do and that I'm not going to change my goals because he doesn't want to join in. If he wants to eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. and I'm exercising, he's got two choices: Fix it himself (there's an entire pantry full of bread, peanut butter and Ravioli JUST FOR HIM!) or wait for me when I get done. Period. My husband also tends to fall asleep on the sofa and that's where I find him when I get up for work at 5:15 a.m. The first time he 'hushed' me while I was making breakfast, I blew it off. The 2nd time, though, I was like, "Are you kidding me?" It's my house as much as it's his and I have the right to make some noise while I'm making breakfast. If you don't like it, get OFF THE SOFA and go into the bedroom.

    Husbands are not children...they are capable human beings. I think it's time to start treating him like the adult he is.
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member

    THIS! Seriously, your husband isn't being supportive. He expects you to take care of his needs first regardless of what you need for you to be happy.

    My husband refuses to do anything to help his health. He's tall (6'4") and thin (185 lbs.) so he feels he doesn't need exercise or have good nutrition. That's fine, but he needed to understand that I do and that I'm not going to change my goals because he doesn't want to join in. If he wants to eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. and I'm exercising, he's got two choices: Fix it himself (there's an entire pantry full of bread, peanut butter and Ravioli JUST FOR HIM!) or wait for me when I get done. Period. My husband also tends to fall asleep on the sofa and that's where I find him when I get up for work at 5:15 a.m. The first time he 'hushed' me while I was making breakfast, I blew it off. The 2nd time, though, I was like, "Are you kidding me?" It's my house as much as it's his and I have the right to make some noise while I'm making breakfast. If you don't like it, get OFF THE SOFA and go into the bedroom.

    Husbands are not children...they are capable human beings. I think it's time to start treating him like the adult he is.

    Amen! And what does THIS mean? I keep seeing it everywhere, and at first I thought people were forgetting to type the rest of the sentence...
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    He's not a man. He's a boy and still wants a mother around to cook his dinner.

    So basically when he gets home from work he wants to play video games until midnight and have someone cook dinner for him, and someone walk the dogs??

    Let him cook his own dinner, or starve. Show him the freezer, the stove and the microwave.

    What is his excuse that he can't take the dogs out for a walk? He will be missing his video game time? and playing video games until midnight and they complains about being woken up at 5am. Boo hooo.

    He doesn't sound supportive AT ALL.

    My $0.02 worth.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    THIS! Seriously, your husband isn't being supportive. He expects you to take care of his needs first regardless of what you need for you to be happy.

    My husband refuses to do anything to help his health. He's tall (6'4") and thin (185 lbs.) so he feels he doesn't need exercise or have good nutrition. That's fine, but he needed to understand that I do and that I'm not going to change my goals because he doesn't want to join in. If he wants to eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. and I'm exercising, he's got two choices: Fix it himself (there's an entire pantry full of bread, peanut butter and Ravioli JUST FOR HIM!) or wait for me when I get done. Period. My husband also tends to fall asleep on the sofa and that's where I find him when I get up for work at 5:15 a.m. The first time he 'hushed' me while I was making breakfast, I blew it off. The 2nd time, though, I was like, "Are you kidding me?" It's my house as much as it's his and I have the right to make some noise while I'm making breakfast. If you don't like it, get OFF THE SOFA and go into the bedroom.

    Husbands are not children...they are capable human beings. I think it's time to start treating him like the adult he is.
    Amen! And what does THIS mean? I keep seeing it everywhere, and at first I thought people were forgetting to type the rest of the sentence...

    If you look on that person's posting, you will see they quoted somebody else first. "THIS" means they are making a point regarding that quote. :happy: (I think that's what it means anyway :laugh: )
  • alliemoonmommy
    alliemoonmommy Posts: 4 Member
    Haaaa! Your husband sounds a lot like mine!
    My suggestion -- buy him a barbecue. I very rarely cook. so if he wants to eat, he throws something on the grill. No big pots or pans to wash either!
    I think your morning workouts are a great idea. I started bootcamp from 5am to 6am twice a week, and it's done wonders for me.
    Stay strong, and don't give in. You need to take care of yourself and put your needs first.
    Oh, and HE can sleep on the couch after late-night gaming. Your alarm clock won't bother him then, I bet!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I totally understand. My husband is a video game junkie and the only things he will do to help around the house are cutting the grass and taking out the garbage,,,sometimes.

    Yes, many foods freeze well. Casseroles and soups/stews especially. Check out Robin Miller on Food Network, Her whole thing is your prep for three meals on one day and she shows you how to adapt it from day to day. She also has several books.

    Oh fiance is also a video game junkie, and that basically describes the chores he does 'round the house. To be fair, if anything goes haywire with plumbing, electric, or IT-related, he fixes it promptly. He also takes the cars into the shop or does work on them himself.

    The Robin Miller cookbooks (and cooking methods) are pretty great. I also recommend meats / fish from Costco that are packed in easy, freezable single-serve packs that can be thawed in the fridge and cooked portion by portion. I like freezing soups, chilies, and sauces for later use - saves a lot of time.

    And as for my fiance and my exercise plan? He's not a morning person AT ALL, but I told him I'd be getting up early to workout (P90X or boot camp DVDs), and sometimes he's a grump about it and sometimes he isn't. I work out in the living room instead of our more open upstairs area so I don't wake him up while jumping around. That was my compromise. He knows I cook, clean, pay the bills, etc etc and keep his stuff in line, so he really doesn't have much room to complain. Just talk it out with him and I'm sure you both can work something out.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Tell him to suck it up and work out whenever you want. Boys can be stupid. My boyfriend used to complain any time I wanted to wake up early 'cause it cut into cuddling while sleeping time so I wouldn't work out in the morning. I try to run 3x/week in the morning before work and he's learned to deal with it. Sometimes you just have to work around them the best way you can.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    This is an unfortunate situation that goes FAR beyond just finding time to exercise. I wish you the best in resolving the situation and being happy and getting what you deserve.
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