What motivates you to lose weight ?

What is your motivation ?
Why would you lose weight ?
Let us give positive energy


  • CYNWK12
    CYNWK12 Posts: 5 Member

    Doing this Fit Board Routine every day. Well, an adapted version for my personal best.
  • Tropicoolblonde
    Tropicoolblonde Posts: 70 Member
    I never really thought about it.. I just really like being thin. I guess for me it's automatic. I am naturally much smaller than most people, and when i gain 5-10lbs I feel motivated to lose it. which is where i am :)
  • tlee278
    tlee278 Posts: 35 Member
    I want to be healthy. Having suffered from severe hypertension for the past 10+ years, I'm tired of being unhealthy. Although I've been at this seriously since April 3, I do like the way exercising makes me feel. I like the energy I have and am able to sleep much better.

    It's all baby steps for me!! This is a lifestyle change that I want to make work.
  • nourhanehab7
    nourhanehab7 Posts: 125 Member
    Losing weight is my life battle so I must Win it . It gives me my best version of ME . It helps me find Myself
  • DrizztGirl82
    DrizztGirl82 Posts: 85 Member
    I have been overweight most of my life so far, and I decided I am going to change it. As for some side little reasons aside from that one: I want to be smaller than my boyfriend so I can wear his shirts to bed and they will be comfy, I want to be healthy for when we have kids, I want to prove to the world that I can be thinner and not be overweight, I also want to wear cute clothes, because clothes for overweight people are not always the cutest, and I want to be a girlfriend that my boyfriend will be proud to show off (of course I know he already is, but it's a me feeling anyways. He says nothing about my weight.) I know a lot of these don't really matter, but they are little things that motivate me when I feel like being lazy one day. :smiley:
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Having just had to lose a significant (to me) amount of weight for the first time in my life, my current motivation is when my jeans get tight. I'm determined not to have to do that again.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I need to be healthy and want to be physically active and strong. My daughter needs a great role model for wellness. I've been overweight or obese since my teen years and want to change that. Only way to make a change is to just do it. No excuses (there are millions of them) and no regrets.
  • lmew91
    lmew91 Posts: 88 Member
    I wanted to look good for my wedding, because that's one day that you can't re-do. I didn't want to look at the pictures 5-10 years later and be embarrassed or wish I had tried harder to look nice. Maybe a little vain, but true.

    I want to take good care of my body so that I age well and feel good physically and mentally throughout every stage of my life.

    I think I look more attractive when I'm thin, which makes me feel positive feelings and gives me confidence. I have felt much healthier emotionally since losing 30 lbs.
  • ChristinePearlFNP
    ChristinePearlFNP Posts: 72 Member
    Honestly, I hate being heavy and pregnancy didn't take well to me...twice. I gained 50 ish lbs with both my kids and had preeclampsia both times after suffering a miscarriage in between. I wasn't ever too far past my goal weight until then-maybe 20 ish lbs after nursing school. But after my daughter I breastfed and was very weary of dieting but lost all but 20 lbs until We tried and got pregnant again when she was 18 months and lost the baby at 3 months so I had already gained about 10 lbs of bloat and fat. Then I got pregnant the next month with my son and gained the 50 with him so it put me about 70 lbs from what I was prepregnancy with my daughter. I've lost all of that except 2 lbs. I was 188 when I got married (2 weeks before conceiving my daughter) and I'm 190 today. My son is 9 months old and self weaned which broke my heart, but has made me be able to have a larger deficit now.
    I just want to feel happy and sexy for my myself and my husband and want to be happy and energetic for my kids! That's all I want! And in order to be happy, I have to be where I want to be weight wise. Enough was enough.
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    At the start of my journey it was largely aesthetic and being fed up of feeling ugly, although a lot of it was also not liking being out of breath doing one flight of stairs, not feeling able to run for the bus etc.
    I was having a bit of a dip in motivation over the last month and just two days ago got declined for income protection insurance. Now, it might have been my dad's medical history, but I reckon loads of people have a parent with a history of diabetes and heart disease and still get quoted. It's far more likely that my weight is currently over 100kg (or possibly that combined with my father's medical history). Anyway, when an insurer thinks they'd end up paying out for me to take sick leave in the future, it's a bit of a wake-up call!
    I've come to accept that I'll probably never feel all that good about how I look, unless I can afford to pay for excess skin removal, and it's much more important to be fit and healthy. I don't just want to live to retirement, I want to be able to enjoy my life up to and beyond that point as well.
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    I look 5 months pregnant when I am naked and it stinks, not attractive at all!
  • nourhanehab7
    nourhanehab7 Posts: 125 Member
    Whatever the cause , we CAN do it . Just keep going.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I just want to be happy. That's my motivation.