Women over 40 ..



  • melllief
    melllief Posts: 5 Member
    I'm just starting it send would love to be a part of women supporting each other. I know I could use it.
  • melllief
    melllief Posts: 5 Member
    Just curious about the dinner meals you guys make. Most of our diet is clean earring, but dinner is a meal I struggle with variety. What are your go yo favorite meals for dinner?
  • melllief
    melllief Posts: 5 Member
    One of mine is pulled pork carnitas in a lettuce shell. I add spring mix, black beans, corn off cob sprinkled on it and an incredible avocado and cilantro sauce.
  • Roobyzooby
    Roobyzooby Posts: 189 Member
    Meals for dinner in my house, as I cook for myself, hubby and two kids. Often things like curry, but not creamy based sauces, chilli con carne, bolognese. Things you can make in a slow cooker, my hubby has an hour drive home and often held up in traffic. When we have meals like that, I have a smaller portion of rice or pasta than I would have done in the past, and have a salad on the side as well. Stuffed peppers, stuffed with ham and dry fried onions, lazy options, home made French bread pizza, then I can properly log the ingredients, poached eggs on toast...I have never made myself something different than the rest of the family, on the grounds of "can't eat that, I'm on a diet" I love my food and I find a way to make family favourite meals fit in to my calorie allowance.
  • melllief
    melllief Posts: 5 Member
    I'm lucky it's my husband and I an he's on board with whatever I do. He's such a good sport lol
  • kms234
    kms234 Posts: 132 Member
    Add me too please! Although I'm not "over 40" I can relate more to the stories posted in this thread than in any other I've read :)
  • kuksabs
    kuksabs Posts: 55 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am over 40 but will turn 50 next month. Please add me too
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Just turned 44, I too am finally in the best shape of my life and still working at getting better! Love all the support.
  • TheWickedPixie
    TheWickedPixie Posts: 6 Member
    add me please! 43 and looking for buddies to keep me on track
  • Kalpanapster
    Kalpanapster Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 58 - I log daily. Would love to be added to this group and have some fitness friends to help motivate me.
  • babscan73
    babscan73 Posts: 18 Member
    My 45 year old friend started up a FB page for others that are curvy and need support - feel free to follow her page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCurvyCanuck
  • Sunshinegrl312
    Sunshinegrl312 Posts: 11 Member
    Can anyone add me or tell me how to add on the mobile app? I went to some of your profiles to add and I don't see the add option? 47 and in need of motivational support. I'm in St. Paul, MN!
  • take2spicy
    take2spicy Posts: 296 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm 41
  • butterfly0175ssh
    butterfly0175ssh Posts: 13 Member
    Can I be added
  • pakydak
    pakydak Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Can I be added? 44 turning 45 in 2 months. I do fairly good during the week, then on the weekends blow it (like today)! Want to lose 40 pounds by Thanksgiving...