I overeat and hate exercise....



  • But look, you lost 34 lbs in 2 months?!!! That is freakin out of control awesome! Your like the Biggest Loser, seriously, that is like what they lose on the show.

    Just think I have been doing the same things eating well and exercise (except I like to exercise) and I have lost 0 lbs.

    That makes you feel better for your sacrifice right???

    Thank you! Yes, it's obviously working and I'm doing well. I may have set myself up by doing so much so quick. I'm slowing it down a bit and going to make it more manageable because it needs to be forever, not until I get to a certain weight. You will get there, too!
  • Thanks for all the positive ideas!! I really think I just did too much, too fast, without letting go a little. 34 lbs in 2 months is a lot of weight to lose and I need to remember how much work I put in but I also know that I can't keep it up if I make myself crazy. I took a break from the gym for 2 days. Friday, I had Mexican and adjusted my calories over the day so that I only went over by about 300 calories. I didn't eat near as much as I would have in the past and didn't even it all of it. I went to the zoo the next day and skipped all the bad options there because I wanted to go out for pizza with my sister so I had a big salad with some thin crust pizza and ate very well the rest of the day. Today, I went to the gym and am eating well. The day I posted I was just exhausted, mentally and physically. I am going to try some classes at the gym to see if I enjoy them. I am going to let myself have a cheat meal, once a week. I CAN DO THIS! Thanks for the support!
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    You NEED to have a cheat day every now and then where you eat what you want. I have my cheat day on Friday after my weigh-in. I also cheated yesterday too because I was at a benefit softball tournament and it wasn't possible to eat right and it was a LONG event. 10am-9:30pm. I am back in the saddle today and will be until weigh-in on Friday. You are depriving yourself COMPLETELY and sometimes that sets you up for failure. On your next weigh-in day, reward yourself! And as far as exercise goes, do you like swimming? If so, DO IT. Do you like dancing? Then do it! Whatever kind of moving around that you actually LIKE, do those. I hope this helps you. :-)
  • That is a terrible combination. I have done really well the last 2 months but I really, really want to eat something horrible for me, like Mexican food. I know if I do eat Mexican I won't have one chip, I'll have 20. I want cheese dip. I want all that stuff. But if I start, I'll end up eating 1,500 calories in one sitting.

    It's making me crazy.

    I hate working out. I hate the gym. I hate running. I hate sweating. -I have been doing all of these things the last 2 months but I'm afraid I will stop anytime because I hate it so much.

    I love food. I love bad for you foods. I love pizza and burgers and Mexican. -I haven't had anything fried in 2 months, I haven't had real pizza or Mexican in 2 months. I've had healthy homemade pizza and healthy homemade Mexican. It's not the same.

    But I want to continue to lose weight. It's such a battle in my brain. I feel crazy!!

    I totally understand! It seems like you've done a great job and you got a lot of great advice. I just want to second the fact that you need to let yourself enjoy the foods you love every once in a while or you'll go crazy. One cheat day a week won't hurt your weight loss as long as you don't go crazy and go thousands of calories over your goal. Also, I have been in your shoes with hating working out. I used to only run and thought it was the best and only way to stay active. I would go through periods of running every day for a few months before getting totally sick of it and stopping for 6 months or so. When I decided to lose weight and get fit, I joined a gym and at first just used the elliptical, falling right back in my same routine. I dreaded going. After a month or so a friend told me to try the group fitness classes, and I have been SO much happier since I started! I really only go to classes now because I enjoy them so much. I don't even skip on the weekend because I love the classes and no longer look for an excuse to not workout. I really can't foresee a time when I won't want to workout now because I have so much fun doing it and love the variety.

    So definitely try out the group fitness classes at your gym. Zumba is such a fun way to do cardio and is much more challenging to me than just doing the elliptical, and most gyms have weight training or muscle conditioning classes as well. I've found those classes are even better than when I was meeting with a personal trainer when I joined the gym.

    Good luck and keep up the hard work!
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I agree with others in that you need to find different exercises to do. Also, don't become obsessed with the weight loss because it can make you burn out. That is what happened to me. I was so obsessed with everything that I stopped logging and working out for an entire month. I gained almost 10 pounds! Anyway, I came back refreshed and am doing pretty well now. I found a workout that I love to do and I find other versions of foods that I love so I don't overeat.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    You lost 34 lbs in 2 months??? That's awfully fast. Sounds like you earned a cheat meal to me.
  • sue1521
    sue1521 Posts: 3
    I feel like I just read something I would post ! I fall in and out of excercise a handful of anything is never mentally enough! Try different types of excercise mix it up I hate running but found this awesome Zumba class that I couldn't wait to go to. there's also this book called Then just stay fat by Shannon sorrel awesome for people that over complicate weight loss and beat themselves up over bite
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    That is a terrible combination. I have done really well the last 2 months but I really, really want to eat something horrible for me, like Mexican food. I know if I do eat Mexican I won't have one chip, I'll have 20. I want cheese dip. I want all that stuff. But if I start, I'll end up eating 1,500 calories in one sitting.

    It's making me crazy.

    I hate working out. I hate the gym. I hate running. I hate sweating. -I have been doing all of these things the last 2 months but I'm afraid I will stop anytime because I hate it so much.

    I love food. I love bad for you foods. I love pizza and burgers and Mexican. -I haven't had anything fried in 2 months, I haven't had real pizza or Mexican in 2 months. I've had healthy homemade pizza and healthy homemade Mexican. It's not the same.

    But I want to continue to lose weight. It's such a battle in my brain. I feel crazy!!

    Don't lose heart! I've been where you are! And I can promise you this: IT GETS BETTER! If you keep at it and keep trying your best to eat healthy and exercise, it's slowly going to keep getting better and better! How? Eventually you're going to start to enjoy exercise. Your body will SHOCK you by actually ENJOYING something you used to HATE and NEVER thought you'd enjoy! :laugh: (For me, it was running.) Your cravings are going to start to get more under control. You won't have them as often and when you do, you'll start craving the healthier versions of many of your favorite foods. Your body and your stomach get used to your new diet. You'll find that some of the really unhealthy foods that you used to love...just aren't as satisfying anymore and you'll start to honestly prefer many of your new healthy meals to your old high-calorie favorites. You'll feel more in control of your body and the food you eat. You'll learn tricks that work for body and help you eat healthier, such as timing your meals and snacks right. And when you do go out to eat at your FAVORITE restaurant, you WILL be able to have only ONE CHIP and a just a tiny spoon of queso. You won't feel crazy anymore, you'll feel free, confident, happy, satisfied, and in control of your life and your body!

    Just imagine yourself at that point in the future. Isn't that where you want to be? But to get there takes time, hard work, and dedication. It involves breaking down old, unhealthy habits and killing them stone dead. It involves working hard to build new, healthy habits. It took me YEARS to get that point, where I am now. But I promise you that if you keep up your hard work and refuse to give up, you will get there ONE DAY! *hug*
  • That is a terrible combination. I have done really well the last 2 months but I really, really want to eat something horrible for me, like Mexican food. I know if I do eat Mexican I won't have one chip, I'll have 20. I want cheese dip. I want all that stuff. But if I start, I'll end up eating 1,500 calories in one sitting.

    It's making me crazy.

    I hate working out. I hate the gym. I hate running. I hate sweating. -I have been doing all of these things the last 2 months but I'm afraid I will stop anytime because I hate it so much.

    I love food. I love bad for you foods. I love pizza and burgers and Mexican. -I haven't had anything fried in 2 months, I haven't had real pizza or Mexican in 2 months. I've had healthy homemade pizza and healthy homemade Mexican. It's not the same.

    But I want to continue to lose weight. It's such a battle in my brain. I feel crazy!!

    Go ahead have a cheat day it won't hurt you. When ever I go to the movies I make sure I get to have my popcorn.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That is a terrible combination. I have done really well the last 2 months but I really, really want to eat something horrible for me, like Mexican food. I know if I do eat Mexican I won't have one chip, I'll have 20. I want cheese dip. I want all that stuff. But if I start, I'll end up eating 1,500 calories in one sitting.

    It's making me crazy.

    I hate working out. I hate the gym. I hate running. I hate sweating. -I have been doing all of these things the last 2 months but I'm afraid I will stop anytime because I hate it so much.

    I love food. I love bad for you foods. I love pizza and burgers and Mexican. -I haven't had anything fried in 2 months, I haven't had real pizza or Mexican in 2 months. I've had healthy homemade pizza and healthy homemade Mexican. It's not the same.

    But I want to continue to lose weight. It's such a battle in my brain. I feel crazy!!

    What do you hate more? Being overweight or exercise?

    What do you love more? Mexican food (among others) or your amazing progress?

    Hang in there! :)
    That's a false dichotomy, and very unhealthy way of looking at it. I can be at a healthy weight without killing myself with exercise, and I can make amazing progress while still eating Mexican food. Trying to force it into being an "either/or" decision is the exact reason the OP was struggling in the first place. I go out to eat regularly. I have ice cream when I want it. I exercise 4-5 days per week, most times for less than an hour. I've had zero issues losing or maintaining, and I've never had a plateau.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    Story. Of. My. Life.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Number one, suck it up lol. No one likes to be out of breath and sweaty and everyone would love to eat the sugary **** they can't have. Trust me if I could live off Milky Ways, I would but I can't.

    Two, try playing a sport that you enjoy and have fun doing. If you like to swim, go swimming. If you like to play frisbee golf than do that. Same with healthy food. Find a food or a recipe that you love and it won't feel like you're depriving yourself. Another idea I've heard is if you want junk food make it yourself. If you want french fries, cut the potato and fry it yourself. But that should be a treat. It should be a cheat meal, not every day of your life.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    They call Atkins the diet for lazy people, maybe a suggestion? :)
  • JeffersJJ
    JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating some junk once in a while. What gets me through my week is a cheat day. Every week or two, Allow yourself one meal where you can eat what you want. As long as you're following a clean eating diet for the rest of the week, the impact will be minimal.

    Knowing you have a cheat day coming up is the best motivator for you to decline the invitation that entire pack of OREOs is giving you right now. You can simply say, "not now", or you can add that to your grocery list for your cheat day. You'll find that, if you're eating a clean diet the rest of the week, your tolerance for bad food will diminish and you'll eventually eat less junk.

    Rules of the cheat day:

    You eat clean all day until you get to your cheat period. (This is typically supper for me, so I just eat what I want starting at supper and I just go until the idea of eating anymore is nauseating.)

    Stop before you feel sick.

    Everything that was purchased for your cheat day gets thrown in the trash at the end of the night. No exceptions.

    Start with getting your diet right first. Work on the exercise after you've disciplined yourself to follow a couple of weeks of the plan I just described. Visit www.zonediet.com for some good information as to what clean eating is, or pick up a copy of Mastering the Zone by Dr. Barry Sears. You'll be glad you did.

    I find that when I have a craving, I go for a run (or a walk, whichever is most feasible) and it actually serves as an appetite suppressant.

    IMPORTANT NOTE!!!!! Exercising isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want because you've "earned it". Believe me, you haven't. Earning something requires discipline and you'll need to prove you can make it through a week of eating well before you have "earned" anything.

    ~Jeff, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Track your food. Control your portions.

    I eat mexican food, hell I make it at home regularly. It doesn't HAVE to be all that bad. Think Chicken Fajitas... I eat pizza... I eat candy bars... etc... portion control can make you able to eat your favorite foods regularly if you want. An occasional "cheat day" where you eat anything you want (but log it all) helps as well.

    You can lose weight eating nothing but fast food if you really want to (not a real healthy option but it does work.)

    Find the solution that works for you-- some people it's portion control, some people it's abstaining from certain foods, some people it's keto, some people it's organic foods, some people it's paleo, etc... Regardless of what it is, log it. It creates some accountability.